

Thyme hydrosol




Thyme hydrosol is a cleansing and purifying fluid, with a strong and herbal aroma. Its aroma is a very simple one; strong and herbal, which can provide clarity of thoughts and also clear respiratory blockage. Organic Thyme hydrosol is obtained as a by-product during the extraction of Thyme Essential Oil. It is obtained by steam distillation of Thymus Vulgaris, also known as Thyme. It is extracted from the leaves and Flowers of Thyme. It was symbol of bravery and courage in Greek culture of Medieval times. Today, it is used in making dishes, seasoning and also made into teas and drinks.

Thyme Hydrosol has all the benefits, without the strong intensity, that Essential oils have. Thyme Hydrosol has a spicy and herbal aroma which enters senses and hits mind differently. It can have a strong effect on mind and provide clarity of thoughts and reduce anxiety. It is used Therapy and Diffusers for the same wakening effect and also to calm mind and soul. Its strong aroma can also clear congestion and blockage in the nasal and throat area. It is used in diffusers and steaming oils for treating sore throat and respiratory issues. It is organically filled with antibacterial and anti-microbial compounds, with the goodness of Vitamin C and Antioxidants as well. It can benefit skin in multiple ways that’s why it is used in making skin care products. Thyme hydrosol is a soothing and calming fluid, which can also reduce pain and uneasiness in our body. It is used in massage therapy and spas for; Improving Blood circulation, Pain Relief and Reducing Swelling. Thyme is also a natural Deodorants, that purifies surrounding and the people as well. Because of this strong smell it can also be used to repel, insect, mosquitoes and bugs as well.

Thyme Hydrosol is commonly used in mist forms, you can add it to prevent skin infections, prevent premature ageing, promote mental health balance, and others. It can be used as Facial toner, Room Freshener, Body Spray, Hair spray, Linen spray, Makeup setting spray etc. Thyme hydrosol can also be used in the making of Creams, Lotions, Shampoos, Conditioners, SoapsBody wash etc








Anti-acne: Organic Thyme Hydrosol is an anti-bacterial fluid that can fight and prevent acne and pimples on skin. It eliminates the acne causing bacteria and in addition forms a protective layer on skin as well. It can sooth skin down and bring relief from inflammation and redness caused by acne and pimples.

Anti-Ageing: Steam distilled Thyme hydrosol has abundance of powerful antioxidants, which binds and fights with free radicals that cause premature ageing of skin and body. It also has considerable amount of Vitamin C which is known to brighten and rejuvenate skin. It prevents oxidation, reduces fine lines, wrinkles and darkness around the mouth. It promotes faster healing of cuts and bruises on the face and reduce scars and marks.  

Glowing Skin: Thyme hydrosol is rich in Vitamin C, aka the Beauty vitamin. It is proven to enhance skin’s natural colour, promote skin brightening and remove pigmentation and dark circles. Thyme hydrosol also has an astringent effect on skin, it contracts pores and promotes blood flow and oxygen supply to the skin, which gives skin a natural blushing glow. 

Prevents skin Allergies: Thyme hydrosol is an excellent anti-microbial and anti-bacterial fluid. It can prevent skin from multiple organisms that cause infections on skin. It can prevent skin allergies caused by microbes; it can prevent rashes, itching, boils and reduce irritation caused by Sweating. It is best suited to treat microbial and dry skin aliments like Eczema, Athlete’s foot, ringworm, etc. 

Promotes Circulation: Thyme Hydrosol, when applied on skin can promote blood circulation. It promotes blood and lymph (White Blood Cell Fluid) circulation in the body, that treats various issues. It reduces pain, prevent fluid retention and more oxygen is provided throughout the body. This also results in glowing skin and strong hair.

Faster Healing: The antiseptic action of Thyme Hydrosol prevents any infection from happening inside any open wound or cut. Which keeps ski protected and fastens the healing process. It also seals up open or cut skin and stops bleeding as well.

Emmenagogue: Any compound that has helps in dealing with menstrual issues is called an Emmenagogue. Thyme Hydrosol has a strong aroma, that can help you deal with over flowing mood swings of periods. It helps in providing comfort to disturbed organs and relief cramps. Like already mentioned, it promotes blood flow, that can be used as a treatment for irregular menstruation.

Anti-Rheumatic and Anti-Arthritic: Thyme Hydrosol is effective in treating body pain and cramps because of its anti-inflammatory and pain-subsidising properties. The main cause of Rheumatism and arthritic pain is poor blood circulation and increased body acids. Thyme hydrosol can treat both of them, it is already established that it can promote blood circulation in the body. And as for the increased body acids, Thyme hydrosol can promote sweating and urination that removes high acid concentration, toxins, etc from the body. That’s how its dual action, treats rheumatic and arthritic pain. Its anti-inflammatory nature also reduces inflammation and release sensitivity on the applied area.

Expectorant:  Thyme has been used as a decongestant since decades, it was made into teas and drinks to relieve sore throat. And Thyme hydrosol has the same benefits, it can be inhaled to treat Respiratory discomfort, blockage in nasal and chest passage. It is also anti-bacterial in nature, that fights with microorganisms that cause disturbance in the body.

Reduces Anxiety level: Thyme hydrosol’s strong aroma can promote the feeling of relaxation and provide clarity of thoughts. It helps you in gaining clarity and aid to better decision making. It promotes positive thoughts and reduce anxiety episodes.

Detoxify and Stimulant: Moksha’s Thyme Hydrosol is highly concentrated and filled with natural aroma. Which can promote better and efficient working of all body organs and system. It promotes sweating and urination and remove all the harmful toxins, uric acid, excess sodium and fats from the body. It also stimulates Endocrine system and Nervous system and promote positive mood.

Pleasant fragrance: It has a very strong and spicy fragrance which is known to lighten the environment and bring peace to tensive surrounding. It is added to fresheners, cosmetics, detergents, soaps, toiletries, etc for its pleasant smell.

Insecticide: Thyme Hydrosol can be used for repelling mosquitoes, bugs, insects, etc for a long time. It can be mixed into cleaning solutions, or used solely as an insect repellent. It can also be used treating insect bites as it can reduce itching and combat against any bacteria that might be camping in the bite.










Skin Care Products: Thyme hydrosol is popularly added to skin care products especially anti-acne and anti-ageing treatments. It can protect skin from the acne causing bacteria from the skin and also removes pimples, blackheads and blemishes, in the process. It is rich in powerful antioxidants and Vitamin C, that promotes skin brightening and glowing and also clear all the marks and spots. That’s why it is added to skin care products like face washes, face mists, cleansers and others. It can also prevent skin from premature ageing. It is also used in making anti-scar creams and marks lightening gels, and also added to night creams, gels and lotions to gain these benefits. You can use it alone by mixing Thyme Hydrosol with Distilled water. Use this mix whenever you want hydrate and nourish skin. 

Skin treatments: Thyme hydrosol is famous for its purifying and protective nature. It is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-infectious, and anti-fungal in nature. This makes it best to use for all kinds of skin infections and allergies. It can protect skin against, allergies, infections, dryness, rashes, etc. It is especially useful to treat fungal infections like Athlete’s foot and Ringworm. It is also used in making wound healing creams, scar removing creams and first aid ointments. When applied on open wounds and cuts, it can prevent sepsis from happening. You can also use it in aromatic baths to keep skin protected and clean for long hours. 

Spas & Massages: Thyme Hydrosol is used in Spas and therapy centres for multiple reasons. It is used in Massages and Spas, to treat heavy pain of Rheumatism, Arthritis, etc. It can also be used to treat regular body pain, muscle cramps, etc. It can lower inflammation and sensitivity on the applied area and subsidise pain. It can increase blood circulation in the entire body and also remove toxins and acids. It can be used to treat body pain like sore shoulders, back ache, joint pain, etc. Thyme Hydrosol’s strong and intense aroma can help with overwhelming emotions, especially during periods. It can also be helpful in gaining mind clarity and a eliminating confusion. You can use it in aromatic baths to gain these benefits. 

Diffusers: Common use of Thyme Hydrosol is adding to diffusers, to purify surroundings. Add Distilled water and Thyme hydrosol in appropriate ratio, and clean your home or car. The strong and herbal aroma of this hydrosol offers many benefits. It removes bad odour from the surrounding, provide clarity of thoughts, revive nervous system, promote hormonal balance, etc. It can be used in stressful or confusing times for better decision making. Thyme Hydrosol’s aroma can also be used to treat cough and cold. When diffused and inhaled, it clears blockage in nasal passage, by removing the stuck mucus and phlegm in there. It also eliminates any infection or problem causing microorganisms and prevent respiratory tract infections. 

Pain relief ointments: Thyme Hydrosol is added to pain relief ointments, sprays and balms because of its anti-inflammatory nature. It provides a soothing effect on the applied area and reduces inflammation. It is excellent to use for Rheumatism and Arthritis.

Cosmetic Products and Soap Making: Thyme Hydrosol is used in making soaps and handwashes because of its skin benefitting nature and Anti-infective properties. It can prevent skin from infections, acnes, promote skin brightening and make your skin naturally glowing. That’s why it is used in making skin care products like face mists, primers, creams, lotions, refresher, etc, made especially for mature and sensitive skin type. It is also added to bathing products like shower gels, body washes, scrubs, to tighten skin and keep it younger looking. It is added to products made for ageing or mature skin type because of its astringent properties.

Disinfectant and Fresheners: Its anti-bacterial qualities can be used in making home disinfectant and cleaning solutions. It is also used to make room fresheners and house cleaners for its strong and herbal fragrance. You can use it in doing laundry or add it to floor cleaners, spray on curtains and use it anywhere to improve cleaning and refresh.

Insect repellent: It is popularly added to cleaning solutions and insect repellents, as its strong smell repels mosquitoes, insects and pests and it also provides protection against microbial and bacterial attacks.





Amanda 名片





Post time: Sep-28-2023