

Benefits and uses of neroli oil

Neroli Essential Oil

Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the citrus tree Citrus aurantium var. amara which is also called marmalade orange, bitter orange and bigarade orange. (The popular fruit preserve, marmalade, is made from it.) Neroli essential oil from the bitter orange tree is also known as orange blossom oil. It was native to Southeast Asia, but with trade and with its popularity, the plant began to be grown all over the world.

This plant is believed to be a cross or hybrid between the mandarin orange and pomelo. The essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the plant using the steam distillation process. This method of extraction ensures that the structural integrity of the oil remains intact. Also, as the process does not use any chemicals or heat, the resulting product is said to be 100% organic.

The flowers and its oil, since ancient times, have been renowned for its therapeutic properties. The plant (and ergo its oil) has been used as a traditional or herbal medicine as a stimulant. It is also used as an ingredient in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products and in perfumery. The popular Eau-de-Cologne has neroli oil as one of the ingredients.

Neroli essential oil smells rich and floral, but with undertones of citrus. The citrus scent is due to the citrus plant from which it is extracted and it smells rich and floral because it is extracted from the flowers of the plant. Neroli oil has almost similar effects as the other citrus based essential oils. It has many therapeutic properties including antidepressant, sedative, stimulant and tonic.

For more details of its properties, check out the table below. Some of the active ingredients of the essential oil that impart the medicinal properties to the oil are geraniol, alpha- and beta- pinene, and neryl acetate.

16 Health Benefits of Neroli Essential Oil

The essential oil of neroli or orange blossom oil has several medicinal benefits that are necessary for a healthy life. Neroli essential oil uses and benefits include preventing, curing and treating several ailments affecting the body and mind.

1. Useful Against Depression

Depression has become a part and parcel of daily lives. No one can escape this mental health condition. As per a statistics for the year 2022 almost 7% of the world population suffers from some form of depression. And what is more concerning is that the highest rate of depression is from the age group of 12 to 25. Even those who seem to be having a good time have something lurking in the deepest corners of their mind.

In fact there have been a couple of ultra rich millionaire celebrities who have spoken about their mental health issues. It is always good to identify mental health issues early on ad start treatment. Essential oils including that of neroli have a good effect on depression and chronic depression. Inhaling the aroma of neroli invigorates the body and mind to deal with such conditions.

A research done on April 2020 and published in the Reviews on New Drug Targets in Age-Related Disorders analyzes how essential oils rich in linalool, geraniol and citronellol could lower depression. Neroli oil has good amounts of all 3 components and hence is useful for depression. (1)


Various studies have shown that diffusing essential oil of neroli tackles depression in people. One such study found that the antidepressant properties of the oil was due to its compounds linalool, geraniol and citronellol.

2. Anti-anxiety Oil

Anxiety is another mental distress that must be taken care of with natural methods. Anxiety and anxiety attacks can be resolved by forming a routine that overcomes the problem. Inhaling the aroma of neroli oil is a good way to train the brain on how to overcome anxiety.

The oil of neroli has anxiolytic properties that lessen anxiety. A randomized controlled trial done in February 2022 evaluated non-pharmacological methods to reduce the anxiety and pain during childbirth. Aromatherapy with neroli essential oil was used to ascertain if diffusing aroma could lower pain and anxiety. It was conclude that neroli oil can also be diffused to lower anxiety and pain. (2)


Anxiety and anxiety attacks (panic attacks) can be subdued with the anxiolytic neroli oil. A study has shown that inhaling the aroma of neroli can not only lower anxiety but pain as well.

3. Romance Boosting Oil

With depression and anxiety comes a plethora of sexual disorders or dysfunctions. Some of the sexual disorders that are rampant in today’s world are erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, frigidity and impotence. There may be several underlying causes of sexual dysfunction, however early stage of the dysfunctions can be treated with neroli essential oil.

Neroli oil is a stimulant that improves the blood flow in the body. Ample blood flow is needed for renewed interest in one’s sex life. Diffusing the oil of neroli rejuvenates the mind and body, and awakens one’s carnal desires.

4. Infection Protector

Neroli essential oil has antiseptic properties that prevent the sepsis on the wounds. Doctors apply anti-tetanus injections on the wounds, but in case doctors are not nearby and you have access to neroli oil then the diluted oil can be applied on and near the burns, cuts, bruises and wounds to prevent sepsis and other infections.

If the wounds are large then visit a doctor after controlling the bleeding and infection at home. A study by Dr. Sagar N. Ande and Dr. Ravindra L. Bakal established the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of neroli essential oil. (3)


A study has proven the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of neroli essential oil which makes it an oil of choice for treating cuts, bruises and burns as it can prevent infection.

5. Fights Bacteria

Neroli oil is effective against bacteria. It eliminates them form the body and prevents infections and accumulation of toxins. It is applied on the face to remove biofilms and thus prevent acne outbreaks. It is applied on the stomach to promote digestion and prevent food poisoning due to bacterial infections. The chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of the essential oil of neroli were analyzed in a study in 2012. (4)


Based on a study done in 2012 the chemical composition of neroli oil were established. It has shown that neroli has compounds with antibacterial properties.

6. Oil To Control Seizures

The oil has antispasmodic properties due to bioactive constituents in it including linalool, limonene, linalyl acetate and alpha terpineol. These compounds in the oil reduce convulsions and seizures in the body, stomach and muscles.

A study published in the National Product Communications in 2014 aimed to find the truth behind using neroli oil as a natural anti-seizure and anticonvulsant agent. The study found that the biologically active constituents of the oil gave it its anticonvulsant properties and hence the plant and its oil are used in the management of seizure. (5)


A study published in 2014 has shown that neroli oil has anticonvulsant properties. It can hence be used to calm upset stomach and can be applied on muscles to soothe them

7. Good Winter Oil

Why is neroli a good oil for the winter season? Well, it keeps you warm. It should be topically applied or diffused during the cold nights to give warmth to the body. Furthermore, it protects the body from colds and coughs. It does not allow mucous to get accumulated thus ensuring good sleep.

8. Oil for Women’s Health

Neroli oil is useful in reducing menopausal symptoms. Some of the symptoms associated with menopause that neroli oil can take care of with ease are elevated blood pressure levels, stress and anxiety and loss of libido. A randomized controlled trial published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine on June 2014 investigated the effects of inhaling the aroma of Citrus aurantium L. var. amara oil on menopausal symptoms including estrogen in postmenopausal women.

The trial involved 63 healthy postmenopausal women who were divided into two groups. The report suggested that neroli oil can be used to reduce stress and treat the health of postmenopausal women. It also found that neroli oil improved functioning of the endocrine system. (6)

9. Neroli Oil for Skincare

A few studies have shown that neroli oil was more effective in treating blemishes and scar on the face and body than most lotions or anti-spot creams available in the market. The oil is used as an ingredient in some skincare products. It is also use to diminish after pregnancy stretch marks.

10. Removes Gas from Stomach

The essential oil of neroli has carminative properties, which means it efficiently removes the gas accumulation in the stomach and intestines. When the gas is removed from the stomach the normal functioning of the stomach resumes. This includes better digestion, hunger and lesser discomfort. It also lowers the blood pressure level. The effect of a body massage with neroli oil was analyzed in a 2013 study. It was found that sleep quality improved and hypertension decreased with the massage. Its anticonvulsant activity also lowers spasms in the stomach. (7)

11. Oil to Lower Blood Pressure

Neroli oil has antidepressant properties. It functions by reducing the stress causing hormone called salivary cortisol in prehypertensive and hypertensive subjects. By lowering the cortisol level in the body neroli oil also lowers the blood pressure level. The oil has high limonene content which has a positive impact on the autonomic nervous system. It thus regulates the pulse rate as well.

12. Oil for Sleeping

The oil of neroli has a sedative effect which is useful as a complementary therapy for insomnia and stress induced sleeplessness. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2014 published a study that shows that essential oils improved the sleep quality of patients. (8)

13. Good Anti-inflammatory Effect

The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil make it a useful tool in skin acre, hair care and joint care. It reduces swelling, pain, redness and inflammation. It also improved the immune response of the body to inflammation. The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry on October 2017 published a study that looked into the anti-inflammatory properties of neroli oil. It concluded that the anti-inflammatory properties of neroli oil were due to the presence of the compounds linalool, limonene and alpha terpineol. (9)

14. Popular Aroma

The aroma of neroli is rich and can drive away foul smells. It is hence used in deodorants, perfumes, and in room fresheners. A drop of the oil is added to clothes to keep it smelling fresh.

15. Disinfects the House and Surroundings

Neroli oil has insecticidal and bactericidal properties. Hence it is used as a cleaning agent that can eliminate bacteria, microbes and fungus from the house and clothes.

16. Tonic for the Body

The oils that act as tonic for the body boost the functioning of different systems of the body, including digestive, neurological and circulatory. Neroli oil improves the functions of these systems and keeps the body healthy.


Post time: Sep-11-2024