

Benefits and uses of Chili seed oil

Chili seed oil

Looking for something to boost hair growth and relieve pain? Then this smoky, spicy, and strong essential oil is the answer!

Introduction of chili seed oil

When you think of chilies, images of hot, spicy food may come up but dont let that intimidate you from trying this underrated essential oil. Chili seed oil is made from the steam distillation process of hot pepper seeds resulting in a dark red and spicy essential oil, rich in capsaicin. Capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers that gives them their distinct heat, is loaded with amazing therapeutic properties.

Benefits of chili seed oil

Relieves muscle aches

An effective pain-relieving agent, capsaicin in chili seed oil is a powerful analgesic for people who suffer from muscle aches and stiff joints due to rheumatism and arthritis.

Eases stomach discomfort

Aside from relieving muscle aches, chili seed oil can also ease stomach discomfort by encouraging better blood flow to the area, numbing it from pain, and encouraging digestion.

Boosts hair growth

Because of capsaicin, chili oil can encourage hair growth by encouraging better blood circulation to the scalp while tightening and thereby strengthening hair follicles.

Boosts immune system

Chilli seed oil can also help give the immune system a leg up because it stimulates the production of white blood cells.

Oil for eye health

The uses and benefits of chili seed oil offer something for the eyes as well. It has a small amount of Vitamin A and when used regularly it maintains the vision and prevents dry eyes. It may prevent eye conditions including macular degeneration. It may cause skin irritation, hence dilute it properly before use.

A Remedy for chronic diseases

The high antioxidant level of chili seed oil and its ability to boost immune system of the body makes it capable in tackling free radicals and subsequently oxidative stress. These factors keep chronic diseases at bay.

Oil for stomach related issues

Chili seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe the inflamed tissues in the stomach. Foods with spices are considered not good for the stomach; on contrary, capsaicin in the chili oil aids the digestive process and balances the presence of bacteria in the body.

Zhicui Xiangfeng (guangzhou) Technology Co, Ltd. 

By the way, our company has a base dedicated to planting chili, chili seed oils are refined in our own factory and supplied directly from the factory. Welcome to contact us if you are interested in our product after learning about the benefits of chili seed oil. We will give you a satisfactory price for this product.

Uses of chili seed oil

Promotes Hair Growth

 Mix 2-3 drops of the chili seed oil with equal amounts of a carrier oil (such as coconut or jojoba oil) to ensure proper dilution of the oil before topical application onto the scalp. Gently massage the mixture onto your scalp for about 3-5 minutes and do this about 2-3 times weekly to stimulate hair growth.

Offers Pain Relief

You can dilute chili seed oil with a carrier oil and proceed to massage directly onto the affected areas for some pain relief and numbing effect. Alternatively, you can make a homemade pain relief cream by combining a few drops of chili seed oil with a cream base, like beeswax.

Helps to Heal Wounds and Insect Bites

 Dilute the chili seed oil with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio and gently apply it onto the affected areas. However, be careful to avoid open wounds.

 Other uses of chili seed oil includes being able to relieve itching and inflammatory conditions, boost the body’s immune system as it keeps your body healthy and serves as a natural headache remedy for migraines.

Safety Precautions of chili seed oil

l Do not ingest chili seed oil.

l Be sure to dilute the chili seed oil with a carrier oil in a 1:1 ratio as it is a highly concentrated oil that is strong and potent.

l Chili seed oil can induce strong reactions and scalp/skin irritation in certain people as it might be too hot or spicy. If the oil feels stingy or discomforting after dilution with a carrier oil and application onto the skin, please discontinue use immediately.

l The oil should not be used in areas where there is sensitive skin.

l It is not advisable to use chili seed oil, even in its diluted forms excessively. Use only about 2-3 times per week and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after use.

l Keep it out of reach of kids and furkids.

l Avoid using chili seed oil to sensitive areas like the eyes and nose.

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Post time: Jul-18-2023