

Benefits and uses of mugwort oil

Mugwort oil

Mugwort has a long, fascinating past, from the Chinese using it for multiple uses in medicine, to the English blending it into their witchcraft. Today, lets take a look at mugwort oil from the following aspects.

Introduction of mugwort oil

Mugwort essential oil comes from the Mugwort plant and is obtained through a process known as steam distillation. This essential oil has negative and positive connotations, depending on the part of the world that you hail from.

Benefits of mugwort oil

Anti-epileptic and anti-hysteric properties

Mugwort oil is a strong relaxant. It has soothing effects on the brain and on the nervous system as a whole. As a result, it can prevent epilepsy and attacks of hysteria in people. Over time, it known to also cure these problems in patients who use this oil on a regular basis.

Acts as emmenagogue

Mugwort oil is extremely beneficial for women. This is because it is a known emmenagogue. This means that is oil can help with obstructed menstruation. It not only regulates your menstrual cycle, but also encourages a better flow of blood from the system.

Moreover, mugwort oil can also be used to treat he symptoms of PMS, such as headaches, nausea, cramps, vomiting, dizziness, and so on. This makes it a great oil to have in your arsenal. It even helps prevent early menopause.

Fight against common cold and infection

Mugwort oil is known for being a cordial substance. This means that it spreads warmth within your body. This is particularly beneficial for people who live in colder parts of the world and need every bit of warmth they can get. Furthermore, this oil also helps fight against infections related to the cold.

It is good for digestion

Mugwort oil is also good for your digestive system. It helps by stimulating the secretion of gastric juices and bile. As a result, your digestive system can break down food faster and more efficiently, which helps move it along the digestive tract. This gives you better and more regular bowel movements.

Furthermore, mugwort oil can also help prevent microbial infections in the stomach or digestive tract as it has strong antimicrobial properties. This keeps your digestive system extremely healthy.

Acts as diuretic

Mugwort essential oil acts as diuretic. This means that it stimulates regular and high amounts of urination, thereby purifying your entire body. By getting rid of the excess calcium in your body, it also prevents the occurrence of painful kidney stones as well.

Keep your uterus healthy

Mugwort Oil stimulates the production of vital hormones such as estrogen that play a main role in maintaining the health and overall functionality of the uterus. It even keeps the uterus safe from the various effects of ageing. It can help fight against uterine cancer and the development of tumors and fibroids in the uterus.

Used to kill warms

Another important benefit of mugwort essential oil is that it is a strong vermifuge. This means that it helps kill and eliminate worms that are present in the intestine due to its toxic nature. It can be effective for roundworms and tapeworms. In children, it can great hamper growth and development. Using mugwort essential oil can help eliminate these worms and also reestablish a normal pattern of growth in children who have been affected by them.

Uses of mugwort oil

Soak feet

 put 45~60 degrees of hot water into the bath, soak the ankle, then drop 3~5 drops of mugwort oil, wrap the bath with a towel and soak the feet in the pot for 15-20 minutes. If you have symptoms of cold hands and feet, it is recommended to extend them to 25 minutes. When the water temperature drops, hot water and mugwort oil were added in the same proportion.

Add ginger

mugwort essential oil and ginger can treat colds, joint disease, rheumatism, cough, bronchitis, emphysema and asthma.

Add safflower

 mugwort essential oil and safflower can improve varicose veins, peripheral neuritis, poor blood circulation, numbness or blood stasis in the hands and feet.

Add salt

 mugwort essential oil add salt is suitable for fire, often red eyes, toothache, sore throat, irritability, upset, cold, swollen feet.

Other uses

Take 5 drops of mugwort essential oil and massage the lower abdomen. It can warm the meridians, promote abdominal blood circulation.

Take about 10 drops of massage shoulder and neck, can effectively relieve shoulder and neck pain.

Take about 5 drops of massage the abdomen, can effectively promote the normal operation of the digestive system.

Take about 20 drops to massage the tail vertebra and both sides of the spine, or take about 5 drops each to massage the soles of the foot together with a foot bath.

l Take a few drops in warm water, external washing can treat dampness sores scabies, clearing damp and relieving itching.

l take a few drops in warm water to soak your feet for 20-30 minutes, the water level over the calf.

l drop 2 drops on the pillow, calm the mind to help you sleep.

l drop 2 drops on the sanitary napkin, to eliminate the odor.

l drop a few drops in the shampoo, moisten the hair care method.

Side effects and precautions of mugwort oil

Mugwort essential oil has a few side effects to be wary of. It can cause abortions and therefore should be avoided by pregnant women. It is poisonous when ingested and should not be swallowed at any cost. This oil is mostly inhaled via a diffuser and that is the only safe way to use it. It can have toxic and narcotic effects on the brain as well. It can also impact the nervous system if used in very high quantities.

If you have extremely sensitive skin, or are vulnerable to allergies, you should definitely perform a patch test to see whether or not it gives you an allergic reaction.

On a general note, it is always preferable to speak to your doctor or herbalist before adding mugwort oil to your lifestyle or diet just to make sure that you don’t accidentally cause harm to your system, rather than the benefits.

Post time: Jan-24-2024