

5 Uses for Sage Essential Oil

1. Relief from PMS:  Help ease painful periods with sage’s antispasmodic action. Combine 2-3 drops of sage essential oil and lavender essential oil in hot water. Make a compress and lay it across the abdomen until the pain subsides.

2. DIY Smudge Spray: How to clear a space without burning sage.


1-2 drops sage essential oil

1-2 drops cedarwood essential oil

2-3 drops lavender essential oil

2-3 drops lemon essential oil

1 tablespoon pure witch hazel (as a preservative)

1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Filtered or spring water

Add essential oils of choice to spray bottle.

Add witch hazel and sea salt.

Add filtered water to the bottle until it’s about 3/4 full.


3. Shoe deodorizer: Sage attacks bacteria, leaving a clean, fresh scent. Sprinkle this blend in your shoes and leave overnight.


3 drops sage essential oil

6 drops rosemary essential oil

4 drops lavender essential oil

6 tsp baking soda

4. Tame a cough: Sage is renowned for strengthening the lungs and alleviating chest infections. Ease a tickly cough with this blend to be used for a throat, back, and chest massage.


3 drops of sage essential oil

4 drops of rosemary essential oil

2 drops of peppermint essential oil

grapeseed oil

5. Body Oil: For the reduction of cellulite and healing scars sage essential oil is highly regenerative.


2oz Grapeseed Oil

15 drops Sage Essential Oil

15 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

15 drops Lavender Essential Oil








Post time: May-11-2023