

Benefits and uses of spikenard oil

Spikenard oil

An essential oil spotlight—spikenard oil, with a grounding aroma, is soothing to the senses.

Spikenard oil introduction

Spikenard oil is a light yellow to brownish liquid ,used to promote healthy skin, relaxation, and an uplifted mood, Spikenard essential oil is known for its distinct, woody, spicy scent that creates a pleasant aroma when diffused or used as a personal perfume.

Spikenard oil benefits

Relieves Inflammation

Spikenard oil is extremely beneficial to your health because of its ability to fight inflammation throughout the body. So, spikenard oil can serve as an anti-inflammatory agent.

 Promotes Hair Growth

Spikenard oil is known for promoting the growth of hair, retaining its natural color and slowing down the process of graying. spikenard oil showed positive response in hair growth promotion activity; the crude spikenard extracts were more effective than the pure compounds. Showing that spikenard can work as a hair loss remedy.

Relieves Insomnia

Spikenard oil’s sedative and laxative properties can be helpful for people with insomnia. It leaves you relaxed, and feelings of restlessness and anxiety fade away. If your insomnia is a result of indigestion or stomach issues, it may prove helpful because it improves the function of the digestive system. Aromatherapy using spikenard oil may provide mild sedation.

May Relieve Constipation

Spikenard oil is sometimes used as a natural laxative that stimulates the digestive system. This may be due to the oil’s relaxing and calming properties.

 Spikenard oil uses

u For aromatherapy, diffuse 5 drops of the essential oil or inhale directly from the bottle.

u To calm the mind and relax the body, inhale 2 drops of oil or add 5 drops to a diffuser or oil burner.

u To relieve respiratory problems, make your own vapor rub by adding 2 drops of spikenard to equal parts of a carrier oil and rub the mixture on your chest.

u To lower blood pressure or treat heart palpitations, massage 2 drops of spikenard oil into your feet or make a warm foot bath.

u To stimulate hair growth, add 5–10 drops of spikenard essential oil to this Homemade Conditioner recipe.


It’s safe to use spikenard topically and aromatically, and when using it internally, make sure you use 100 percent pure, high-quality and organic products only.

Possible skin sensitivity, so test a patch of skin before using the oil regularly. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.


Post time: Nov-22-2023