
Essential oil single

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    What Is Oregano Oil?

    Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is an herb that is a member of the mint family (Labiatae). It has been considered a precious plant commodity for over 2,500 years in folk medicines that originated across the globe.

    It has a very long use in traditional medicine for treating colds, indigestion and upset stomachs.

    You might have some experience cooking with fresh or dried oregano leaves — such as oregano spice, one of the top herbs for healing — but oregano essential oil is far from what you’d put in your pizza sauce.

    Found in the Mediterranean, throughout many parts of Europe, and in South and Central Asia, medicinal grade oregano is distilled to extract the essential oil from the herb, which is where a high concentration of the herb’s active constituents are found. It takes over 1,000 pounds of wild oregano to produce just one pound of oregano essential oil, in fact.

    The oil’s active ingredients are preserved in alcohol and used in essential oil form both topically (on the skin) and internally.

    When made into a medicinal supplement or essential oil, oregano is often called “oil of oregano.” As mentioned above, oregano oil is a considered a natural alternative to prescription antibiotics.

    How to Use

    Oregano oil can be used topically, diffused or taken internally (only if it’s 100 percent therapeutic grade oil). Ideally, you purchase 100 percent pure, unfiltered, Certified USDA Organic oregano oil.

    It’s also available as oregano oil soft gels or capsules to take internally.

    Before using oregano essential oil on your skin, always mix it with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil. This helps reduce the risk for irritation and adverse reactions by diluting the oil.

    To use it topically, mix three drops of undiluted oregano oil with a small amount of your carrier oil, and then apply topically by rubbing into the skin over the affected area.

    Oregano oil uses:

    • Natural Antibiotic: Dilute it with a carrier oil, and apply it topically to the soles of your feet or take it internally for 10 days at a time and then cycle off.
    • Battle Candida and Fungal Overgrowth: For toenail fungus, you can make a homemade antifungal powder that can be applied to your skin. Combine the ingredients with about 3 drops of oregano oil, stir and then sprinkle the powder onto your feet. For internal use, take 2 to 4 drops twice daily for up to 10 days.
    • Fight Pneumonia and Bronchitis: For external infections, apply 2 to 3 diluted drops to the affected area. To prevent internal bacterial overgrowth, ingest 2 to 4 drops twice daily for up to 10 days.
    • Fight MRSA and Staph Infection: Add 3 drops of oregano oil to a capsule or to the food or beverage of your choice along with a carrier oil. Take it twice daily for up to 10 days.
    • Fight Intestinal Worms and Parasites: Take oregano oil internally for up to 10 days.
    • Help Remove Warts: Make sure to dilute it with another oil or mix it with clay.
    • Cleanse Mold From the Home: Add 5 to 7 drops to a homemade cleaning solution along with tea tree oil and lavender.

    Oil of oregano contains two powerful compounds called carvacrol and thymol, both of which have been shown in studies to have strong antibacterial and antifungal properties.

    Oregano’s oil is primarily made of carvacrol, while studies show that the plant’s leaves contain a variety of antioxidant compounds, such as phenols, triterpenes, rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid and oleanolic acid.

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    Top 7 Uses for Cypress Oil

    1. Relieve Respiratory Issues and Cough

      A natural antispasmodic and respiratory tonic, cypress oil can help relieve respiratory issues, help clear the throat, reduce nasal and chest congestion, and can also treat a cough. To use, you can inhale directly from the bottle, or add a few drops to a diffuser or to a warm bath. For chest congestion, dilute 3-4 drops in a carrier oil and massage directly onto the chest area.

    2. Heal Minor Cuts and Wounds

      Because cypress essential oil is anti-microbial and anti-bacterial, it can help clean and heal cuts and wounds, preventing skin infections and scars. Be sure to dilute in a carrier oil before applying it to the skin. Please be advised that for significant cuts and deeper wounds, you should seek medical attention.

    3. Natural Remedy for Varicose Veins

      Cypress oil has been known to have an anti-inflammatory effect on varicose veins by naturally assisting in the increase of blood flow and improving circulation. By regularly applying a few drops of cypress oil, diluted in a carrier oil, and massaging onto the skin, cypress oil can help diminish the appearance of varicose veins over time.

    4. Reduce Acne

      Because of its anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, cypress oil is often recommended for treating acne as it can help kill the bacteria which causes and worsens acne conditions. Cypress oil is also a natural astringent and can help reduce the appearance of oil on the skin, without drying it out. This makes it a great spot treatment for the occasional pimple as well as a regular face treatment for acne prone skin. To use, apply a few drops (diluted in a carrier oil) directly onto the face after cleansing, avoiding the eye area.

    5. Deep Clean Pores

      As a pore cleanser, cypress oil naturally draws out toxins and impurities from the skin, helps to shrink pores, and firm loose sagging skin. With regular daily use, you can expect natural detoxification which will expose newly regenerated skin for an increased glow in your complexion! 

    6. Reduce Hair Loss

      Cypress essential oil can benefit the scalp by reducing hair loss and promoting new hair growth. With regular daily use, it improves the health and condition of the scalp, enabling the pores to naturally tighten thus stopping the hair loss cycle. It also helps to promote increased blood flow, strengthening the capillaries and regulating sebum production. This balance in turn strengthens the total hair follicle to promote healthy hair growth from within!

    7. Natural Remedy for Dandruff

      Because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, cypress oil can help treat dandruff, by attacking the bacteria or fungus that caused it, and relieve symptoms of flaking and itching of the scalp. Simply add a few drops to your shampoo or apply directly to the scalp (diluted in a carrier oil).

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    8 Cypress Essential Oil Benefits

    1. Heals Wounds and Infections

    If you’re looking to heal cuts fast, try cypress essential oil. The antiseptic qualities in cypress oil are due to the presence of camphene, an important component. Cypress oil treats both external and internal wounds, and it prevents infections.

    A 2014 study published in Complementary & Alternative Medicine found that cypress essential oil possesses antimicrobial properties that inhibited the growth of test bacteria. The study noted that cypress oil can be used as a cosmetic ingredient in soap-making because of its ability to kill bacteria on the skin. It is also used to treat sores, pimples, pustules and skin eruptions.

    2. Treats Cramps and Muscle Pulls

    Because of cypress oil’s antispasmodic qualities, it inhibits problems associated with spasms, such as muscle cramps and muscle pulls. Cypress oil is effective in relieving restless leg syndrome — a neurological condition characterized by throbbing, pulling and uncontrollable spasms in the legs.

    According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, restless leg syndrome can lead to difficulty falling asleep and daytime fatigue; people who struggle with this condition often have difficult concentrating and fail to accomplish daily tasks. When used topically, cypress oil reduces spasms, increases blood circulation and eases chronic pain.

    It is also a natural treatment for carpal tunnel; cypress oil effectively reduces the pain that is associated with this condition. Carpal tunnel is inflammation of a very smell opening just below the base of the wrist. The tunnel that holds the nerves and connects the forearm to the palm and fingers is very small, so it is prone to swelling and inflammation caused by overuse, hormonal changes or arthritis. Cypress essential oil decreases fluid retention, a common cause of carpal tunnel; it also stimulates blood flow and reduces inflammation.

    Cypress essential oil improves circulation, giving it the power to clear up cramps, as well as aches and pains. Some cramps are due to a buildup of lactic acid, which is cleared away with cypress oil’s diuretic properties, thereby relieving discomfort.

    3. Aids Toxin Removal

    Cypress oil is a diuretic, so it helps the body flush out toxins that exist internally. It also increases sweat and perspiration, which allows the body to quickly remove toxins, excess salt and water. This can be beneficial to all systems in the body, and it prevents acne and other skin conditions that are due to toxic buildup.

    This also benefits and cleanses the liver, and it helps lower cholesterol levels naturally. A 2007 study conducted at the National Research Center in Cairo, Egypt, found that isolated compounds in cypress essential oil, including cosmosiin, caffeic acid and p-coumaric acid, showed hepatoprotective activity.

    These isolated compounds significantly decreased glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, cholesterol levels and triglycerides, while they caused a significant increase in the total protein level when given to rats. The chemical extracts were tested on rat liver tissues, and the results indicate that cypress essential oil contains antioxidant compounds that can rid the body of excess toxins and inhibit free radical scavenging.

    4. Promotes Blood Clotting 

    Cypress oil has the power to stop excess blood flow, and it promotes the clotting of blood. This is due to its hemostatic and astringent properties. Cypress oil leads to the contraction of blood vessels, which stimulates the flow of blood and promotes the contraction of skin, muscles, hair follicles and gums. Its astringent properties allow cypress oil to tighten your tissues, strengthening hair follicles and making them less likely to fall out.

    The hemostatic properties in cypress oil stop the flow of blood and promote clotting when needed. These two beneficial qualities work together to heal wounds, cuts and open sores quickly. This is why cypress oil is helpful in reducing heavy menstruation; it can also serve as a natural fibroid treatment and endometriosis remedy.

    5. Eliminates Respiratory Conditions

    Cypress oil clears up congestion and eliminates phlegm that builds up in the respiratory tract and lungs. The oil calms the respiratory system and works as an antispasmodic agent — treating even more severe respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Cypress essential oil is also an antibacterial agent, giving it the ability to treat respiratory infections that are caused by bacterial overgrowth.

    A 2004 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that a component present in cypress oil, called camphene, inhibited the growth of nine bacteria and all yeasts studied. This is a safer alternative than antibiotics that can lead to damaging side effects like leaky gut syndrome and loss of probiotics.

    6. Natural Deodorant 

    Cypress essential oil has a clean, spicy and masculine fragrance that lifts the spirits and stimulates happiness and energy, making it an excellent natural deodorant. It can easily replace synthetic deodorants because of its antibacterial properties — preventing bacterial growth and body odor.

    You can even add five to 10 drops of cypress oil to your house-cleaning soap or laundry detergent. It leaves clothes and surfaces bacteria-free and smelling like fresh foliage. This can be particularly comforting during the winter season because it stimulates feelings of joy and happiness.

    7. Relieves Anxiety

    Cypress oil has sedative effects, and it induces a calm and relaxed feeling when used aromatically or topically. It is also energizing, and it stimulates feelings of happiness and ease. This can be particularly helpful for people who are undergoing emotional stress, having trouble sleeping, or have experienced recent trauma or shock.

    To use cypress essential oil as a natural remedy for anxiety and anxiousness, add five drops of oil to a warm-water bath or diffuser. It can be especially helpful to diffuse cypress oil at night, beside your bed, to treat restlessness or symptoms of insomnia.

    8. Treats Varicose Veins and Cellulite

    Because of cypress oil’s ability to stimulate blood flow, it serves as a varicose veins home remedy. Varicose veins, also known as spider veins, occur when pressure is placed on blood vessels or veins — resulting in the pooling of blood and bulging of veins.

    According to the National Library of Medicine, this can be caused by weak vein walls or a lack of pressure exerted by tissues in the leg that allow the veins to transport blood. This increases the pressure inside of the veins, causing them to stretch and widen. By applying cypress essential oil topically, blood in the legs continues to flow to the heart properly. 

    Cypress oil can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite, which is the appearance of orange peel or cottage cheese skin on the legs, butt, stomach and back of the arms. This is often due to fluid retention, lack of circulation, weak collagen structure and increased body fat. Because cypress oil is a diuretic, it helps the body remove excess water and salt that can lead to fluid retention.

    It also stimulates circulation by increasing blood flow. Use cypress oil topically to treat varicose veins, cellulite and any other condition that is caused by poor circulation, such as hemorrhoids.


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    Benefits of Thyme for Health

    Like many valued herbs, thyme is an excellent source of antioxidants, specifically vitamins C and A, which are essential for a variety of functions such as immune health. Thyme is also rich in minerals like copper, iron, and manganese.

    And while supporting your immune system is key in preventing illness, thyme and thyme essential oil even has a history in folk remedies for respiratory conditions, including bronchitis and coughs, thanks to a component known as thymol.

    As demonstrated in a study from the European Respiratory Journal in 2013, thymol can help suppress the urge to cough by modulating the beta-2 receptors and the mucociliary response.

    Aside from immune and respiratory health, thyme may also be helpful for gastrointestinal health thanks to its antimicrobial properties, which may help protect your gut’s microbiome and protective gastric mucus layers from “bad” bacteria.

    For these reasons, thyme essential oil is an incredibly versatile substance for everyday life. But what’s more is that it’s great for skin care, as well!

     Benefits of Thyme Essential Oil for Skin

    Thyme essential oil has a prominent history in skin care. Its been especially useful in cases of rashes, lesions, and common skin irritations like eczema (atopic dermatitis).

    According to one study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, an antifungal topical cream made with 3% thyme essential oil was effective for healing lesions caused by fungal infections.

    Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, thyme essential oil may also have benefits for those with atopic dermatitis. According to one 2018 study in International Immunopharmacology, it was found that thymol can inhibit the inflammatory response. It was also suggested to abate the swelling of the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin.

    That’s why we made our own Fruit Pigmented® Tinted Moisturizer with a combination of thyme, carrot root, and acai oil. This formula helps to hydrate and calm the skin for a clear, refreshed complexion.

    In the case of using thyme essential oil for acne, this herb’s antimicrobial properties can definitely come in handy!

    While acne can be caused by a number of factors like diet, hormonal imbalance and reactions to certain products, it’s most commonly caused by bacteria – specifically, P. acnes. But with the help of thymol’s antibacterial effects, thyme essential oil can help prevent the onset of breakouts.

    Try using the 2nd Skin Concealer – which is made with thyme – to conceal blemishes while actively fighting acne swelling and inflammation.

    Benefits of Thyme Oil for Hair Growth

    With its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it’s no surprise that thyme essential oil is often used for hair growth and scalp health!

    In the scalp, thyme can help lessen dandruff by preventing inflammatory bacteria and nourishing the follicle, creating a healthy environment for new hair cells. Thyme can even stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, to encourage hair growth.

    These benefits don’t just apply to the hair on your scalp: thyme essential oil can also support eyelash and eyebrow growth. Its antimicrobial benefits are especially useful in these cases, as our eyes are already working hard to prevent pathogens from entering our bodies.

    We use thyme in our Green Tea Fiber Brow Builder, which works to create fuller brows with the help of stimulating coffee beans and green tea.

    For lashes seekinglength and volume, we love our Fruit Pigmented  Ultra Lengthening Mascara. This best-selling formula nourishes lash follicles with thyme, oat protein, and wheat protein, along with antioxidant-rich blackberry and blackcurrant.


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    Thyme Oil Benefits

    1. Treats Respiratory Conditions

    Thyme oil drains congestion and cures infections in the chest and throat that cause the common cold or cough. The common cold is caused by over 200 different viruses that can attack the upper respiratory tract, and they’re spread in the air from person to person. Common causes of catching a cold include a weakened immune system, lack of sleep, emotional stress, mold exposure and an unhealthy digestive tract.

    Thyme oil’s ability to kill infections, reduce anxiety, rid the body of toxins and treat insomnia without drugs makes it the perfect natural remedy for the common cold. The best part is it’s all natural and doesn’t contain the chemicals that can be found in medications.

    2. Kills Bacteria and Infections

    Due to thyme components like caryophyllene and camphene, the oil is antiseptic and kills infections on the skin and within the body. Thyme oil is also antibacterial and inhibits bacterial growth; this means that thyme oil is able to treat intestinal infections, bacteria infections in the genitals and urethra, bacteria that builds up in the respiratory system, and heals cuts or wounds that are exposed to harmful bacteria.

    A 2011 study conducted at the Medical University of Lodz in Poland tested thyme oil’s response to 120 strains of bacteria isolated from patients with infections of oral cavity, respiratory and genitourinary tracts. The results of experiments showed that the oil from the thyme plant exhibited extremely strong activity against all of the clinical strains. Thyme oil even demonstrated a good efficacy against antibiotic-resistant strains.

    Thyme oil is also a vermifuge, so it kills intestinal worms that can be very dangerous. Use thyme oil in your parasite cleanse to treat round worms, tape worms, hook worms and maggots that grow in open sores.

    3. Promotes Skin Health

    Thyme oil protects the skin from harmful bacteria and fungal infections; it also works as a home remedy for acne; heals sores, wounds, cuts and scars; relieves burns; and naturally remedies rashes.

    Eczema, or example, is a common skin disorder that causes dry, red, itchy skin that can blister or crack. Sometimes this is due to poor digestion (like leaky gut), stress, heredity, medications and immune deficiencies. Because thyme oil helps the digestive system, stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body through urination, relaxes the mind and functions as an antioxidant, it’s the perfect natural eczema treatment.

    A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition measured changes in antioxidant enzyme activity when being treated with thyme oil. The results highlight the potential benefit of thyme oil as a dietary antioxidant, as thyme oil treatment improved brain function and fatty acid composition in aging rats. The body uses antioxidants to prevent itself from the damage caused by oxygen, which can lead to cancer, dementia and heart disease. A bonus to consuming high-antioxidant foods is that it slows the aging process and leads to healthy, glowing skin.

    4. Promotes Teeth Health

    Thyme oil is known to treat oral problems like tooth decay, gingivitis, plaque and bad breath. With its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, thyme oil is a natural way to kill germs in the mouth so you can avoid oral infections, so it works as a gum disease natural remedy and cures bad breath. Thymol, an active component in thyme oil, is used as a dental varnish that protects the teeth from decay.

    5. Serves as Bug Repellent

    Thyme oil keeps away pests and parasites that feed on the body. Pests like mosquitoes, fleas, lice and bed bugs can wreak havoc on your skin, hair, clothes and furniture, so keep them away with this all-natural essential oil. A few drops of thyme oil also repels moths and beetles, so your closet and kitchen are safe. If you didn’t get to the thyme oil quick enough, it also treats insect bites and stings.

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    7 Benefits of Black Pepper Essential Oil

     1.  Soothes Pain

    Like many oils, black pepper essential oil has warming, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties.  This can help reduce pain from tired or injured muscles.  It eases cramps, improves tendonitis as well as relieves symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.  This is because the warming effect improves your blood circulation when you massage the oil into your muscles.

     2.  Eases Anxiety

    Black pepper essential oil is known to reduce anxiety and stress.  The peppery, musky aroma helps calm you down by soothing nerves and relaxing your muscles. Ultimately, this restores balance to your emotions and can improve your mood tremendously.

    For those of you trying to quit smoking, black pepper essential oil helps reduce the associated cravings and anxiety. Certain withdrawal symptoms have been shown to decrease too, like the breathing sensations people commonly experience.

     3.  Cleanses Your Body

    The warming quality of black pepper essential improves circulation which works to help you both sweat and urinate.  Your natural eliminatory system works to remove excess fats, salt, water, urea and uric acid from your body.  Uric acid is associated with joint pain, arthritis and gout.

    Your body can become toxin-free, helping you feel that much healthier as you lose weight and lower your blood pressure.  Glucose tolerance and liver function may improve too.

     4. Stimulates Appetite

    Black pepper essential oil has a unique peppery smell, which helps stimulate your appetite.   Inhaling black pepper essential oil also activates the part of your brain called the insula orbitofrontal cortex, which assists your swallowing movement.  This is especially helpful for people who have suffered strokes or have difficulty swallowing.

     5. Fights Germs

    Black pepper essential oil is antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial, which makes it a great choice for cleaning.  Blend it with citrus oils in your favourite green cleaning recipe.

    Inhaling Black Pepper oil is useful for preventing viral infections such as colds and flu.  It also helps clear upper respiratory infections.  Or apply it to a congested chest to help loosen mucus so that you can cough it up more easily.

     6. Aids Digestion

    For those of you with digestive issues, inhaling black pepper essential oil can help stimulate your digestive system. This means your body secretes digestive juices properly with the right enzymes to ensure effective digestion.

    Massaging your stomach with a black pepper oil blend can improve indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea, constipation and excess gas.  If you are suffering constipation or dealing with symptoms of IBS, black pepper essential oil can help with that too.

     7.  Improves Skin

    Black pepper essential oil is power-packed with antioxidants which protect your body from free radicals that cause aging and disease.  It also helps to reverse free radical damage already done.

    The warming quality of black pepper essential oil improves circulation.  This boosts cell pregeneration and collagen production which helps decrease the appearance of fine lines.  It also allows your skin to heal blemishes and bruises more quickly.


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    Black Pepper Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

    1. One of Black Pepper essential oil’s unique qualities is its ability to provide warm sensations when applied topically. This factor makes it a perfect oil to use in a relaxing massage blend. Create your own warming and soothing massage blend by combining one to two drops of Black Pepper essential oil with a carrier oil. Using Black Pepper essential oil in a massage blend not only provides warm sensations during a massage, its aromatic components also help enhance your relaxing experience.
    2. Need a good way to calm unwanted nerves? Black Pepper is a great way to relieve anxious feelings. When used aromatically, Black Pepper essential oil can help soothe tightened emotions. To relieve yourself of anxious feelings, place a few drops of Black Pepper essential oil into a diffuser or inhale it directly to receive its aromatic benefits.
    3. Black Pepper is a powerful essential oil with amazing uses and benefits. With the right combination of essential oils, its effects can be amplified. When you combine Black Pepper essential oil with Juniper Berry oil and/or Cedarwood oil, it can help produce a calming and grounding effect on your senses and emotions, and can help you destress and relax.
    4. Preparing a delicious barbeque for your friends or family? Don’t forget to use Black Pepper essential oil. For an unforgettable steak, try adding a drop of Black Pepper to your steak marinade. This well-known spice can add a zing to your steak that will have the whole family wanting to know your marinade’s secret ingredient.
    5. After a peaceful afternoon nap, it’s not uncommon to wake up feeling groggy or maybe even more tired than you were before you dozed off. In instances like this, Black Pepper essential oil is a great oil to have. After an afternoon nap, apply a few drops of Black Pepper oil to the bottom of your feet for a stimulating wake up. The warming sensation of Black Pepper will provide you with the boost you need to transition from your sleepy state to a ready-to-go mentality.
    6. Black Pepper essential oil contains many natural chemicals that are important in supporting natural functions of the body. Some of these chemicals include monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are known for their antioxidant activity when ingested.To provide your body with greater antioxidant support, put one or two drops of Black Pepper oil into a Veggie Capsule and take internally.
    7. Experiment in your kitchen by using Black Pepper essential oil in your next dish. Black Pepper essential oil is flavorful and can provide a burst of spice that will elevate a variety of different home cooked meals. Try adding Black Pepper oil to your meats, soups, or entrees to enhance food flavor and produce delicious results your taste buds will not easily forget. Or try combining Black Pepper with Clove oil and/or Cilantro oil to give your next meal a hint of spice.
    8. Sometimes a walk in the fresh, crisp air of winter is just what the soul needs. Make sure to prepare correctly for your chilly stroll by using Black Pepper oil. Apply one drop of Black Pepper essential oil to a carrier oil and apply to the bottom of your feet before you take your winter walk.  Black Pepper’s chemical makeup allows for a warming sensation to overcome the area where it has been applied topically. Keep your feet warm by using Black Pepper oil on your feet. Taking a drop in water or a Veggie Capsule may also help support healthy circulation.* This essential oil is an ideal companion for a comfortable and refreshing seasonal walk.
    9. Enjoy your favorite seasons with good health by using Black Pepper essential oil. Because Black Pepper has certain natural chemicals such as monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, it can support the immune system when needed most.* To better protect your health, take one to two drops of Black Pepper oil in a Veggie Capsule when seasonal threats are high.
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    Fennel Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, & Recipes

    Supports Digestive Health

    Fennel Essential Oil is a great oil to go to for various mild digestive concerns. According to an elaborate review of fennel oil, it possesses antispasmodic activity that may alleviate discomfort caused by spasms. The review also concluded on fennel oil’s ability to reduce gas, improve motility, and more.

    Aids Relaxation

    Fennel Essential Oil is often used to promote a calming atmosphere. It centers, calms and soothes emotion. Try adding it to your diffuser or make a massage oil to utilize its many properties.

    Supports Women’s Wellness

    One study found that since Fennel contains naturally occurring chemicals that highlight its antispasmodic property, it may also soothe menstruation cramps. This review also mentioned that Fennel Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-stress activities, which may ease moderate pain, hot flashes, and mood swings associated with menstruation. Due to the high content of trans-anethole in this essential oil, avoid use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have endometriosis, or have any estrogen-dependent cancers.


    Fennel Essential Oil is also known for its stimulating qualities. It promotes activity from your head to your toes! Because of this oil’s properties, it can also be energizing to the neural system. This effect may provide support for those looking for a boost of energy.

    Supports Respiration

    Due to Fennel Essential Oil’s promotion of respiration support, this oil may help promote a clear respiratory tract. It is a powerful addition to all-natural products, especially if you want to combat seasonal threats and improve immunity.

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    Benefits of Fennel Essential Oil

    1. Helps Heal Wounds

    Studies were conducted in Italy of various essential oils and their effects on bacterial infections, specifically of the breasts in animals. The findings indicated that fennel essential oil and cinnamon oil, for example, produced antibacterial activity, and as such, they’re representational of possible ways to address some bacteria strains. Furthermore, fennel essential oil has certain compounds that help protect wounds from becoming infected. 

    In addition to staving off infection, it also can speed up wound healing, so if you’re looking to heal a cut, for instance, fennel oil is a good natural option.

    2. Reduces and Prevents Spasms in the Gut

    Spasms in the gut are no laughing matter. They can be extremely painful, causing coughing, hiccups, cramps in the intestinal area and convulsions. Fennel essential oil may have a relaxing effect on your body, including the muscles in the intestinal region. This relaxation of the gut can really make a difference if enduring a spasmodic attack, giving you quick relief from muscle spasms in the gut.

    According to recent research conducted by the Department of Pediatrics at St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postdoctoral Education in Russia, fennel seed oil has been shown to reduce intestinal spasms and increase the movement of cells in the small intestine of infants, in particular through studies of infants who have colic. The use of fennel oil emulsion eliminated colic, according to the Wessel criteria, in 65 percent of infants in the treatment group, which was significantly better than 23.7 percent  of infants in the control group.

    The findings, published in Alternate Therapies in Health and Medicine, noted there was a dramatic improvement of colic in the treatment group, concluding that fennel seed oil emulsion helps decrease the intensity of colic in infants.

    3. Contains Antioxidants and Antimicrobial Characteristics

    Fennel essential oil is a high-antioxidant compound that holds antimicrobial characteristics. A study published in the Flavour and Fragrance Journal examined the activity of the essential oil from seeds native to Pakistan. The analysis of the fennel essential oil showed that there are about 23 compounds with impressive amounts of total phenolic and bioflavonoid contents.

    This means fennel oil fights free radical damage and provides antimicrobial activity against some strains of bacteria and pathogenic fungi.

    4. Relieves Gas and Constipation

    While lots of vegetables can cause abdominal cramping, gas and bloated stomach, especially when eaten raw, fennel and fennel essential oil may do the opposite. Fennel essential oil can help to clear the bowels, relieve constipation, and get rid of gas and bloating, providing much-needed relief. Amazingly, it can even help eliminate the formation of additional gases. 

    If you have chronic gas issues, fennel essential may do the trick. You can add one or two drops of fennel essential oil to your favorite tea to see if it helps.

    5. Treats Digestive Issues

    There are numerous plants known to help with digestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with common characteristics, such as being bitter, very aromatic and rather pungent. Ginger, peppermint, anise and chamomile are a few examples, in addition to fennel.

    Fennel goes a bit deeper in this category because it’s a volatile oil, which means it evaporates rapidly, passing off readily in the form of vapor and, therefore, possibly providing relief sooner than later. This process is part of what helps with digestion and IBS symptoms. As noted above, fennel essential oil helps relieve gas, bloating and constipation, but it can also help eliminate diarrhea.

    Specifically, fennel’s main volatile oil is known as anethole. Anethole is pretty amazing, even serving as a possible cancer fighter. It does this by preventing the activation of a “gene-altering inflammation-triggering molecule associated with cancer known as NF-kappaB.” 

    You can simply rub two drops of fennel oil combined with a carrier oil onto your tummy for quick relief.

    6. Aids in Weight Loss

    Fennel has a long history of use as a weight-loss aid. Fennel seeds are known to have been eaten during Lent and fasts to stave off hunger and stimulate movement in the digestive system. Fennel seed essential oil can help support weight loss because it can boost your metabolism while suppressing your appetite.

    Fennel also has the ability to help minimize fat deposits in the bloodstream by using stored energy sources. Eating a balanced diet is the best approach for any weight loss — therefore, I recommend adding small amounts of fennel into your diet with other foods and in teas

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    What is Juniper Berry Oil? And How to Make It?

    Juniper Berries: It is a feminine seed cone created by the numerous species of junipers. It’s not a factual berry but a cone with remarkably plump and fused scales, which gives it a berry-like presence. Very atypical species of juniper cones, specifically Juniperus communis, are used as a spice, mainly in the cuisine of European, and also give gin its distinctive flavor. Juniper berries are among the only spices derivative from conifers, along with spruce buds.

    How to Make Juniper Berry Oil:
    Pure Juniper berry oil is obtained by using steam distillation process of wood, the needles and powdered fruits of juniper, heaving the scientific name Juniperus communis.

    Benefits of Juniper Berries:
    ➠ Release oxidative stress and help avoid disease: One major benefit of juniper berries is the antioxidants they contain. It helps the body to avoid and fight disease as they relieve oxidative stress triggered by too many free radicals in the system.
    ➠ Usual Antiseptic: The uncontaminated and anti-fungal potentials of juniper berries have stood the test of time which resultant that juniper berry essential oil is frequently suggested as a natural household cleaning agent. These berries have convincing effects on several strains of bacteria and fungi
    ➠ Recovers skin conditions: juniper berries, specifically in the form of essential oil, treat skin issues like rash or eczema. The antioxidants it contains are possibly one major cause to make skin effective.
    ➠ helps to improve digestion: Juniper berry oil has been considered from long time as a digestive aid in folk medicine.
    ➠ Helps soothing sleep: Many natural health practitioners in dose juniper berry essential oil as a relaxant and trust it has a positive influence on brain chemistry, encouraging rest.
    ➠ It may be useful against certain cancers: Many herbs and foods that have substantial antioxidant activity are studied for their potential impact on diseases like cancer.
    ➠ Good for Heart: Juniper berries can help to improve heart due to its antioxidant qualities
    ➠ Juniper essential oil can be included as part of a diabetic diet plan
    ➠ May help treat Leishmaniasis


    Juniper Berry Oil – Useful for Skin & Hairs

    It helps to regulate hormones and recover skin conditions caused by hormonal imbalances, leaving the skin healthy and more even, as well as less reactive to external

    1. Natural cleanser: They help to remove toxic chemicals from body cells, support natural functions of the body, and promote overall well-being.

    2. Soothing Massage: Augment your skin with the best of essential oils, while enjoying a relaxing massage. For a wonderful massage blend, combine Juniper Berry essential oil with Coconut Oil for a soothing, cleansing massage. Juniper Berry Essential oil holds influential topical cleansing benefits which help to cleanse the skin. The aroma of this oil helps to provide a calming, grounding effect that is flawless for any massage.

    3. Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Hair Care: Woman using oil for healthy hair. Again, essential oils works as miracle on hair and scalp as they are exactly that – strong and effective, yet gentle enough for use on sensitive skin types. It has antibacterial properties which help to treat scalp infection and keep it dandruff free.

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    Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits

    What is juniper berry essential oil good for? Today, juniper berry essential oil (called Juniperi communis in most research studies) is most commonly used in natural remedies for sore throat and respiratory infections, fatigue, muscle aches and arthritis. It can also help soothe skin flair-ups, boost the immune system, help with insomnia and aid with digestion.

    Research shows juniper berry essential oil contains over 87 different active constituent compounds, including strong antioxidants, antibacterials and antifungals. With a sweet, woodsy smell (some people say it’s similar to balsamic vinegar), this oil is a popular addition to household cleaning products, aromatherapy blends and fragrance sprays.

    11 Juniper Berry Essential Oil Uses (and Benefits)

    What is juniper berry essential oil used for?

    1. Can Relieve Bloating

    Juniper berries have both antibacterial and antifungal properties. One of the most popular homeopathic uses for juniper berries is using them to prevent or naturally remedy urinary tract infections and bladder infections.

    The berries are also a natural diuretic, which helps the body flush out excess fluids from the bladder and urethra. This has the potential to reduce bloating. This is especially effective when combined with other antibacterial and diuretic foods, including cranberries, fennel and dandelion.

    2. May Help Heal and Protect Skin

    With natural antibacterial abilities, juniper berry essential oil is one of the most popular natural remedies for fighting skin irritations (like rash or eczema) and infections. (6) Due to its antiseptic abilities, it can serve as a home remedy for acne and some people also like to use juniper oil for hair and scalp concerns like dandruff.

    Use 1 to 2 drops mixed with a carrier oil as a gentle astringent or moisturizer after washing your face. You can also add some to your shower to help treat blemishes and foot odors and fungus. For hair and scalp, you can add a few drops to your shampoo and/or conditioner.

    3. Boosts Digestion

    Juniper can help stimulate digestive enzymes and make it easier to break down and absorb protein, fats and nutrients from foods. This is because it is a “bitter.” Bitters are herbs that begin the digestive process.  However, this has not been tested thoroughly on humans. But it has proven to hold true in at least one animal study, in which cows had significantly improved digestion when given garlic and juniper berry essential oils. Some people talk about juniper berry essential oil for weight loss, but this benefit also hasn’t been backed by any solid human studies.

    For a natural digestive aid or liver cleanse, you can try taking juniper oil as a dietary supplement by adding 1 to 2 drops to a smoothie or water (but only do this if you’re sure you have 100 percent pure therapeutic-grade oil). You may want to consult with your natural health care provider first.

    4. Relaxant and Sleep Aid

    The smell of juniper berries offers emotional support and reduce physical and emotional signs of stress. Considered in folklore as a natural anxiety remedy, some sources claim it’s one of the most effective essential oils for dealing with inner trauma and pain because juniper may have positive effects on relaxation responses in the brain when inhaled.

    One study tested an essential oil fragrance that combined juniper berry essential oil with sandalwood, rose and orris. Examining its effect on insomniacs who were taking medication for their condition, researchers found that 26 of the 29 subjects were able to reduce their drug dosage when using the essential oil fragrance at night. Twelve subjects were able to eliminate medications altogether. 

    For a natural sleep aid, use juniper berry essential oil at home by diffusing it throughout your bedroom, dabbing some on your wrists (diluted with a carrier oil) or clothes for an uplifting perfume, or adding several drops to your laundry detergent mix so the smell lingers on your clothes and linens. You can also add a few drops directly to a bath or my homemade healing bath salts recipe for a relaxing, healing soak.

    5. Heartburn and Acid Reflex Relief

    Another traditional use of juniper berry essential oil is to treat heartburn and acid reflux. To soothe indigestion symptoms like acid reflux, massage 1 to 2 drops of juniper berry oil blended with coconut oil over the entire stomach, abdomen and chest, or consider taking it internally. However, consult with your natural health care provider before ingesting it.

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    Melaleuca leucadendron

    Cajeput, a cousin of the Tea tree, grows in the seasonally inundated, swampy areas of Malaysia. In allusion to the colour of its bark it is sometimes known as White Tea tree. Locally it is considered a cure all a whole apothecary in a tree, especially valued by those who have limited access to other remedies. It is somewhat milder and less overpowering than Tea tree oil, but can be used in much the same way. It is one of the chief ingredients in Oil of Olbas and Tiger Balm.

    Cajuput is particularly useful for all afflictions of the upper respiratory tract and can be employed as an inhalant or, diluted, as a chest rub. It clears nasal and bronchial congestion and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and viral infections. It is also used to treat muscle aches and rheumatic pains. It is insect repellent and relieves the itch of insect bites. Blended with apricot oil it soothes sunburns. It should not be used at bedtime as it acts as a stimulant and raises the pulse.

    Cajuput is an excellent purifying oil that can get rid of all kinds of intruding energies. It can be used for cleaning ritual objects and may help protect against negative influences. It can assist the breaking of compulsive habits by focusing mind and willpower.

    A mild, camphor-like, slightly ‘green’ scent, not as pungent as camphor or tea tree. Blends well with Bergamot, Cardamom, Clove, Geranium, Lavender and Myrtle.