

Benefits and uses of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil

AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil

Introduction of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil

AsariRadix Et Rhizoma is also called Asarum Huaxixin, Xiaoxin, Pencao etc. It is named because of its fine roots and pungent taste. It is a common Chinese herbal medicine blindly. AsariRadix Et Rhizoma rich variety of natural medicines, the drug has a high value. AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil is a natural essential oil purified from plantsSo what are the benefits of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil?

Studies have shown that, AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil contained, higenamine, methyl eugenol, sassafras ether component can be effectively fend off antipyretic, sedative and analgesic, bactericidal anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and even play a role in clinical use a lot of.

Benefits of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil

Fight cold and heat away

Noraconitine in AsariRadix Et Rhizoma can significantly improve the body’s metabolism, and at the same time it can expand blood vessels and relax smooth muscles. Taking AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil can effectively dispel cold and relieve fever and treat wind-heat and cold.

Sedation and analgesia

AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil can inhibit nerve center, so that some in the excited, out of control in patients calm down as soon as possible, with good sedation. In addition, volatile oil can effectively relieve pain caused by spasms, having excellent analgesic effect on pain caused by some diseases. AsariRadix Et Rhizoma is a sedative and analgesic medicine.

Local anesthesia

AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil has a good anesthetic effect. 50% of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma tincture can achieve local anesthesia effect on human tongue mucosa. The anesthetic effect of Asarum is often used clinically. However, it should be noted that the volatile oil of Asarum has anesthetic effect, and the water decoction of Asarum is ineffective.

Sterilization and anti-inflammatory

Infusion fine octanol, methyl eugenol, sassafras ether component having very good bactericidal effect, can be effectively suppressed hemolytic streptococcus, Shigella, Salmonella typhi, Gram-positive bacteria and the more active, eliminating inflammation, clinical It can be used to treat diseases caused by bacterial infections.

Uses of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil

AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil is a spicy, stimulating agent, causing perspiration, promoting expectoration, and possessing carminative properties. It may be advantageously added to tinctures and compounds to improve their flavor, and render them more stimulating. It is used in colic and other painful affections of the stomach and bowels where no inflammation exists, and in chronic pulmonary affections. The warm infusion is an excellent agent to promote copious sweating, and may be substituted for Virginia snakeroot as a diaphoretic and in debility. Harsh, dry skin, with checked perspiration, in low febrile and inflammatory affections, not of the gastro-intestinal tract, and sudden colds, have been successfully treated with the warm infusion, which is also a prompt emmenagogue when amenorrhoea is due to recent colds. Dose of the powder, ½ drachm; of the tincture, ½ fluid drachm to 2 fluid drachms. Of the infusion (℥ss to aqua Oj), freely; used also as an errhine.

Side effects and precautions of AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oil

AsariRadix Et Rhizoma oilcauses the following adverse effects: vomiting, sweating, dyspnea, restlessness, fever, palpitation, and nervous system depression. Death can result from respiratory paralysis at high doses.


Post time: Aug-25-2023