

8 Marvelous Red Raspberry Seed Oil Benefits

Our 100% pure, organic Red Raspberry Seed Oil  (Rubus Idaeus) maintains all of its vitamin benefits because it’s never been heated. Cold-pressing the seeds maintains the best integrity of the natural skin-boosting benefits, so always make sure that that’s what you’re using to get the max perks out of this list.


1. Daily UV-Blocker - Use Red Raspberry Seed Oil as a daily moisturizer as the first layer of defense before adding a daily sunscreen.

Why? It naturally absorbs UV-A and UV-B rays without any artificial chemicals. Make sure to hit your chest with this oil too – that area gets lots of sun and not much care! Check out our blog about its sun fighting power.

2. Anti-inflammatory Skin Healer -  This little wonder boasts the highest content of any fruit seed for alpha linolenic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory agent. It also has some phytosterols, which is helpful for inflamed skin issues like eczema and psoriasis.

3. Sun Damage Restorer - These phytosterols do lots of good things, like also repairing skin after sun damage that we can’t even see.

Did you know that most sun damage isn’t visible?

And by the time we see it as sun spots, it’s gone a fair way, so best to start now doing some daily healing. Sun damage is also called photo-aging, which is a big no-no in the natural beauty realm.



4. Antioxidant Booster - Raspberry seeds have crazy high levels of Vitamin E, which is one of the more popular natural antioxidants.

Antioxidants fight free radicals and combat oxidative damage, which is a leading cause of skin cancer and premature aging.

5. Wrinkle Fighter - They also boast another antioxidant called ellegic acid, which prevents early wrinkles and boosts your skin’s natural collagen and elastin production, which makes your face look more youthful and firm.

6. Intense Moisturizer - Even though it smooths on nicely, it’s a very moisturizing oil. Use when your skin is especially dry in the fall and winter seasons when the air holds less moisture but the sun can still beat down (and we forget the need for sunscreen because we’re bundled up).

Those phytosterols are again known to reduce water loss on the skin, keeping you hydrated and moisturized for longer.

7. Acne Fighter - Let’s chat about omega-3 & -6 fatty acids. High levels of these acids have been shown to decrease inflammation and fight acne too.

It helps decrease an insulin-like growth factor Red Raspberry Seed Oil and hyperkeratinization of your pores and follicles, improving dermatitis and acne.

8. Oil Production Controller - Using  everyday will balance out your skin’s natural oil production since it will notice that it’s already getting moisturized and receiving these benefits above.

Add to your hair regimen too – it will strengthen your hair, add shine, and fight split ends. Hair gets sun damage and dryness too!



Post time: Jan-11-2024