

Benefits and uses of Plum blossom oil

Plum blossom oil

If you haven’t heard of plum blossom oil, don’t stress—it’s basically beauty’s best-kept secret. Using plums blossom in skin care actually originated hundreds of years ago in Western Asia, which is home to some of the longest-living people. Today, lets take a look at plum blossom oil.

Introduction of plum blossom oil

Plum blossom oil is becoming increasingly popular all over the world for its potent and completely natural hair, skin and beauty benefits. With a bright, light and fruity fragrance, oil extracted from plum blossom can have a deeply moisturizing effect on the body, smoothing and hydrating skin for a better glow.

Benefits of plum blossom oil

for oily skin

Theres a common myth that people with oily skin should not use oil-based products. However, when the oil is as lightweight, non-greasy and nutrient-loaded as plum blossom oil, that myth can be tossed into the wind. Plum blossom oil is noncomedogenic, which means it won’t clog your pores.

Containing a high level of oleic acid, plum blossom oil is able to balance out the rate at which your skin produces oil, slowing down the development of acne and blackheads. If you struggle with these skin issues, plum blossom oil for oily skin can restore healthy hydration and glow to your face.

for youthful radiance

Plum blossom oil is packed with vitamin E and palmitoleic acid (omega-7). Vitamin E is added to many anti-aging beauty products, and plum blossom oil naturally possesses a high dose of it. Able to promote the restoration of scarred, weathered or blemished skin, vitamin E helps to slow down moisture loss from the skin and nourish new cells to create smoother, suppler skin.

Palmitoleic acid contributes to the health, radiance, and rejuvenation of skin, hair, nails and lips. By promoting collagen production which reduces wrinkle formation, palmitoleic acid supports the skin’s anti-aging process.

for soft, shiny hair

Oleic acids are also able to tame frizz while promoting healthier, stronger and shinier hair. No matter what your hair type is, plum blossom oil can facilitate better moisture retention within the hair follicles, add nourishment and lustre to strands and protect your hair from heat damage. The presence of linoleic acid in plum blossom oil further promotes thickness, radiance and faster hair growth.

for nails

Vitamin E promotes hair growth and nail growth. It can enhance the health and flexibility of your nails while keeping them strong and resistant to chipping. The presence of stearic acid also promotes the locking-in of essential moisture levels, keeping your nails strong and full of shine.

Uses of plum blossom oil

Skin moisturizer

Rubbing some plum blossom oil onto your face as a moisturizer is a great way to keep skin fresh, supple and hydrated without becoming greasy. Regular application can contribute to skin that resists moisture loss and keeps sebum production under control for youthful, bright-looking skin.

Plum blossom oil’s content of oleic and linoleic acid make it useful on the face, for acne-prone skin and for those with eczema, since linoleic acid production in the skin is actually reduced in such cases, and replacing it helps unclog pores and calm inflammation.

Many popular cosmetic products are now adding plum blossom oil to their ingredients list, but you can also make your own DIY pure plum blossom oil moisturizer – simply use it as is!

Carrier oil

If youre looking for a carrier oil to use for the topical application of essential oils, plum blossom oil should top your list. Not only will it help dilute your essential oils, making them less irritating to the skin and prolonging their presence on your skin and their benefits, but it actually has its own wealth of skin care benefits which we’ve already touched on.

Plum blossom oil is also an ideal carrier oil to use on the face because it won’t clog pores and it replaces the skin’s reduced linoleic acid content, helps unclog pores and calms inflammation. Use it with essential oils that improve skin health, or with any other essential oils you’re hoping to reap the benefits from when used topically.

Makeup primer

If youre looking for a natural, effective and lightweight makeup primer, plum  blossom oil has got you covered. Before applying a full face of makeup, it can be helpful to prime your skin with a nutrient-loaded oil like plum  blossom oil. This will prevent your skin from absorbing makeup toxins (which cause acne and sebum build-up), restore moisture and simplify your makeup removal process. 

Hair serum

Raw, purified plum blossom oil is essentially a plum oil vitamin C serum, which can be used on freshly-washed hair for a healthy glow and shine. Regular application can repair dry, damaged hair and help restore split ends.

Containing a huge variety of hydrating, smoothing, and strengthening natural nutrients, adding plum  blossom oil to your hair care routine can deliver some very positive results. Simply rub some onto your palms after a shower and work through from tips to roots for thicker, glossier locks.

Precaution of plum blossom oil

There’s a reason why so many essential oils are often diluted with a carrier oil before use: they’re extremely potent plant extractions that our bodies aren’t used to being exposed to at such high doses.

Performing a simple patch test and waiting 48 hours before full use can further prevent any unprecedented reactions from occurring. If your skin reacts negatively, immediately stop using the oil and seek medical attention.

Excessive use or internal consumption can lead to some side effects – especially if you have sensitive skin or an underlying allergy to the oil. Some potential side effects include:

l Mild burns

l Skin irritation

l Nausea

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Post time: Oct-31-2023