
Essential oil single

  • 100% Pure and Natural Organic Steam Distilled Cedar Leaf Oil | Eastern White Cedar Oil  Thuja Oil Bulk Wholesale Price

    100% Pure and Natural Organic Steam Distilled Cedar Leaf Oil | Eastern White Cedar Oil Thuja Oil Bulk Wholesale Price

    Incredible Benefits Of Thuja Essential Oil

    The health benefits of thuja essential oil can be attributed to its potential properties as an anti-rheumatic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insect repellent, rubefacient, stimulant, tonic, and vermifuge substance.

    What is Thuja Essential Oil?

    Thuja essential oil is extracted from the thuja tree, scientifically known as Thuja occidentalis, a coniferous tree. Crushed thuja leaves emit a pleasant smell, which is somewhat like that of crushed eucalyptus leaves, but sweeter. This smell comes from some of the components of its essential oil, predominantly some variants of thujone.

    The chief constituents of this oil are alpha-pinene, alpha-thujone, beta-thujone, bornyl acetate, camphene, camphone, delta sabinene, fenchone, and terpineol. This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of its leaves and branches. [1]

    Health Benefits of Thuja Essential Oil

    The amazing health benefits of thuja essential oil include the following: [2]

    May Help Relieve Rheumatism

    There are two main reasons responsible for rheumatism. First, the deposition of uric acid in the muscles and joints, and second, an improper and obstructed circulation of blood and lymph. For these causes, some properties of the essential oil of thuja may prove beneficial. First and foremost, it is a potential detoxifier by virtue of the possible diuretic properties that it possesses. Due to this, it may increase urination and thus speeds up the removal of the toxic and unwanted substances in the body such as excess water, salts, and uric acid through the urine.

    The second contributor is its possible stimulant property. Being a stimulant, it may stimulate the flow of blood and lymph, otherwise known as an improvement of circulation. This brings warmth to the affected places and inhibits uric acid from accumulating at those places. Combined together, these properties give relief from rheumatism, arthritis, and gout[3]

    May Act as an Astringent

    An astringent is a substance which can make muscles (tissues), nerves, and even blood vessels contract or shrink, and can sometimes have a cooling effect. Astringents that are meant for external applications may induce local contractions. One such example is the fluorides and other compounds used in toothpaste. To have this effect of contraction on all the organs of the body, the astringent needs to be ingested so that it mixes with the bloodstream and reaches all parts of the body.

    Most of those astringents are herbal products, just like the essential oil of thuja. Now, what happens when it is ingested? It may mix with the blood and induces contractions in the gums, muscles, skin, and at the roots of the hair which may strengthen the hold of gums on teeth, might make muscles firm, and possibly gives a lift to the skin, may prevent hair loss and makes you feel fit and younger. Furthermore, it makes the blood vessels to contract, which can slow down or stop hemorrhaging from torn or cut vessels.

    May Promote Urination

    Thuja essential oil’s possible diuretic property may make it a detoxifier. It may increase the frequency and quantity of urination. This may help keep the body healthy and free of diseases as it can remove the unwanted water, salts, and toxins like uric acid, fats, pollutants, and even microbes from the body. It can help cure diseases like rheumatism, arthritis, boils, moles, and acne, which are caused by the accumulation of these toxins. It can also help reduce weight by removing water and fat and helps get rid of problems like swelling and edema. Furthermore, the calcium and other depositions in the kidneys and urinary bladder are washed away with the urine. This prevents the formation of stones and renal calculi.

    Possible An Emmenagogue

    This property of thuja essential oil is very helpful for women. It may give them relief from obstructed menses as well as from the abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, and fatigue associated with periods. It can also make periods regular and keeps the female reproductive organs in good health by promoting the secretion of certain hormones like estrogen and progesterone.

    May Act As A Remedy for PCOS

    The journal of ethnopharmacology has published an article in 2015, which suggests that thuja essential oil is helpful in treating polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is possible due to the presence of the active compound called alpha-thujone in it. [4]

    May Clear Respiratory Tract

    One needs an expectorant for expelling phlegm and catarrh deposited in the respiratory tracts and lungs. This essential oil is an expectorant. It can give you a clear, decongested chest, help you breathe easily, clear out mucus and phlegm, and give relief from coughs. 

    Potential Insect Repellant

    Thuja essential oil has antimicrobial properties. The toxicity of this essential oil can kill many bacteria, insects and keeps them away from households or areas where it is applied. This is as true for parasitic insects like mosquitoes, lice, ticks, fleas, and bed bugs as it is for other insects found in households like cockroaches, ants, white ants, and moths. This oil can replace those costly, synthetic chemicals in mosquito and cockroach repellant sprays, fumigants, and vaporizers. [6] [7]

    May Act as a Rubefacient

    This is another outcome of the irritant property of thuja essential oil, which again comes from its stimulating properties. This oil can produce very mild irritation on the skin and stimulates the circulation of blood below the skin, which, when added together, makes the skin look red. Since it is more visible on the face, this property is called a rubefacient, meaning “Red Face”, property. Besides making you look more vibrant, this also helps in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin due to increased circulation of blood.

    May Stimulate Blood Circulation

    Besides stimulating blood circulation, thuja essential oil can stimulate the secretion of hormones, enzymes, gastric juices, acids, and bile, as well as stimulating peristaltic motion, and the nerves, heart, and brain. Furthermore, it can stimulate the regeneration of growth cells, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.

    May Improve Metabolic Functions

    The essential oil of thuja tones and fortifies, therefore making it a tonic. It can tone up all the functions in the body. It may improve metabolic functions like anabolism and catabolism while toning up the liver, stomach, and intestines, thus helping in growth. It can also tone up the excretory, endocrinal and nervous systems operating in the body and ensures proper excretion. Furthermore, it may promote the endocrinal secretions of hormones and enzymes and keeps you more alert and active. It tones up the immune system, protecting you from infections. And as you well know, a toned mind can only properly live in a toned body!

    Other Benefits

    It can be used to treat coughs, cystitis, warts, moles, and other eruptions, abnormal cellular growths, and polyps.

    Word of Caution: This oil is toxic, abortifacient, and irritating to the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Its smell may be very pleasant, but it is important to note that one should avoid excessive inhalation of it since it can produce irritation in the respiratory tract as well as nervous afflictions since it is made of neurotoxic compounds. It can also produce nervous afflictions and convulsions when taken in extreme amounts since the component thujone present in its essential oil is a potent neurotoxin. It should not be given to pregnant women.

  • Factory Bulk Customization Pure Organic Fragrance Oil Body Ravensara Essential Oil For Aroma Perfume New

    Factory Bulk Customization Pure Organic Fragrance Oil Body Ravensara Essential Oil For Aroma Perfume New

    Amazing Benefits Of Ravensara Essential Oil

    The health benefits of Ravensara essential oil can be attributed to its possible properties as a potential analgesic, anti-allergenic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antidepressant, antifungal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, relaxant, and tonic substance.

    A report published in the Flavour and Fragrance Journal stated that ravensara essential oil is a powerful oil from the mysterious island of Madagascar, that beautiful spot on the Eastern coast of Africa. Ravensara is a large rainforest tree native to Madagascar and its botanical name is Ravensara aromatica. Its essential oil is praised in Madagascar as a “Cure All” oil, in much the same way as tea tree oil is heralded in Australia. [1]

    Its essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of its leaves and contains alpha-pinene, delta-carene, caryophyllene, germacrene, limonene, linalool, methyl chavicol, methyl eugenol, sabinene, and terpineol.

    Ravensara holds a place in the traditional medicine system of Madagascar and has been in use for centuries as a tonic and fighting infections. Modern studies on this oil have revealed many other associated medicinal benefits. Let us see what they have discovered so far.

    Health Benefits of Ravensara Essential Oil

    The common health benefits of Ravensara essential oil are mentioned below.

    May Reduce Pain

    The analgesic property of Ravensara oil may make it an effective remedy for many types of pain, including toothaches, headaches, muscular and joint pain, and earaches.

    May Reduce Allergic Reactions

    According to a report published in the Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal by a team of researchers from Korea, ravensera oil itself is non-sensitizing, non-irritating and it reduces the allergic reactions of the body as well. Gradually, it may build resistance against allergenic substances so the body does not show hyper reactions against them. [2]

    May Prevent Bacterial Infections

    The most notorious bacteria and microbes cannot even stand to be near this essential oil. They fear it more than anything and there are sufficient reasons for that. This oil is fatal to bacteria and microbes and can wipe out entire colonies very efficiently. It may inhibit their growth, cures old infections, and stops new infections from forming. Therefore, it can be used against diseases resulting from bacterial and viral infections such as food poisoning, cholera, and typhoid.

    May Reduce Depression

    This oil is very good for countering depression and giving a boost to positive thoughts and feelings of hope. It may uplift your mood, relax the mind, and invoke energy and sensations of hope and joy. If this essential oil is systematically administered to patients suffering from chronic depression, it can help them gradually come out of that difficult situation.

    May Inhibit Fungal Infections

    Similar to its effect on bacteria and microbes, this oil is very harsh on fungi as well. It may inhibit their growth and even kills their spores. Therefore, it can be used against fungal infections in the ears, nose, head, skin, and nails.

    May Relieve Spasms

    People that are suffering from severe coughs, breathlessness, cramps, diarrhea, pulling pain in the abdomen, nervous afflictions, or convulsions due to spasms can find good relief using this oil. It fights spasms and induces relaxation in muscles and nerves.

    May Prevent Sepsis

    Sepsis is caused by a type of bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, which mainly infects open and unprotected wounds as well as soft and delicate internal organs. Sepsis is a big threat to the lives of newborn babies, as their skin is too delicate to withstand infections. Thousands of babies die every year due to this infection. This bacteria spread very rapidly and covers the whole body, causing acute pain in the muscles, cramps, abnormal muscular afflictions and contractions, convulsions, fever, and swelling.

    The essential oil of Ravensara has certain components like limonene and methyl eugenol (and others) which may not let this happen by killing this bacteria and inhibiting its growth. It can be ingested to let its effect spread evenly throughout the body.

    May Fight Viral Infections

    This efficient bacteria fighter is a virus fighter too. It may stop viral growth by rupturing the cyst (the protective coating on the virus) and then killing the virus inside. It is very good for fighting diseases caused by viruses such as the common cold, influenza, measles, mumps, and pox.

    May Enhance Libido

    The essential oil of Ravensara is known to be very good for curing frigidity or sexual dysfunction. It enhances the libido and also helps treat erectile dysfunctions.

    May Act as a Disinfectant

    What causes infections? Quite simply, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. As you have probably guessed, Ravensara essential oil can stop the growth of these bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, and can eliminate them as an ideal disinfectant. It is equally effective both internally and externally. It also disinfects the space within its aromatic reach if used in fumigants, vaporizers, and sprays. The added benefits are a sweet fragrance and no adverse side effects like many other synthetic disinfectants on the market.

    May Promote Urination

    The diuretic property of the essential oil of Ravensara may facilitate the removal of waste substances and toxins from the body by increasing urination, both in frequency and in quantity. It may also help remove excess water, salt, and fat from the body, thus keeping it safe from diseases associated with an accumulation of toxins, including rheumatism, gout, arthritis, acne, and boils. It can also reduce dangerous accumulations of water, known as edema, and salt, which can lead to hypertension and water retention in the body. Furthermore, it makes you feel lighter and facilitates digestion as well.

    May Act as an Expectorant

    Being an expectorant means being an agent that can dilute or loosen the phlegm or catarrh deposits in the respiratory system and ease their passage out of the body. An expectorant like Ravensara essential oil is necessary in cases of coughs, congestion, asthma and breathing troubles, and heaviness in the chest arising from the hardening of phlegm in the bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx, and lungs.

    May Reduce Stress

    The essential oil of Ravensara has been celebrated for centuries due to its relaxing and soothing properties. It is very good at inducing relaxation in cases of tension, stress, anxiety, and other nervous and neurological problems. It also calms and soothes nervous afflictions and disorders. According to a report published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine Journal, the relaxing effect of the oil helps bring healthy and restful sleep to patients suffering from insomnia. [3]

    May Act as a Tonic

    The essential oil of Ravensara has a toning and fortifying effect on the body. It may facilitate the absorption of nutrients into the body and helps every organ system function properly and more efficiently. In this way, it promotes growth and provides energy and strength. This oil is particularly good for growing children as a growth tonic.

    Other Benefits

    Ravensara oil has numerous other benefits. It can be used to treat improper blood and lymph circulation, fatigue, pain in muscles and joints, edema, indigestion, shingles, and herpes, says a report published in the International Journal of Biomedical Research. It also has a vulnerary property and helps heal wounds faster by protecting them from infections and crowding of leucocytes and platelets in the affected area. This oil can be used topically after blending it with a carrier oil, or a few drops can be added to the bath. [4]

    Word of Caution: This oil is completely safe, with no toxicity, phototoxicity, associated irritation or sensitization. Still, it is not recommended during pregnancy, since it has aphrodisiac properties. This means that it works on certain hormones whose secretion can have certain adverse effects during pregnancy.

    Blending: The essential oil of Ravensara blends well with a number of essential oils, like those of bay, bergamotblack peppercardamom, clary sage, cedarwood, cypresseucalyptusfrankincensegeraniumgingergrapefruitlavenderlemonmarjorampinerosemary sandalwood, tea tree, and thyme.

  • Wholesale bulk sale Pure Natural Magnolia Essential Oil for skin care body massage oil fragrance oil

    Wholesale bulk sale Pure Natural Magnolia Essential Oil for skin care body massage oil fragrance oil

    Magnolia Essential Oil Uses, Benefits

    Magnolia essential oil can be applied topically or diffused for stress relief or aromatherapy benefits. Magnolia has a sweet floral scent that promotes feelings of relaxation and peace while reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression when inhaled. When applied topically, it helps improve skin’s elasticity, tone, texture, brightness and appearance by moisturizing dry patches. Learn more about this floral essential oil!

    Magnolia essential oil is known for its emotional benefits and its heavenly aroma. This elusive oil can become a shining star in your oil collection, read more to find out Magnolia Essential Oil uses and benefits. You will also find several DIY Magnolia oil recipes and diffuser blends.

    Magnolia flowers have been used in Chinese traditional health practices for hundreds of years, where it has been cherished for its therapeutic benefits and steeped into a fragrant tea.

    The sweetly floral aroma of magnolia essential oil is sedative and relaxing, yet has uplifting actions.

    Magnolia Essential Oil Benefits

    Magnolia has been described as “heaven in a bottle”. Besides its wonderful aroma, check out these benefits you can enjoy when using topically or aromatically:

    • Relaxes the mind and body
    • Soothes and moisturizes the skin
    • Acts as a natural sedative (great for bedtime!)
    • Creates a calm and serene atmosphere
    • Stimulates the generation of new cells, beneficial for skin
    • Soothes aches and pains – has analgesic properties
    • Uplifts when feeling down and grounding when anxious
    • Promotes circulation and relieves congestion
    • Eases discomfort from abdominal or menstrual cramps (antispasmodic properties)

    Magnolia essential oil is also known for its anti-aging properties and ability to improve skin health. If you are looking for an all-natural way to improve your health and well-being, Magnolia essential oil may be right for you.

    Magnolia Essential Oil Uses

    Magnolia essential oil has a wide range of potential uses, from combating stress and anxiety to promoting restful sleep. This versatile oil can be used in diffusers, as a massage oil, or even added to a bath.

    Magnolia oil’s sweet, floral scent is also believed to boost self-esteem and confidence. In addition to its many benefits for mental and emotional wellbeing, magnolia essential oil is also said to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

    Though magnolia essential oil is relatively gentle, it should always be diluted before use. Now that you can see the benefits of magnolia oil, here are some ways you can enjoy this floral essential oil:

    Use Magnolia Oil as Natural Perfume

    Magnolia essential oil is a perfect natural perfume for those who are looking for something floral and elegant. It can be used on a diffuser necklace or bracelet.

    Magnolia oil is also said to have stress-relieving properties, making it an ideal choice for an evening out or special event. If you choose to wear it as a perfume, it is advisable to reapply every few hours to ensure that the scent lasts all day. 

    • Make an all natural perfume roll on – see recipe below
    • Add 2 drops to hair brush for amazingly scented hair
    • Add a few drops of magnolia to unscented lotion, hand cream, or body oil and apply to body in place of perfume

    Whether you are looking for a natural perfume, white jade orchid perfume, or simply wanting to try something new, Magnolia essential oil is definitely worth exploring.

    Inhale the Floral Scent of Magnolia

    Inhaling the oil of the magnolia flower can help to soothe anxiety, promote relaxation, reduce stress levels, and invite a sense of calm. In addition, magnolia oil can also help to improve sleep quality. Inhaling the oil before bedtime can help to promote restful sleep and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

    • Place one drop in the palm of hand, rub hands together then deeply inhale the aroma
    • Place 1-2 drops on the shower floor just before you get in
    • Diffuse to brighten the atmosphere and uplift spirits – see Magnolia Diffuser Blends below
    • Place one drop on a diffuser necklace for emotional support

      Use Magnolia Essential Oil for Skin Care Benefits

      Magnolia oil is gaining popularity for its skin care benefits. It’s known to be helpful in fighting acne, reducing inflammation, and evening out skin tone. Due to these properties, magnolia oil is an natural option for acne, eczema, and other skin conditions. 

      For best results, Magnolia essential oil should be diluted with a carrier oil before being applied to the skin. When used correctly, Magnolia essential oil can help to improve the overall appearance of your skin.

      • Create a custom facial serum by adding magnolia oil to carrier oils like jojoba or rosehip oil
      • Moisturize skin with a diluted blend of rose and magnolia oil

      Magnolia Diffuser Blends

      Magnolia diffuser blends can help to create a warm and inviting atmosphere in any home. Magnolia oil is known for its sweet, floral aroma, and its ability to boost mood. When combined with other essential oils, such as lemon or lavender, magnolia oil can help to freshen the air and provide a variety of benefits.

      Whether you are looking to create a relaxing environment or simply want to enjoy the fresh, floral scent of magnolia oil, diffusing a Magnolia Diffuser Blend is a great way to do it.


  • Factory direct bulk prices 100% pure natural top grade witch hazel oil for fragrance oil for candles

    Factory direct bulk prices 100% pure natural top grade witch hazel oil for fragrance oil for candles

    So, what exactly is witch hazel?

    To get technical, witch hazel (or Hamamelis Virginiana) is an essential oil from a shrub native to parts of the U.S. and Canada. It’s often the source of skincare debates (we’ll get to that later), but it’s peaking in popularity once again as a toning solution for acne-prone skin. It acts as an astringent, meaning it contracts and tightens your skin and pores. In other words, witch hazel is mother nature’s toner.

    The process for creating witch hazel is pretty simple. First, the liquid is extracted from the plant’s twigs, leaves, and bark. Then, it’s distilled with purified water, and that’s it—natural and simple skin-purifying goodness! Many over-the-counter formulas include rosewater or aloe vera to offset witch hazel’s sometimes-stripping properties, while others also include alcohol, which can be too harsh for sensitive skin.

    Benefits of witch hazel for skin

    There’s so many different ways people use witch hazel—here are the most popular uses for healthy, glowing skin. 

    • Reduce Inflammation: Witch hazel is great for treating acne due to its serious anti-inflammatory properties. It contains biomolecules called tannins which help to reduce swelling, repair broken skin, and even fight bad bacteria when applied directly to the skin.

    • Minimize Pores: Your pore size is largely due to genetics, but an astringent like witch hazel clears your pores and tightens them, which can help them to appear smaller.

    • Control Excess Oil: Oily, acne-prone skin can benefit from witch hazel as it controls excess oil which leads to blemishes. However, don’t overdo it! Stripped skin will overcompensate by producing even more oil, which totally defeats the purpose.

    • Soothe Skin Irritation: This do-it-all ingredient also has uses beyond your beauty routine. It has been used as a natural remedy for everything from treating itching caused by hemorrhoids to reducing varicose veins and scalp irritation. It’s also been used to treat skin conditions like cold sores, sunburns, insect bites, and even to soothe diaper rash and razor burns.

    • Antioxidant Protection: Witch hazel can help preserve your skin by detoxifying harmful pollutants, and it also has antioxidant properties that can protect your skin from future damage.

    And while we can’t vouch for the benefits of witch hazel as a natural remedy for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, or other chronic conditions, we do know it makes for a powerful add to most skincare regimens. Of course, you can and should consult a dermatologist if you’re unsure how you can best add or use witch hazel in your routine–with so many different ways to use it, you’re sure to find one that works for you.

  • 100% Natural High Quality Pure Natural Essential Dill Seed Oil  Dill Seed Essential Oil  Bulk Wholesale oil

    100% Natural High Quality Pure Natural Essential Dill Seed Oil Dill Seed Essential Oil Bulk Wholesale oil


    Some oils like Dil Seed oil, watermelon oil and cucumber seed oil are used as carrier oil which dilute the strong properties of essential oils and thus offer the medicinal benefits to users.Dill Seed Oil is obtained through steam distillation of dried seeds and the whole plant of dill known as Anethum Sowa. Dill Seed Oil contains D-Carvone, Dillapiol, Eugenol, Limonene, Terpinene and Myristicin.

    Dill seeds have been associated with magical healing powers since ancient times. Dill Essential oil contains flavonoids and vitamin E that induces sedative effects and can help in getting sound sleep and fight insomnia. The use of this oil must be avoided during pregnancybut is appropriate for nursing mothers.Dill Essential Oil can be applied directly to the skin or inhaled.

    Uses of Dill Seed oil

    • Used as a powerful disinfectant it prevents growth of bacteria or germs in Kidneys, urinary tract, colon and genitals.
    • Used in medicines for quick relief from spasms and stomach ulcers.
    • Can be used directly and included in food for consumption
    • Being highly sedative this can be used in aromatherapy for relaxing effect
    • Speed up the production of hormones within the body that produces a relaxing and calming feeling.
    • Dill attacks the cancerous cells and limits their growth.
    • Dill contains high amounts of calcium and is therefore considered a fantastic herbal supplement for helping strengthen the durability of bones in the human body.
    • Used as an ingredient in most cold remedies in order to get users quick relief and reduce the time cold lingers within the body.
    • Dill seeds aid in aiding bronchial & respiratory health
    • It supports the pancreas in reducing glucose and normalizing insulin.
    • Dill seeds and oils can be found within most herbal supplement stores.
    • Dill seeds may also be used as an ingredient in a popular food dish especially in sweet dishes where citrus type flavoring is required.


    Benefits of Dill Seed Oil

    • Dill seed oil can help get immediate relief in muscular spasms.
    • The oil offers relaxing effect on nerves, muscles, intestines and the respiratory system and pacifies spasmodic attacks, providing quick relief.
    • Prevents food damage caused due to microbes infection
    • It facilitates digestion by stimulating secretion of digestive juices
    • It helps in flatulence as it checks gas formation in the intestine
    • It increases the production of milk in the lactating mothers.
    • It keeps one?s stomach safe from infections and helps in the healing process of ulcers or wounds in stomach.
    • Dill essential oil promotes quick healing of wounds, either external or internal and also protects them from infections.
    • Dill oil enhances perspiration and thus helps body to get rid of excess water, salt and toxic substances
    • It helps ease constipation and cures colic.
  • All natural pure arnica oil with contains sweet almond  jojoba grapeseed  essential oils OEM relief arnica massage oil

    All natural pure arnica oil with contains sweet almond jojoba grapeseed essential oils OEM relief arnica massage oil

    Arnica Oil Background

    Arnica is a genus of perennial, herbaceous plants in the plant family Asteraceae (also called Compositae) of the flowering-plant order Asterales. It is native to the mountains of Europe and Siberia, and is also cultivated in North America. The genus name Arnica is said to be derived from the Greek word arni, which means lamb, in reference to arnica’s soft, hairy leaves.

    Arnica typically grows to a height of one to two feet with vibrant flowers similar to daisies and bright green leaves. Stems are round and hairy, ending in one to three flower stalks, with flowers two to three inches across. The upper leaves are toothed and slightly hairy, while lower leaves have rounded tips.

    Arnica is available as a 100 percent pure essential oil but should not be applied to skin before it’s diluted into the form of an oil, ointment, gel or cream. In any form, arnica should never be used on broken or damaged skin. The pure essential oil is actually not even recommended for aromatherapy purposes because it’s too potent for inhalation. Arnica is toxic when ingested at full strength but can be taken internally when diluted homeopathically.

    Impressive Health Benefits of Arnica Oil

    1. Heals Bruises

    A bruise is a discolored area of the skin on the body, which is caused by an injury or impact rupturing the underlying blood vessels. Healing a bruise fast by natural means is always desirable. One excellent natural remedy for bruises is arnica oil.  Simply apply the arnica oil to the bruise twice daily (as long as the bruised skin area is unbroken).

    A study out of Northwestern University’s Department of Dermatology found that topical application of arnica was more effective at reducing bruises than low-concentration vitamin K formulations. Researchers identified a number of ingredients in arnica that account for anti-bruising, including some that are caffeine derivatives.

    2. Treats Osteoarthritis

    Arnica has been shown in studies to be effective against osteoarthritis, making it an effective natural arthritis treatment. The use of topical products for symptom relief is common when it comes to osteoarthritis. A 2007 study published in Rheumatology International found that topical arnica was as effective as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-like ibuprofen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hands.

    Arnica was also found to be an effective topical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. A study out of Switzerland evaluating the safety and efficacy of topical arnica had both men and women apply arnica twice daily for six weeks. The study found that the arnica was a safe, well-tolerated and effective treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee.

    3. Improves Carpal Tunnel

    Arnica oil is an excellent natural remedy for carpal tunnel, inflammation of a very small opening just below the base of the wrist. Arnica oil helps with the pain associated with carpal tunnel and ideally can help sufferers to avoid surgery. However, for people who decide to have surgery, studies have shown that arnica can relieve pain after carpal tunnel release surgery.

    In a double-blind, randomized comparison of arnica administration versus placebo post-surgery in patients between 1998 and 2002, the participants in the group treated with arnica had a significant reduction in pain after two weeks. Arnica’s potent anti-inflammatory effects make it a smart choice for carpal tunnel syndrome.

    4. Relieves Sprains, Muscle Pain & Other Inflammation

    Arnica oil is a potent remedy for various inflammatory and exercise-related injuries. The positive effects of topically applying arnica have proven to be effective in reducing pain, indicators of inflammation and muscle damage, which in turn can improve athletic performance. Study participants who used arnica had less pain and muscle tenderness 72 hours after intense exercise, according to the results published in the European Journal of Sport Science.

    Arnica has been used in traditional medicine for everything from hematomas, contusions, sprains and rheumatic diseases to superficial inflammations of the skin. One of the constituents of arnica that makes it such a potent anti-inflammatory is helenalin, a sesquiterpene lactone.

    In addition, the thymol found in arnica has been found to be an effective vasodilator of subcutaneous blood capillaries, which helps facilitate the transport of blood and other fluid accumulations and acts as an anti-inflammatory to aid normal healing processes. Arnica oil also stimulates the flow of white blood cells, which process congested blood to help disperse trapped fluid from the muscles, joints and bruised tissue.

    5. Encourages Hair Growth

    Whether you are a man beginning to experience male pattern baldness or a woman seeing more daily hair loss than you would prefer, you might want to try arnica oil as a natural hair treatment. In fact, arnica oil is one of the best secret treatments for reversing hair loss.

    A regular scalp massage with arnica oil can provide invigorating nourishment to the scalp, which stimulates hair follicles to support the growth of new and healthy hair. Some claims have even been made that arnica can stimulate the growth of new hair in cases of baldness. You can also look for shampoos, conditioners and other hair products that include arnica oil as one of the ingredients to reap the benefits of arnica oil.

  • China Manufacturer  Pure Organic Calendula Oil Bulk Essential Oil 1kg For Skin massage

    China Manufacturer Pure Organic Calendula Oil Bulk Essential Oil 1kg For Skin massage

    What Is Calendula Oil?

    Calendula oil is gotten from the steam distillation of the petals of marigold plants. It’s mostly used in natural skincare products due to its maximum benefits. Calendula officinalis has antiseptic, antifungal, anti inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that help in treating skin conditions in both children and adults.

    Calendula extract isn’t just used for making essential oil. Most people use it in making calendula tea, calendula ointment, and sunscreen calendula oil, as it helps alleviate stress and discomfort.

    Dried calendula can be used as a herb when cooking, and processed into a tincture.

    What are the Health Benefits of Calendula Oil?

    Calendula benefits range from the treatment of allergic reaction to inflammatory skin conditions. It’s perfect for sensitive skin and can help reduce skin irritation.

    Here are some other healing properties of calendula essential oil you should know;

    Anti-Inflammatory Properties

    Calendula oil has a track record of effectively treating inflammations on the skin. When not treated properly, inflammation can lead to other health conditions like; cancer and diabetes. It can also cause various skin conditions like; rosacea and redness of the face.

    Applying calendula oil to your skin will help in reducing inflammation. It protects the skin from damages against free radicals that cause premature aging process.

    Antibacterial Effects

    The body is covered with numerous microbes, which helps to keep the skin healthy. An issue only rises when there’s an overgrowth of certain fungi or bacteria strains, and this is where calendula oil comes in.

    Calendula oil’s antibacterial properties make it useful in treating diaper rash, dandruff, bacterial vaginosis, and even vaginal yeast infections.

    Acceleration of Wound Healing

    Calendula oil may prove effective for healing wounds. As a healthcare professional, you can use calendula ointment and aloe vera to boost the recovery period of episiotomy, of course, while still administering standard hospital treatment.

    Researchers have proven that calendula ointments and standard care are more effective in treating wounds than just standard care.

    Calendula oil is a must-have first aid kit, so you can use it when you have cuts, minor burns, or scabs.

    Strengthen Immune and Digestive Systems

    The topical application of calendula oil has significant benefits on your health. It’s useful in treating internal wounds like; ulcers and heartburn. Calendula essential oil can help in repairing the gut walls in the stomach and relieve you of irritable bowel symptoms.

    Due to its antimicrobial benefits, calendula oil kills off infections caused by cold or flu.

    Decrease Rashes & Other Irritations

    Of all the benefits of calendula oil, this is the most mentioned in peer-reviewed studies, the treatment of skin irritations. Calendula oil is used in skincare because of its hydrating properties for dry skin.

    Calendula oil helps moisturize the skin while giving your skin UV protection against the sun.

    For smooth and supple skin, incorporate calendula oil into your skincare routine by adding a few drops into your favorite lotions.

    Also, it’s beneficial in treating allergies, but if it persists after continuous usage, you should consult your healthcare provider.

    You can purchase calendula balms and massage your lips with them daily to treat chapped lips.

    Diaper Rash

    Diaper rash happens due to infrequent diaper changing for children of diaper age.

    You can use calendula balm to treat diaper rash on your baby. It’s safe, making it perfect for your baby’s delicate skin.

    It’s commonly frequent for adults who use diapers as well. Topically applying calendula oil to the rash can bring instant relief and reduce the level of discomfort. You can also use aloe vera infused creams together with calendula oil to moisturize the affected area, so it’ll prevent the formation of more rashes.


    More research on the effectiveness of calendula oil in the treatment eczema and dermatitis needs to be done, as the research available now is very limited.

    Yes, it has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation, but there still isn’t enough evidence to list it as one of the treatments for eczema.


    The topical application of calendula oil on human skin can help ease acne outbreaks and remove irritating blackheads on the skin.


    Due to its wound healing properties, you can use it to get rid of psoriasis and itching blisters. Try applying calendula oil on the affected area for several weeks and watch it improve. Try out different calendula products, and if there are no changes, see your dermatologist.

  • Custom label pure natural top quality pomegranate seed oil massage

    Custom label pure natural top quality pomegranate seed oil massage

    What is Pomegranate Seed Oil?

    Pomegranate seed oil is a powerful and fragrant natural oil that is cold pressed from the seeds of the pomegranate fruit. Bearing the scientific name Punica granatum, pomegranate seeds and fruit are widely considered some of the healthiest fruit-based substances, due to their high concentrations of nutrients and antioxidants. The seeds of a pomegranate, also known as arils, are what people eat in this fruit and the cold-pressing of these seeds is done to acquire the potent oil. You will find pomegranate seed oil in many different cosmetic products, such as shampoos, soaps, moisturizers, and skin salves, but this oil is also used in aromatherapy and diffusers. This oil is extremely concentrated, so only a very small amount is required for the effects to be felt. The oil is not only on the expensive side, but can also cause allergic reactions, so culinary use is not common. However, internal consumption is considered safe in very cautious moderation. The many benefits of the oil come from its high levels of punicic acid, vitamin C, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and oleic acid, among various other active components. 

    Benefits & Uses of Pomegranate Seed Oil

    Using pomegranate seed oil is popular for people suffering from premature aging, wrinkles, skin inflammation, acne, psoriasis, dandruff, hair loss, high cholesterol levels, a weak immune system, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation, poor circulation, and arthritis, to name a few.

    Clears Acne

    Some people have reported that using this oil topically on the face can help to clear up signs of pimples and acne. The antibacterial and antioxidant effects of pomegranate seed oil can help eliminate the bacteria that causes acne and also rebalance oil levels on the skin. 

    Boosts Immune System

    There is a significant level of vitamin C in this oil, so if you do take it internally, it can provide a necessary boost to your body’s defenses. However, it is also effective for protecting the immune activity on the skin, preventing many of the airborne pathogens from taking hold on the body’s largest organ. 

    Improves Heart Health

    The combination of phytochemicals, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in pomegranate seed oil have a serious impact on overall heart health. This can help to lower “bad” cholesterol levels in the body and increase HDL cholesterol, while also boosting circulation and reducing blood pressure. This all helps to reduce your chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiac conditions. 

    Reduces Inflammation

    One of the most common ailments that affect the body is inflammation, whether it is in the tissues, blood vessels, organs or joints. Fortunately, there are quite a few anti-inflammatory properties in pomegranate seed oil that can help to reduce swelling and eliminate pain associated with conditions like arthritis, joint disorders, headaches, hemorrhoids, and edema, among others. 


    Diabetes Management

    Research has shown that pomegranate seed oil can have a notable effect on insulin resistance, which is very good news for someone who is living with diabetes or at high risk of developing the condition. This research is in the early stages, but the results thus far are very encouraging. 

    Skin Care

    One of the most popular uses of pomegranate seed oil is for the skin, considering that it can improve the appearance and health of your most visible organ. The antioxidant phytochemicals and vitamins found in this seed oil can help reduce signs of premature aging, improve collagen formation, and neutralize free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the skin. 

    Hair Care

    Massaging small amounts of pomegranate seed oil into the scalp is an excellent way to moisturize and stimulate blood flow. This can effectively boost the health of your hair, counter premature hair loss, eliminate dandruff, and even stimulate the growth of hair from healthy follicles. 

    Increases Circulation

    Increasing circulation in the body is an excellent way to prevent chronic disease, improve the efficiency of the immune system, and speed healing. This seed oil does have stimulant properties, which can also aid in weight loss efforts by optimizing your metabolism, lowering fat deposition levels and generally increasing energy, which makes people more active and fit! 

  • Customized high quality 100% Pepermint pure nature spa now gardenia laurel nature aromatherapy essential oils

    Customized high quality 100% Pepermint pure nature spa now gardenia laurel nature aromatherapy essential oils

    Benefits Of Gardenia Essential Oil

    There are quite a few notable benefits to gardenia essential oil, including reducing inflammation, preventing chronic disease, strengthening the immune system, stimulating sex drive, optimizing digestion and improving mood, as well as healing wounds and increasing milk production. There are a few side effects to using this essential oil, albeit a limited amount, and include skin irritation and inflammation, along with possible complication in pregnant women and with children.

    Gardenia essential oil is derived by extracting the compounds, active ingredients and volatile acids from the petals of the gardenia flower. Bearing the scientific name Gardenia jasminoides, the gardenia is an evergreen bush that produces white flowers and is native to China. It has been naturalized in other Asian nations, and more than 40 other species of gardenia exist in other temperate and subtropical regions around the world. This essential oil was traditionally extracted using enfleurage, which utilizes animal fats to pull out the essence of the flower, but this technique has been replaced with steam distillation to increase output and production. Most of the impressive health benefits of gardenia essential oil come from its high concentrations of benzyl and phenyl acetates, as well as linalool and terpineol, among various other antioxidants. [1]

    Gardenia Essential Oil Benefits

    Gardenia essential oil is best for people who are dealing with poor digestion, low sex drive, coughs, colds, flu, inflammatory conditions, chronic pain, a weak immune system, anxiety, stress, depression, fresh wounds, low milk production, and poor circulation.

    Reduces Inflammation

    When it comes to symptoms of inflammatory conditions, two very unique compounds in gardenia essential oil help to provide relief. Geniposide and genipin are both anti-inflammatory substances that can help soothe the digestive tract, eliminate aches and pains in the body, reduce arthritis symptoms and prevent headaches. When diffused, these effects can be even more successful than topical application. [2]

    Stimulates Sex Drive

    Traditionally, this oil has been used to stimulate sex drive and boost libido, particularly for men. But it can also be added to perfumes or baths to spice things up for women as well. The connection between the olfactory center and the limbic system (emotional control center of the brain) is well known and on clear display when it comes to this essential oil. [3]

    Speeds Up Wound Healing

    As a bactericidal substance, gardenia essential oil provides an added level of support to your immune system. In the case of a wound, scratch, scrape, bruise or cut, you should apply a small amount of this diluted essential oil to protect against any infections near the wound. This also helps internally, as this oil can stimulate healing and speed recovery of damaged tissues and blood vessels [4]

    Improves Mood

    One of the most popular uses of gardenia essential oil is in aromatherapy, primarily because of its effect on mood, anxiety and potential symptoms of depression. Adding this to a bath or diffusing it throughout your room can lower stress hormone levels and reduce oxidative stress in the body. [5]

    Boosts Immune System

    Antibacterial, antioxidant and antiviral compounds found in the essential oil of this flower can give your skin and internal system an extra layer of protection from pathogens, irritants and other foreign substances that can cause harm. By bolstering your immune system with gardenia essential oil, you can stimulate the production of white blood cells and neutralize free radical activity. [6]

    Alleviates Respiratory Issues

    Inhaling this essential oil, either with a face steamer, aromatherapy, or oil diffuser can provide effective and immediate relief from congestion, sore throats, clogged sinuses, and overall respiratory inflammation. The antibacterial qualities can also help attack the underlying infection. [7]

    Increases Milk Production

    As a galactagogue, gardenia essential oil can help women produce more breast milk after they have had their child. While this oil isn’t necessarily safe to consume during pregnancy, it can certainly help women after childbirth. Experts have also deemed this oil safe for breastfeeding women, as only a small amount of the active compounds will be passed through the milk. [8]

    Increases Circulation

    There are certain stimulant properties of this essential oil that can help boost circulation, which in turn deliver more oxygen and nutrients to parts of the body that need them most. This can increase cognition, prevent fatigue and anemia symptoms, and speed the healing process following injuries, illness or surgery. [9]

    Improves Digestive Health

    This oil is known to stimulate the probiotic activity in the gut to enhance digestion and maximize nutrient uptake, while also preventing the spread of certain bacteria and other pathogens in the gut, keeping your stomach functioning at its highest level!

    Gardenia Essential Oil Uses

    This essential oil can be used in many different ways, ranging from topical applications to general oil diffusion and aromatherapy. The versatility of this oil is why it is included in so many cosmetic and therapeutic products.

    Massage Oil

    The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of this oil make it an excellent choice as a massage oil. In fact, many people simply add a few extra drops of gardenia essential oil into another massage oil to improve its efficacy.

    Potpourri and Candles

    You will commonly find this essential oil as a constituent part of various candle recipes and potpourri. You can also add a few drops to your potpourri for an aromatherapy effect that can improve mood and lighten your spirit, while also providing a sweet scent to the room.

    Room Odor

    If you use an essential oil diffuser, gardenia essential oil is a very common choice, due to its unique sweet scent. The antibacterial qualities can cleanse your room or house of airborne pathogens, and also eliminate any odors from animals, smoke or food.


    Putting a few drops of gardenia essential oil into your bath will fill your bathroom with a wonderful aroma and provide a muscle-relaxing, stress-relieving atmosphere for your quiet time.

    Facial Steam

    You can add a few drops of this oil to a bowl of boiled water and then inhale the steam for a quickly and directly addressing respiratory infections, congestion, low energy, and fatigue.

    Side Effects of Gardenia Essential Oil

    The limited side effects of gardenia essential oil include inflammation or irritation of the skin, as well as individual complications based on age and medical condition. Generally speaking, however, this essential oil is extremely safe for personal use, provided you don’t consume it directly or use too much.

    • Skin Irritation – If you use an inappropriate amount of gardenia essential oil, or if you have sensitive skin, there is a good chance that you will experience an allergic reaction on the skin, including redness, itchiness, and irritation. Always apply a moderate amount of gardenia essential oil, often blended with other carrier oils, and first put it on a small patch of skin to see whether any reaction occurs.
    • Pregnancy and Children – Most experts do not recommend the use of gardenia essential oil for children or women who are pregnant. However, in the third trimester, this oil can be used to stimulate labor. Before using this oil, be sure to speak with your doctor, particularly if you are pregnant. However, as a galactagogue that increases milk production, it can be used for breastfeeding women.
  • High quanlity Therapeutic Grade Natural Benzoin Essential Oil Aromatherapy Diffuser Health Care

    High quanlity Therapeutic Grade Natural Benzoin Essential Oil Aromatherapy Diffuser Health Care


    You may be in for a surprise when you smell benzoin essential oil for the very first time, because it smells a lot like vanilla. This concentrated resinous oil is extracted from the gum resin of the benzoin tree (Styrax benzoin), which mainly grows in Malaysia, Indonesia, Sumatra and Java. The tree is tapped and when it exudes gum resin, it is used to create the oil. Benzoin trees are known to produce resin in this way for 15-20 years. These trees can grow up to 50 feet tall as they are native to tropical regions. When a benzoin tree is around seven years old, its bark can be tapped, much like a maple tree to collect the sap. The resin is harvested as a gum from the tree, also by making a small cut in the bark, and the tree oozes the sap/resin out. Once the crude tree resin is hardened, a solvent is added to extract the benzoin essential oil. Benzoin essential oil offers more than just nice smell. Often mentioned in aromatherapy guides, benzoin has an uplifting, warm scent that reminds many people of vanilla. It is a great addition to any medicine cabinet due its variety of medicinal properties, which we will further discuss in detail.


    In modern times, the benzoin essential oil is known to be used medicinally for treatment of wounds, cuts and blisters. Also, the consistency of the resin makes it ideal for its addition to cough and throat lozenges, along with certain cosmetic products. It is also known to be a common addition to perfumes, due to its sweet vanilla scent. While these are some of the most common uses of benzoin essential oil, it is also known to provide certain benefits to the mind and body.

    The oil is known to contain antimicrobial and disinfectant properties which can prevent infection in minor wounds and scratches. Benzoin oil is also known to be used in mouthwash, to clean the mouth and kill the bacteria that causes bad breath. It is also believed to have astringent properties which help tighten gums and reduce the swelling. Using benzoin oil, along with good oral hygiene can help keep the mouth clean and fresh.

    Benzoin essential oil not only helps you feel better, it is also believed to help you look better. It is known to be highly versatile when it comes to cosmetic skin care. The astringent properties mentioned earlier, can also prove to be highly effective as a toner. The benzoin oil is known to reduce the appearance and size of pores while cleaning the skin and also getting rid of the harmful microbes. It is also known to prevent moisture loss and thus keep your skin hydrated. A hydrated skin is the one that retains your complexion and gives you a healthy look. Similarly, some of the components of benzoin essential oil are also believed to boost the elasticity of the skin to maintain a spry appearance. This is also known to help reduce the wrinkles and fine lines.

    Similar to many other essential oils, benzoin essential oil is known to be effective in treatment of coughs and common cold. It supposedly heals the respiratory difficulties by removing the excess mucus that may cause infection. Benzoin essential oil is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate pain caused due to swollen joints and muscle stiffness.

    As mentioned earlier, the benzoin essential oil is known to provide healing effects for not just the body but also for the mind. Apparently, this oil has been used for thousands of years for its healing effects on the mind. Today, it is commonly used in yoga and massage therapy to calm your mind and body. Benzoin essential oil may also relieve anxiety and nervousness by bringing the neurotic system back to normal.

  • Professional Factory supplier offer  Blue Tansy Essential Oil For Cosmetic Skin Care Pure Nature

    Professional Factory supplier offer Blue Tansy Essential Oil For Cosmetic Skin Care Pure Nature

    What Is Blue Tansy?

    The blue tansy flower (Tanacetum annuum) is a member of the chamomile family, meaning the plant is related to the well-known chamomile plant. It’s used to make blue tansy essential oil that is most often applied topically to the skin.

    The blue tansy plant, which is most commonly harvested in Morocco and parts of the Mediterranean region, contains the compound chamazulene, a type of antioxidant that is known to have calming effects on the skin, as well as the ability to fight free radical damage that contributes to signs of aging. Chamazulene is also responsible for this oil’s signature blue color.

    This essential oil is described as having a sweet, earthy, herbal fragrance that is naturally relaxing, much like chamomile essential oil.


    1. Fights Inflammation

    Blue tansy oil contains several anti-inflammatory compounds, including:

    • Chamazulene (also called azulene)
    • Sabinene
    • Camphor
    • Myrcene
    • Pinene

    When applied to the skin these compounds can help decrease skin damage, swelling, redness and discomfort. They may even act like natural wound-healing agents and have the ability to fight signs of UV damage and aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.

    Another anti-inflammatory use for this oil is fighting bacteria that may cause infections and decreasing nasal congestion and inflammation within the respiratory system. For example, aromatherapists sometimes diffuse the oil or have people inhale it from a bowl of steaming water to improve breathing and break up mucus.

    2. Can Help Moisturize Skin/Prevent Dryness

    Blue tansy products are commonly used to help decrease dry skin and add moisture. Although more research is needed to confirm how effective and safe it is, it’s also used in some cases to treat burns, such as those caused by radiation treatments.

    3. Good Choice for Acne-Prone Skin

    While some facial oils are not recommended for people with acne-prone skin, blue tansy seems to help reduce breakouts and other signs of skin inflammation and irritation.

    4. Has a Naturally Calming Scent

    Blue tansy contains high amounts of the compound called camphor, which has a calming effect when inhaled. You can use blue tansy oil in aromatherapy to help you feel grounded and relaxed before bedtime or when you’re stressed.

    Try diffusing it in your home or inhaling it slowly from the bottle. It can also be added homemade room sprays, facial mists and massage oils.

    5. Can Help Repel Mosquitos

    Some studies have found that compounds present within blue tansy oil can deter insects and pests, including mosquitos, making it a great addition to natural and homemade bug sprays.

  • Factory Direct Selling High quality Organic 100% Pure Nature Blue Lotus Essential Oil In Bulk For Electric Diffuser

    Factory Direct Selling High quality Organic 100% Pure Nature Blue Lotus Essential Oil In Bulk For Electric Diffuser

    What is Blue Lotus Extract?

    The blue lotus is a captivating blue-purple flower with a bright yellow center. Similar to Jasmine, Blue Lotus is not steam distilled. Solvent extraction is used on the delicate blossoms instead to produce Blue Lotus absolute. Blue Lotus Touch is Blue Lotus absolute, or extract, in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

    What Is Blue Lotus Touch Used For?

    Squalene, the main chemical constituent in Blue Lotus is a natural part of your body’s ability to moisturize and hydrate the skin. Additionally, the Fractionated Coconut Oil in Blue Lotus Touch adds even more moisturizing and hydrating properties. Benzyl alcohol, another major constituent found in Blue Lotus, supports conditions for a clean, healthy scalp when applied topically. These constituent properties make Blue Lotus Touch a powerful and fabulous choice when it comes to skin and hair care.

    Apply Blue Lotus Touch as part of your morning or evening skin care routine for feelings of soft, hydrated skin. After showering, apply it to the scalp and hair. A nice side benefit to any topical application of Blue Lotus is the lingering aroma, which offers benefits of its own.