

Benefits and uses of Astmgali Radix oil

Astmgali Radix oil

Introduction of Astmgali Radix oil

Astmgali Radix is a plant within the Leguminosae (beans or legumes) family, with a very long history as an immune system booster and disease fighter. Its roots are in Traditional Chinese Medicine, in which it’s been used as an adaptogen for thousands of years — meaning it helps the body fight off stress and disease. Astmgali Radix oil is a natural essential oil purified from the plant Astmgali Radix, which has a strong aroma of Astmgali Radix, and has a lot of benefits to people.

Benefits of Astmgali Radix oil

Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is at the root of most diseases. From arthritis to heart disease, it’s often the culprit of the damage. Many studies show that thanks to its saponins and polysaccharides, astmgali radix can reduce inflammatory response in connection to a number of illnesses and conditions, from helping to heal wounds and lesions to reducing inflammation in diabetic kidney disease.

Boosts the Immune System

In terms of reputation, boosting the immune system is astmgali radix’ claim to fame. It’s been used in this capacity for thousands of years. A study out of Beijing displayed its ability to control t-helper cells 1 and 2, essentially regulating the body’s immune responses.

Alleviates Symptoms of Chemotherapy

Astmgali Radix has been shown to help patients receiving chemotherapy to recover more quickly and extend their life spans. In cases of severe chemotherapy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bone marrow suppression, astmgali radix has been given intravenously and in combination with other Chinese herbal mixtures. Early research suggests its ability to reduce these symptoms and increase the efficacy of the chemotherapy treatments.

Treats Colds and Flu

Because of astmgali radix’ antiviral capabilities, it has long been used to treat common colds and the flu. It’s commonly combined with other herbs like ginseng, angelica and licorice. As with many other natural cold remedies, it seems to work better when used when healthy individuals use the supplement regularly in order to prevent the illness before it happens. A regimen of astmgali radix before the colder months of winter may help to prevent or decrease the number of colds and upper respiratory illnesses individuals will have throughout the season.

Uses of Astmgali Radix oil

It’s also promoted to strengthen and regulate the immune system. Topical use (application to the skin) of astragalus is promoted for improving blood flow and speeding wound healing.

You can add the astmgali radix oil to smoothies, oatmeal, or baked goods, and astragalus is also available in tinctures, glycerites (alcohol-free substitutes for tinctures), and as a cream you can apply to your skin.

Side effects and precautions of Astmgali Radix oil

Astmgali radix is generally safe to use with no serious side effects. There are possible interactions with other herbal supplements, so start with smaller doses to prevent side effects.

Women who are pregnant and who are nursing should not use astmgali radix, as some animal research indicates it may not be safe for pregnant moms.

People with autoimmune diseases should speak with their doctors before starting astmgali radix because of its ability to stimulate the immune system. Individuals with diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other immune system conditions could be especially sensitive to astmgali radix.


Post time: Sep-01-2023