

Bergamot Oil

What Is Bergamot Essential Oil?


     Known to build confidence and enhance your mood, bergamot oil is one of the best essential oils for depression and it helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. In traditional chinese medicine, bergamot is used to help with the flow of vital energy so the digestive system can work properly, and it`s also used to prevent the growth of bacteria, relieve muscle pain and boost the health of your skin. Yes, this is no one-trickpony!


Bergamot Oil Benefits

1. Helps to Relieve Depression

      There are many signs of depression, including fatigue, sad mood, low sex drive, lack of appetite, feelings of helplessness and disinterest in common activities. Each person experiences this mental health condition in a different way. The good news is that there are natural remedies for depression that are effective and get to the root cause of the problem. This includes components of bergamot essential oil, which have antidepressant and stimulating qualities. Bergamot is known for its ability to promote cheerfulness, feelings of freshness and increased energy by improving the circulation of your blood.



2. Helps Lower Blood Pressure

    Bergamot oil helps maintain proper metabolic rates by stimulating hormonal secretions, digestive juices, bile and insulin. This aids the digestive system and enables proper absorption of nutrients. These juices also assimilate the breakdown of sugar and can lower blood pressure.


3. Prevents and Fights Infections

     Bergamot oil is used in skin soaps because it helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. According to a review published in Frontiers in Pharmacology, it has been reported that bergamot essential oil can inhibit the growth of Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus.


4.Relieves Stress and Anxiety

      Bergamot oil is a relaxant – it reduces nervous tension, and works as a stress reliever and natural remedy for anxiety. A study published in Complementary Medicine Research indicates that when healthy females are exposed to bergamot oil vapors, they displayed psychological and physiological effects.

5.Alleviates Pain

      Bergamot oil is a great way to reduce the symptoms of sprains, muscle aches and headaches. Instead of relying on pain killers that have nasty side effects, use this safe and natural oil to reduce pain and tension.









1. Boosts Skin Health

      Bergamot oil has soothing, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it works well to boost the health of your skin when applied topically. Bergamot essential oil can be used to get rid of scars and marks on the skin, tone the skin and soothe skin irritations. In Italian folk medicine, it was used to facilitate wound healing and was added to homemade skin disinfectants.


2. Aids Digestion

       In Traditional Chinese Medicine, bergamot peels and the whole fruits were used to treat indigestion. Bergamot oil is known to stimulate digestive juices and it has soothing properties that can help to aid digestion. Some research even suggests that bergamot oil can be useful when fighting food poisoning because of its anti-bacterial properties.

To ease digestion and help to regulate your appetite, rub five drops of bergamot oil onto your stomach.


3. Works as Natural Deodorant

       Bergamot oil prevents the growth of germs that cause body odor. The refreshing and citrusy smell of bergamot oil is used as a natural deodorant and air freshener. The strong scent eliminates odors on the body or in a room.


4. Boosts Oral Health

      Bergamot oil helps infected teeth by removing germs from your mouth when used as a mouthwash. It also protects your teeth from developing cavities because of its germ-fighting properties. Bergamot may even help to prevent tooth decay, which is caused by bacteria that live in your mouth and produce acids that destroy tooth enamel.



5.Fights Respiratory Conditions

      Bergamot oil has antimicrobial properties, so it can help to prevent the spread of foreign pathogens that lead to respiratory conditions. For this reason, bergamot essential oil can be useful when battling a common cold and it works as a natural home remedy for cough.












Jian Zhongxiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd


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Post time: Jun-08-2024