

6 Benefits of Sandalwood Oil

1. Mental Clarity

One of the primary sandalwood benefits is that it promotes mental clarity when used in aromatherapy or as a fragrance. This is why its often used for meditation, prayer or other spiritual rituals.


A study published in the international journal Planta Medica evaluated the effect of sandalwood oil on attention and arousal levels. The researchers found that sandalwoods main compound, alpha-santalol, generated high ratings of attentiveness and mood.


Inhale some sandalwood oil next time you have a big deadline that requires mental focus, but you still want to remain calm during the process.


2. Relaxing and Calming

Along with lavender and chamomile, sandalwood commonly makes the list of essentials oils used in aromatherapy to relieve anxiety, stress and depression.


A study published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that patients who were receiving palliative care felt much more relaxed and less anxious when they received aromatherapy with sandalwood prior to receiving care, compared to patients who did not receive sandalwood.


3. Natural Aphrodisiac

Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine traditionally use sandalwood as an aphrodisiac. Since its a natural substance that can increase sexual desire, sandalwood helps increase libido and may help men with impotence.


To use sandalwood oil as a natural aphrodisiac, try adding a couple of drops to massage oil or topical lotion.


4. Astringent

Sandalwood is a mild astringent, meaning it can induce minor contractions in our soft tissues, such as gums and skin. Many aftershaves and facial toners use sandalwood as one of their primary ingredients to help soothe, tighten and cleanse the skin.


If youre looking for an astringent effect from your natural body care products, you can add a couple of drops of sandalwood oil. Many people also use sandalwood oil to fight acne and dark spots.


5. Antiviral and Antiseptic

Sandalwood is an excellent antiviral agent. It has been found to be beneficial to prevent replication of common viruses, such as herpes simplex viruses.



Other uses include the reduction of inflammation from mild skin irritation, such as superficial wounds, pimples, warts or boils. Just make sure to always test the oil on a small area before applying it directly to the skin or mix it with a base carrier oil first.


If you have a sore throat, you can also gargle with a cup of water with a few drops of antiviral sandalwood oil added to it.


6. Anti-Inflammatory

Sandalwood is also an anti-inflammatory agent that may provide relief from mild inflammation, such as insect bites, contact irritations or other skin conditions.


A 2014 study found that the active compounds in sandalwood can decrease inflammation markers in the body called cytokines. It is believed that these active compounds (santalols) act in a similar manner as NSAID medications minus the potential negative side effects.








Post time: May-06-2023