

Benefits and uses of angelica oil

Angelica oil

Angelica oil is also known as the oil of angels and is widely used as a health tonic. Today, let;s take a look at the angelica oil

Introduction of angelica oil

Angelica essential oil is derived from the steam distillation of the angelica rhizome (root nodules), seeds, and the whole herb. The essential oil has an earthy and peppery smell that is very unique to the plant.Angelica is also widely used as a flavoring agent in the food and beverage industry due to its sweet, spicy aroma.

Benefits of angelica oil

For healthy digestion

Angelica Oil can stimulate the secretion of digestive juices such as acid and bile on the stomach and balances it. This helps promote good digestion and nutrient absorption.

Treat respiratory conditions

Angelica Oil is a natural expectorant which helps clear the respiratory tract of excess mucus and phlegm which can harbour infectious bacteria. It can also have a positive effect on symptoms of infection such as colds, flu, cough, and congestion. It is also a treatment for asthma and bronchitis. Adding Eucalyptus oil to angelica oil and using it through steam inhalation can help treat nasal congestion and whooping cough.

Calm the mind and body

Angelica oil has a relaxing effect not just on the mind and body but on the nervous system as well. It can help ease anger and tension. Blending Angelica oil with chamomile, rose oil, rosewood, and petit grain with jojoba oil and using it for massage can alleviate nervous tension and negative feelings.

It is a stimulant

Although it is a known relaxant, angelica essential oil can also stimulate different body systems, such as the circulatory and digestive system. It stimulates the liver to secrete bile, helps heal any wounds present, and keeps it from getting infected. A blend of vetiver oil with angelica oil and massaging it on the stomach can help stimulate bile secretion.

Reduces fever

The oil helps reduce fever by working against infections that cause it. Its diaphoretic and diuretic properties which works to reduce and eliminate toxins and waste in the body results to a speedy recovery.

Pain relief during menstruation

Pain during menstruation is often because of irregularity. The oil’s ability to make menstrual periods regular relieves the body of pains such as headache and cramps and nausea, and fatigue

Helps the body detoxify

Angelica oil helps promote sweating, which Isa way of removing wastes and toxins from the body. These include fats, uric acid, saline, bile, and other elements that can be toxic in excessive amounts. Through this, blood pressure is also lowered as well as fat content. This also results in pain relief from arthritis and rheumatism.

Being a diuretic, the oil increases the frequency of urination, which is also another form of toxin removal in the body. Through frequent urination, excess salt, water, uric acid, and fats are expelled from the body.

Uses of angelica oil

Burners and vaporizers

In vapor therapy, angelica oil can be used to help clear lungs, for bronchitis, pleurisy and to ease shortness of breath as well as asthma.

You can also inhale directly from the bottle or rub a couple of drops on the palms of your hands, and then, place your hands on your face like a cup, to inhale.

Blended massage oil and in the bath

Angelica oil can be used in blended massage oil, or in the bath, to assist in aiding the lymphatic system, detoxification, digestive problems, to help with colds and flu, as well as to fight fungal growths.

Before applying it to the skin, it must be diluted with a carrier oil in equal parts.

It should not be used on the skin that will be exposed to sunlight  within 12 hours after.

Blended in a cream or lotion

As a constituent of a cream or lotion, angelica oil can be used to assist with circulation, arthritis, gout, sciatica, migraines, colds and flu, as well as helping to encourage the natural production of estrogen; this aids in regulating and easing painful monthly periods.

Side effects and precautions of birch oil

Using angelica essential oil is safe when diluted in carrier oil but can cause skin irritation when used in very high concentrations. Allergy symptoms include blistering, hives, and skin darkening. It is also phototoxic and may cause sensitivity to light.

l Angelica oil may overstimulate the central nervous system and cause insomnia.

l Its use is not recommended for people who are under treatment with anticoagulants.

l It contains coumarin, a compound that can interfere with other medications.

l This oil should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 6 years old.

l It is contraindicated for people with diabetes.

l Angelica oil gives off a characteristic aroma, which tends to attract insects, so you have to be very careful when storing.


Post time: Dec-21-2023