

Benefits and uses of Stemonae Radix oil

Stemonae Radix oil

Introduction of Stemonae Radix oil

Stemonae Radix is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) used as an antitussive and insecticidal remedy, which is derived from Stemona tuberosa Lour, S. japonica and and S. sessilifolia [11]. It has been widely used for the treatment of respiratory diseases in China for thousands of years. And Stemonae Radix oil is steam distilled from the Stemonae Radix.

Benefits of Stemonae Radix oil

It moistens the lungs and stops coughing

Stemonae Radix oil may help with acute and chronic cough, asthma, and bronchitis.

It expels parasites and kills lice

Stemonae Radix oil can be used topically for head and body lice or fleas, spider bites, as a wash for bacterial vaginosis, and as a nightly retained enema for pinworms.

It can help with eczema

because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, Stemonae Radix oil has been used to treat eczema.

Antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activity

Stemonae Radix oil has an antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activity that can help to scavenge free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and aging, and brighten the skin. There are studies showing that strain fermentation processing is effective in improving the antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase activities of Stemonae Radix.

Uses of Stemonae Radix oil

l used for spa fragrance, oil burner with various treatment with aroma

l Some essential oil is the important ingredients for making perfume.

l Essential oil can be blended with base oil by proper percentage for body and face massage with different efficacys like whitening, double moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, anti- acne and so on

Side effects and precautions of Stemonae Radix oil

Resulting in poor breathing

Stemonae Radix oil contains a large amount of alkali, if this component takes too much, will reduce the nerve excitability of the respiratory center, have lead to poor breathing Side effects, severe cases can even cause respiratory center paralysis. 

May cause dizziness, nausea

The use of large doses may cause dizziness, nausea, chest tightness and other discomfort reactions, in the occurrence of the above adverse reactions should stop continuing to use a hundred If the discomfort is serious, you need timely medical treatment

Patients with gastrointestinal diseases avoid taking

Stemonae Radix oil taste bitter, has a smooth effect, a large number of use will damage the stomach gas, can cause the spleen and stomach deficiency cold, so there are chronic gastritis, chronic gastroenteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases Avoid a large number of single-flavor medicine for a long time.

Should not be taken together with tea

After the use of Stemonae Radix oil should not drink tea, because tea contains a lot of tanning, it will and Stemonae Radix oil alkali precipitation reaction, so can not and Tea with clothing.


Post time: Jan-24-2024