

Benefits and uses of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil

Introduction of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix (AP) is derived from the dry root of Angelica pubescens Maxim f. biserrata Shan et Yuan, a plant in the Apiaceae family. AP was first published in Sheng Nong’s herbal classic, which is spicy, bitter, and mild in nature and enters the kidney meridian and bladder meridian exerting the remedial effect [1]. AP was recorded and summarized by each edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, with the functions of removing wind and dehumidification, relieving pain in paralysis, and so on. AP was often used to treat rheumatism and headaches caused by dampness and cold . Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil is distilled from the Angelicae Pubescentis Radix.

Benefits of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil

Improve myocardial ischemia

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix has a good analgesic effect, and the Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil can fight against the acute myocardial ischemia caused by the posterior pituitary hormone. In addition, the Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil can significantly increase the myocardial nutritional blood flow, thus improving myocardial ischemia.

Relieve pain

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix scattered bitter dry, warm and warm, good at removing wind dampness, stop bi, for the treatment of rheumatism bi the main medicine. All waist and knee, hand and foot pain caused by cold and dampness, no matter new long, the effect is good.

Relieve itching

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix can be in addition to moisture, internal use can treat skin itching and discomfort.


These compounds generally have no obvious antibacterial activity, but when exposed together with Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, photosensitivity also occurs, making the bacteria die. Pepper toxin has extensive antibacterial effects in vitro.


The ingredients of citanolide, percoryl and pepper toxin have obvious effect on relieving spasm in the animal ileum.


The decoction can produce the effect of sedative hypnosis, and can even prevent the convulsion effect of resin on frogs. In addition, animal experiments have also proved that Angelicae Pubescentis Radix has a very good analgesic effect.

Reduce blood press

The crude preparation has antihypertensive effect, but the effect is not lasting. Its tincture acts more than the decoction. In addition, the extracted part of the decoction has anti-arrhythmia effect.

Uses of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil

Remove wind, reduce swelling, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain. For joint, muscle injury, pain and rheumatic pain.

External use of appropriate amount, smear on the affected area, 2 times a day.

Side effects and precautions of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix oil

If use Angelicae Pubescentis Radix too much, it is likely to make the body wound difficult to heal. And Angelicae Pubescentis Radix will also affect the heart, if the body has heart disease, must not be used Angelicae Pubescentis Radix for treatment, treatment will lead to physical discomfort. Living alone can effectively eliminate the pain on the body, and has the effect of removing wind and dampness, and can also promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but it needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor.


Post time: Sep-08-2023