

Benefits and uses of Artemisia capillaris oil

Artemisia capillaris oil

Introduction of Artemisia capillaris oil

Artemisia capillaris looks ordinary, but he is a famous king of liver protection. It has a very good protection effect for the liver. Chen mostly grow in the mountains or river bank gravel, its leaves like wormwood and white, leaf stem withered, by the old stem regeneration, so also known as wormwood or cotton Chen; another like a bell, called the day of mountain wormwood, also known as wormwood, has the effect of repellent. In recent years, there have been artificial cultivation, every spring to everything recovery season. Artemisia wormwood seedlings during harvesting plus Chemicalbook. And seedlings 3~5 inches high to cut the whole grass or pick the young leaves (too early too tender, too late wormwood should not be used as medicine), remove impurities, dry or dry. After modern medical chemical analysis, the whole grass contains volatile oil 0.23% called old oil (Wormwoodoil), the main components of the oil is pinen, Cokiin, etc., often used as diuretic, commonly used in catarrhal jaundice effective, cover with its can diuretic and discharge the toxic components in the blood.

Benefits of Artemisia capillaris oil

clearing away heat and toxic material

Artemisia capillaris for because of the heat and cause adverse urination or jaundice people, has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, retreat yellow.

hepatoprotective effect

Artemisia capillaris has the effect of protecting liver, especially in patients with hepatitis, drinking wormwood can increase the effect of bile acid and bilirubin excretion.

lower blood pressure

Blood pressure hypertension population, especially middle-aged and elderly patients, can take Artemisia capillaris to reduce blood pressure.

Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory

The decoction can inhibit different types of bacilli to a certain extent.

Provide immunity

It can effectively promote the division of white blood cells, increase the number of white blood cells, improve the immune activity of T cells, and participate in the body’s immune regulation and induced interferon action, thus improving the immune function of the body from many aspects.

Uses of Artemisia capillaris oil

Can be used as the main treatment for jaundice.

Treat damp heat jaundice, use at Yang yellow (yellow bright be like orange color, see more often in acute jaundice type infectious hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc.), take its to have the effect that promotes bile secretion and excretion.

Treat cold and wet jaundice, used for Yin yellow (yellow dark as smoke, more seen in chronic jaundice infectious hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases), there are body deficiency and cold and wet syndrome, at this time Chemicalbook should be warm with cold medicine such as aconite, dry ginger, etc., to warm cold and wet, such as Artemisia capillaris four scattered.

As a substitute for clearing away heat. Artemisia capillaris and Bupleurum have antipyretic effect, traditional Chinese medicine experience believes that both drugs are put into the liver and gallbladder, can go to the liver and gallbladder solid fire. But the medicine of Artemisia capillaris is slightly softer than firewood Hu, so the plain Yin deficiency and new real heat, must use firewood Hu to clear heat, but can not be the just dryness of firewood Hu, can use Artemisia capillaris instead of Stellariae Radix.

Side effects and precautions of Artemisia capillaris oil

The side effects of Artemisia capillaris include gastrointestinal stimulation, damage to liver function and inhibiting neurotransmitters; contraindications for combination with digitar drugs, prohibition and spleen and stomach cold

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Post time: Aug-01-2023