

Benefits and uses of Blue lotus hydrosol

Blue lotus hydrosol

Today, I will introduce a universal hydrosol —— blue lotus hydrosol.

Introduction of blue lotus hydrosol

Blue Lotus hydrosol is the therapeutic and aromatic water that remains after steam-distillation of Blue Lotus flowers.The essence of blue lotus pure dew all comes from natural blue lotus. As a kind of aquatic plant, blue lotus can replenish water. The low concentration of essence will quickly penetrate the bottom of the muscle, making the skin full of water.

Benefits of blue lotus hydrosol

For moisturize

Blue lotus hydrosol has the effect of moisturizing and moisturizing, which is 100 times that of natural aloe. Its special plant water sol gel can not only form the ability to lock water on the surface of the skin, but also enter the dermis to strengthen the activity of the underlying cells, making the skin tender and bright.

For soothing the skin

Blue lotus hydrosol is rich in natural weak acid skin-friendly ingredients, which has the effect of soothing, purifying and calming the skin. It is mild and not stimulating, and can improve the discomfort of the external environment to the skin, and is very suitable for sensitive muscles and red skin.

For delaying senescence

Blue lotus hydrosol can not only moisturize but also have super hydrating ability, suitable for sensitive skin and relatively dry skin use. It can effectively relieve the dry skin, supplement the nutrients lacking by the skin, and delay skin aging. Middle-aged people use blue lotus hydrosol can achieve the effect of tightening the skin, alleviate the aging problem of the skin.

For reverse skin age

Blue lotus pure dew contains plant active substance, can condense time, reverse skin age, let the youth appearance fresh. Its unique lotus acid lipid, the molecular structure is very small, very penetrating, can allow nutrients to reach the dermis.

Uses of blue lotus hydrosol

Spray cool skin

After cleansing, spray it on the face to help absorb the subsequent skin care products, and it can also be hydrating and oil control spray.

Hair care

After clean hair to half dry take appropriate amount of blue lotus hydrosol to wipe the hair and scalp.

Water membrane nourishing

Take the right amount of hydrosol bubble compressed mask paper or lyophilized mask, paper wet apply the face for 20 minutes, to keep wet midway.

body care

After bathing and drying, take the right amount of pure dew to wipe the body.

Clear method

Pour 50ml of blue lotus hydrosol into the bowl, dip and press the face for half an hour.

Sandwich mask

Apply a layer of aloe glue or frozen film and then apply water film, keep for half an hour

facial fumigation

Pour an appropriate amount of blue lotus hydrosol into the fumigation instrument for facial fumigation.


Pour the right amount of blue lotus hydrolsol into the bath to experience the bath moment like flower water

matters need attention

The use of blue lotus hydrosol must be patted to absorption, otherwise the evaporation of hydrosol in the skin water will absorb the original moisture of the skin. After using the blue lotus hydrosol, you must remember to apply cream lotion to lock the water in time.

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Post time: Aug-10-2023