

15 Benefits of Grapefruit Essential Oil

Here’s a quick guide to the benefits of grapefruit essential oil that’ll help boost your mood, fitness goals and skincare routine.

1 It Can Soothe Acne
Grapefruit essential oil is a wonderful natural remedy for acne. The vitamins keep your skin nourished, while its antibacterial properties are helpful for fighting off the bacteria that cause pimples. Just applying 2‒3 drops with a tablespoon of carrier oil will revive clear skin and your confidence too.

Grapefruit essential oil benefits are utilized in creams and lotions. Add 1-2 drops of grapefruit and lemon essential oils in skincare products to treat skin conditions.

Grapefruit oil has antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the growth (over colonization) of bacteria in the epidermis.

2 It’s An Antimicrobial And Antibacterial
Grapefruit is great because it is natural, antibacterial, and refreshingly citrusy flavored. To feel fresh, look no further than grapefruit essential oil’s pleasant tropical aroma that energizes your senses and purifies spaces. Simply dilute 5‒10 drops with water in a spray bottle for a handy home cleaner with a burst of freshness.

3 It Uplifts The Mood
The scent of grapefruit is invigorating and rejuvenating, bringing you a feeling of comfort and peace. Research suggests that the aroma turns on relaxation responses within the brain and even lower blood pressure. When you need a little mental break, just diffuse a few drops of grapefruit essential oil and feel your stress wash away in the calming citrusy vapours.

4 It May Aid In Weight Loss Goals
Grapefruit is often used as an important ingredient in weight loss recipes. The secret to its weight loss properties lies in the active ingredients that curb cravings and increase your body’s ability to burn fat, so it’s perfect for those struggling with a strict diet. To fight those cravings, you can inhale the scent directly from the bottle or diffuse 5‒6 drops around your living space.

5 Improves immune system
Grapefruit oil, just like the fruit, besides having an abundance of Vitamin C, is rich in antioxidants. This is an ideal combination in the fight against free radicals that can cause several ailments in the body including hearing and vision loss, premature ageing and disintegration of tissues. Grapefruit oil is effective in negating the harm caused due to free radicals and the resulting oxidative stress.

6 Keeps Infections Away
The three properties of grapefruit oil that makes it efficient to stop infections are antiviral, antimicrobial and antiseptic. Applying this oil on the body not only stops wounds from getting infected, but it also eliminates existing infections. It can treat external infections (skin infections) and internal infections (including stomach, respiratory and kidneys).


7 Improves Self-esteem and confidence
The aroma of grapefruit oil has a citrusy tone. This aroma has an uplifting effect. The aroma of the oil was diffused in a hospital as a part of clinical study. The authorities reported that patients were more optimistic about their recovery after they inhaled the citrusy aroma. This aroma is also used to boost self-esteem in people who are about to undertake an important task. (It’s recommended that you consult an aromatherapist to know the essential oil benefits and uses before diffusing it.)

8 Lowers or Treats Depression
Inhaling the aroma of grapefruit oil triggers the limbic system and evokes a sense of positivity. This helps in lowering the onset or the symptoms of depression. If depression is at its early stages, aromatherapy along with a combination of other therapies can treat depression. Although there is no scientific proof of essential oils treating depression, many proponents of this technique believe that aromatherapy has a profound effect on depression. It definitely lowers high blood pressure levels and elevated heartbeats, thereby lowering anxiety. Aromatherapy for depression is a gradual process, but not a replacement for modern medicines.

9 Stops Growth of Microbes
Essential oils have antimicrobial properties, grapefruit oil is no different. It can be applied on cuts and bruises and added to face wash and lotions to clean face. It removes biofilms and prevents infections and acne.

It is also used as a food preservative because it can inhibit the growth of the P. aeruginosa bacteria. A study published in 2020 concludes that the oil is appropriate for food preservatives.

10 Balances Hormone secretion
Grapefruit oil acts as a stimulant for the body and mind. It stimulates the mind by revitalizing it. It stimulates the body’s endocrine system, thus regulating the promoting the secretion of hormones. A right mix of hormones not only keeps depression at bay, but also over enthusiasm. It also promotes metabolism which keeps the digestive health in check by regulating the release of gastric acids and bile. Its stimulating effect also affects the nervous system thereby preventing neurological disorders.

11 More Urination
Grapefruit oil causes more urination due to its diuretic nature. Is it good? More urination causes the body to flush out excess salts and toxins from the body. When the frequency of urination increases, the body is able to eliminate salts, toxins, uric acid, sodium, and fats. Reducing these substances from the body lowers high blood pressure and keeps the urinary tract working at its optimal. It also maintains kidney health.

12 Eliminates Toxins
Being a diuretic is not the only reason why grapefruit oil removes toxins. It also stimulates the lymphatic system. This system too plays an important role in removing toxins from the body. It boosts the immunity of the body and by eliminating toxins prevents health problems including gout, joint disorder

13 Lowers Headaches & Migraines
Inhaling the aroma of citrusy oil boosts the production of dopamine. This in turn lowers headaches, tension headaches, and migraines including seasonal and allergic migraines.

14 Beneficial in Weight Loss Routine
People used to eat grapefruit to complement their weight loss efforts. It was because grapefruit has certain active ingredients that could boost the metabolic rates. The most important property is that it reduces appetite. Grapefruit oil when used in aromatherapy or when topically applied lowers the appetite, which is the perfect tool for weight loss.

Grapefruit oil can be included in one’s weight loss routine, which must include proper eating, healthy lifestyle and the right amount of exercising. The oil also has diuretic and lymphatic stimulating properties, which removes excess water and salts. Its aroma has an energizing effect on the senses and can be inhaled before starting workouts.

A study conducted in 2010 concluded that grapefruit inhibits adipogenesis which cause weight loss.

15 Treats Period Cramps
Cramps during periods can be quite discomforting, especially when you are in the office, in a meeting, at school or travelling. Applying or massaging diluted grapefruit oil on the skin near the affected region will increase the blood circulation and reduce the pain and cramp due to menstruation.

Post time: Dec-22-2022