

6 things you didn’t know about Helichrysum Essential Oil

1. Helichrysum flowers are sometimes called Immortelle, or the Everlasting Flower, possibly because of the way its essential oil can smooth the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin tone. Home spa night, anyone?


2. Helichrysum is a self-seeding plant in the sunflower family. It grows native in rocky and sandy terrains throughout the Mediterranean. If you love Helichrysum oil, you should probably book a Mediterranean vacation to go see it for yourself ASAP. Just saying.

3. The word “helichrysum” comes from Latin and Greek roots, meaning “gold spiral.” Its beautiful, tiny golden blossoms definitely deserve the name.

4. Hit a slump? Throw some Helichrysum essential oil and Eucalyptus Radiata into your diffuser. The fresh, earthy, invigorating scent will perk your space right up and help you refocus on that mile-long to-do list. It probably wouldn’t hurt during homework time either.

5. Tiny flowers mean tiny yields of essential oil. We steam distill the delicate blossoms of this plant, and while we don’t get much oil from each distillation, that oil has a rich and complex profile of the naturally occurring constituents neryl acetate, gamma-curcumene, and alpha-pinene.

6.Skin dull and dry from time out in the sun? Help revive it with a soothing, aromatic combination of Helichrysum, Lavender, and coconut oil. Gently massage the mixture onto your skin, then kick back with a honey-lavender lemonade for a total inside-out reprieve from the heat.

Post time: Jan-16-2025