



Ask almost any dedicated gardener and they’ll tell you that the Gardenia is one of their prize flowers. With beautiful evergreen shrubs that grow up to a 15-metres tall. The plants look beautiful all year round and flower with stunning and highly-scented blooms come summertime.栀子花油


Interestingly, the dark green leaves and pearl white flowers of the Gardenia are part of the Rubiaceae family which also includes coffee plants and cinnamon leaves. Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Southern Asia and Australasia, Gardenia doesn’t grow easily on UK soil. But dedicated horticulturalists like to try. The beautifully scented flower goes by many names. However, in the UK is named after American doctor and botanist Who discovered the plant in the 18th Century.


Even though there are some 250 types of gardenia plant. The oil is extracted from just one: the ever-popular gardenia jasminoides. The essential oil is available in two forms: pure essential oils and absolutes which are extracted using two different methods.

Traditionally, gardenia oil is extracted through a process known as enfleurage. The technique involves using odourless fats to trap the essence of the flower. Alcohol is then used to remove the fat, leaving only pure oil. This process is notoriously time consuming, it can take several months to an intense fragrance. Essential oils using this method can be pricey.

The more modern technique uses solvents to create absolutes. Different manufacturers use various solvents so while the process is quicker and cheaper, the results can be more varied.



Helps Fight Inflammatory Diseases and Obesity

Gardenia essential oil contains many antioxidants that fight free radical damage, plus two compounds called geniposide and genipin that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory actions. It’s been found that it may also help reduce high cholesterol, insulin resistance/glucose intolerance and liver damage, potentially offering some protection against diabetes, heart disease and liver disease.

Certain studies have also found evidence that gardenia jasminoide may be effective in reducing obesity, especially when combined with exercise and a healthy diet. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry states, “Geniposide, one of the main ingredients of Gardenia jasminoides, is known to be effective in inhibiting body weight gain as well as improving abnormal lipid levels, high insulin levels, impaired glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance.”

May Help Reduce Depression and Anxiety

The smell of gardenia flowers is known to promote relaxation and help people who are feeling wound up de-stress. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, gardenia is included in aromatherapy and herbal formulas that are used to treat mood disorders, including depression, anxiety and restlessness. One study out of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that the extract  demonstrated rapid antidepressant effects via instant enhancement of brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the limbic system (the “emotional center” of the brain). The antidepressant response started roughly two hours after administration.

Helps Soothe the Digestive Tract

Ingredients isolated from Gardenia jasminoides, including ursolic acid and genipin, have been shown to have antigastritic activities, antioxidant activities and acid-neutralizing capacities that protect against a number of gastrointestinal issues. Genipin has also been shown to help with digestion of fats by enhancing production of certain enzymes. It also seems to support other digestive processes even in a gastrointestinal environment that has an “unstable” pH balance, according to research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and conducted at Nanjing Agricultural University’s College of Food Science and Technology and Laboratory of Electron Microscopy in China.

Final Thoughts

  • Gardenia plants grow large white flowers that have a strong, soothing smell. Gardenias are members of the Rubiaceae plant family and are native to parts of Asia and the Pacific Islands.
  • The flowers, leave and roots are used to make medicinal extract, supplements and essential oil.
  • Benefits and uses include protecting against chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, fighting depression and anxiety, reducing inflammation/oxidative stress, treating pain, reducing fatigue, fighting infections and soothing the digestive tract.




Post time: Mar-17-2023