

Benefits and uses of Houttuynia cordata oil

Houttuynia cordata oil

Introduction of Houttuynia cordata oil

Houttuynia cordata—also known as Heartleaf, Fish Mint, Fish Leaf, Fish Wort, Chameleon Plant, Chinese Lizard Tail, Bishop’s Weed, or Rainbow Plant—belongs to the family of Saururaceae. Despite its distinct odour, Houttuynia cordata is visually attractive. Its heart-shaped green leaves are elegantly framed with yellow and red hues, hence its many nicknames. This herbaceous perennial herb grows in moist, shady locations in Asian countries, including Southeast Asia, Northeast India, Korea, Japan, China, and others. Houttuynia cordata oil is a natural essential oil purified from the plant houttuynia cordata.

Benefits of Houttuynia cordata oil


Houttuynia cordata is an excellent source of natural antioxidants. Besides having a high content of polyphenolic flavonoids, it is also rich in polysaccharides, amino acids and fatty acids, which possess powerful antioxidant properties. They are very helpful in fighting off and neutralising circulating free radicals from air pollution, UV rays, smoke, lack of sleep, poor diet, alcohol, stress, etc.

Health Care

Long before it was used as an ingredient in our skincare products, people all across Asia consumed its leaves, stems and roots as food and beverages. Even today, they still serve it for culinary purposes. For instance, in India, China and Vietnam, Houttuynia cordata is eaten raw as salad or cooked with other vegetables, fish, or meat. Meanwhile, in Japan and Korea, people use its dried leaves to brew herbal tea. While the pungent taste of Houttuynia cordata may not be for everyone, there’s no doubt that it possesses incredible health benefits.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

One of the many reasons people with acne-prone skin love this ingredient is its antibacterial properties. Houttuynia Cordata extract has a strong antimicrobial effect against bacteria most commonly contributed to acne, Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis.

These acne-causing bacteria stimulate pro-inflammatory mediators or cytokines to initiate the inflammatory process that results in the emergence of acne on the skin. Luckily, we can prevent it from happening with a little bit of help from Houttuynia cordata extract.

Uses of Houttuynia cordata oil

You can apply appropriate houttuynia cordata oil to the injury and massage it slightly to help relieve pain and wound healing.

You can add houttuynia cordata oil to the food, and when cooking, drop a few drops of houttuynia cordata oil according to your taste to enhance the taste.

If you love tea, you can also drop a few drops of houttuynia cordata oil in the tea.

Houttuynia cordata oil can also be used as aromatherapy, when you have lack of sleep, stress, you can add houttuynia cordata oil to the incense machine to relieve those symptoms.

Sides effects and precaution of Houttuynia cordata oil

Check with your health care provider before using houttuynia if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Houttuynia contains appreciable quantities of oxalates, so it should be avoided if following a low-oxalate diet.


Post time: Sep-23-2023