

Benefis and uses of Pomegranate seed oil

Pomegranate seed oil

The pomegranate seed oil made of bright red pomegranate seeds has a sweet, gentle fragrance. Let’s take a look at the pomegranate seed oil together.

Introduction of pomegranate seed oil

Carefully extracted from the seeds of the pomegranate fruit, pomegranate seed oil has restorative, nourishing properties that can have miraculous effects when applied to the skin. The seeds themselves are superfoods – containing antioxidants (more than green tea or red wine), vitamins, and potassium, pomegranate seeds are just as good to eat as they are for your skin.

Benefits of pomegranate seed oil

Pomegranate seed oil is anti-inflammatory

Pomegranate seed oil contains a lot of chemical ingredients, making it one of the frontrunners in anti-inflammatory skincare.

These naturally occurring chemical combination soothes the skin, is easily applied to sensitive skin types and penetrates the epidermis without irritating it. At the interior level, it helps with joint pain and can reduce swelling.  It’s also commonly used to help relieve skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis and can soothe sunburn.

It has anti-ageing properties

Because the Omega 5 and phytosterols in pomegranate seed oil can also increase the production of collagen in the skin, it can actually slow and reduce the effects of ageing on the skin.

Pomegranate seed oil boosts collagen production and quality, making it the perfect anti-ageing essential oil.

When used in exfoliation, a process that aids in the production of collagen, pomegranate seed oil is incredibly effective at reducing lines and wrinkles.

It has restorative properties

Clearly, an oil that is both anti-inflammatory plus anti-ageing points to the possibility of skin restoration. Because pomegranate seed oil promotes cell growth, collagen production, gentle hydration, and progressive skin health over time, it can actually aid in restoring the skin after any damage has taken place.

Phytosterols present in the oil stimulate healing and skin elasticity, creating solutions for those looking to get rid of acne scars, dark circles under the eyes, and uneven pigmentation.

It clears up acne-prone skin

Pomegranate seed oil, because of its ability to absorb into the skin without irritation, is very efficient at reaching and clearing out pores.

Acne, of course, thrives on clogged pores. Pomegranate seed oil is anti-inflammatory and restorative, it’s very commonly used to diminish acne on the skin.

It hydrates the skin without creating oiliness

Although most helpful for those with dry skin, pomegranate seed oil can be incredibly effective as a moisturizer for all skin types. The Omega 6 and palmitic acid present in the oil creates a gentle hydrating effect that leaves the skin free of flakiness and dry cracking.

It promotes hair growth

Pomegranate seed oil promotes blood flow and circulation while strengthening the quality and hydration of the hair, and thus allows for a healthier scalp with clearer pores. This means a better environment and nourishing system for hair and the promotion of hair growth as a result.

Pomegranate seed oil diminishes dandruff

Because pomegranate seed oil eliminates dry skin, it can trickle down to remove dandruff from the hair and leave you with a much cleaner look.

In fact, the skincare benefits in pomegranate seed oil can impact hair beyond just dandruff – the skin healing properties found in the oil eliminate scalp inflammation and itchiness.

Zhicui Xiangfeng (guangzhou) Technology Co, Ltd. 

By the way, our company has a base dedicated to planting pomegranatepomegranate seed oils are refined in our own factory and supplied directly from the factory. Welcome to contact us if you are interested in our product after learning about the benefits of pomegranate seed oil. We will give you a satisfactory price for this product. 

Uses of pomegranate seed oil

Use it as an edible oil

 You can use this in cooking by mixing with other cooking oil like Olive or Sesame Seed Oil in a smaller ratio. It means 100 Ml of Pomegranate Seed oil and 400 Ml of Olive oil.However, do check that oil you are using is of edible grade and the label shows all required licenses.

Use it in hair oil

Pomegranate seed oil is a rich source of Vitamin C. Mix it with coconut oil or jojoba oil for a head massage and your hair fall will reduce. I recommend that you apply this oil twice a week for best results as it will give time for scalp to absorb nutrients.It is best to leave it for at least an hour. Most people apply it and leave it for the night. You should wash it off with natural shampoo for best results.

Use it as overnight facial oil

Pomegranate seed oil contains punic acid, which is an anti-oxidant. It slows the aging process of skin cells. Just take 3-4 drops in your palm and massage in a circular direction. You should apply it before sleep and leave it on overnight. In the morning wash it with a natural face wash only. It will make your skin clean and more radiant.

Use it in body massage oil

Pomegranate seed oil is helpful in the prevention or improvement of skin changes associated with stretch marks. Therefore, mix it with sweet almond oil for body massage. You can mix it 1:3 ratio with almond oil and pomegranate oil for making massage oil.

You can even mix it with any plant-based oil like Sesame or Coconut. Just keep overall ration below 40% of total oil. Pomegranate seed oil is extremely healthy and strong.

Use it as carrier oil with essential oils

Pomegranate seed oil is an excellent carrier oil in aromatherapy due to its rich compounds. Mix seed oil with essential oils in a ratio of not more than 2% of carrier oil. Pomegranate is safe to use on the skin topically. You can dilute the essential oil in it for excellent results for skin and hair.

Side effects of pomegranate seed oil

 The potential side effects that can be caused by the use of pomegranate seed oil include stomach upset, skin inflammation, hypotension, and complications with pregnancy.

 Pomegranate seed oil must be used in proper quantities and not more to avoid risks. Blood pressure can be lowered by the use of pomegranate seed oil. But when combined with medications of blood pressure, it can be quite dangerous to health.

 It has been observed that it causes skin irritation to some people, especially people with sensitive skin.

 Side effects that can be caused by the over consumption of pomegranate seed oil are vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

 Pregnant women should avoid the pomegranate seed oil as the effects of this oil are powerful and can cause complications.

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Post time: May-23-2023