

Benefits and uses of Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Introduction of Coconut oil

Coconut oil is usually made by drying the flesh of the coconut, and then crushing and pressing it in a mill to get the oil out. Virgin oil is made by a different process involving skimming off the creamy layer of coconut milk extracted from the freshly grated flesh.Let us have a look at some of the known benefits of coconut oil.

Benefits of Coconut oil

A Boost in Good Cholesterol

Coconut oil is said to modestly hike one’s level of good cholesterol.

Good for Blood Sugar and Diabetes

Coconut oil can aid in lowering obesity levels in the body and also battles insulin resistance – issues that often lead to type two diabetes.

Helps Fight Back Against Alzheimer’s Disease

The MCFA component in coconut oil – especially its generation of ketones by the liver – aids in mending brain function in Alzheimer patients.

Aids in Liver Health

Coconut oil also guards against any damage to the liver, and also aids in curing urinary tract infections.

Boosts Energy

Unrefined coconut oil also hikes energy and endurance, primarily by its MCFA’s shooting directly into the liver, which enables to be converted into energy.

Aids with Digestion

Another benefit of coconut oil – it helps with food digestion by aid the body take in fat-soluble components like vitamins and magnesium. It also eliminates toxic bacteria and candida, which fights poor digestion and stomach inflammation. That helps prevent stomach ulcers.

Acts as an Anti-aging Component

Rich with antioxidants, coconut oil is known to slow the aging process, generally by curbing any undue stress on the liver.

Helps With Weight Loss

Coconut oil also can help with weight loss, as it acts as a fat burner and a calorie burner, especially with doses of unrefined coconut oil. It also acts as an appetite suppressant. One study shows that the capric acid in coconut oil helps boost thyroid performance, which in turn reduces a body’s resting heart rate and aids in burning fat for an increased energy boost.

Uses of Coconut oil

Cooking and Baking

Coconut oil can be used for cooking and baking, and it can be added to smoothies. It’s my oil of choice, since unrefined, natural, organic coconut oil adds a nice coconut flavor but does not contain the harmful toxins other hydrogenated cooking oils often do.

Skin and Hair Health

You can simply apply it topically directly to your skin or as a carrier oil for essential oils or blends.

Rubbing it into your skin right after you shower is especially beneficial. It works as a great moisturizer, and it has antimicrobial properties that boost skin and hair health.

Mouth and Teeth Health

It can be used for oil pulling, which is an Ayurvedic practice that works to detoxify the mouth, remove plaque and bacteria, and freshen breath. Swish one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 10–2o minutes, and then dump the oil into the trash.

DIY Natural Remedy Recipes

Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties, making it an excellent ingredient in DIY natural remedy recipes that are used to fight infections and boost immunity. Some recipes that can be made with coconut oil are:

l lip balms

l homemade toothpaste

l natural deodorant

l shaving cream

l massage oil

Household Cleanser

Coconut oil works as a natural dust preventer, laundry detergent, furniture polish and homemade hand soap. It kills bacteria and fungus that may be growing in your house, and it keeps surfaces looking shiny too.

Side effects and precautions of Coconut oil

There are rarely any side effects for coconut oil.

Research shows that, occasionally, a contact allergy may occur for certain individuals who are allergic to coconuts. Some of the cleaning products created by coconut oil have been known to cause contact allergies as well, but it is not common.

In fact, coconut oil is known for reducing side effects of many medications. For instance, studies show that it can reduce the symptoms and side effects of cancer treatments.

Keep in mind that refined or processed coconut oil can be bleached, overheated past the preferred melt point and chemically processed to increase its shelf life. Processing the oil changes the chemical makeup, and the fats are no longer good for you.

Avoid hydrogenated oils whenever possible, and choose extra virgin coconut oil instead.




Post time: Sep-26-2023