

Benefits and Uses of Tuberose Oil

Tuberose oil

Introduction of tuberose oil

Tuberose is mostly known as rajanigandha in India and belongs to the Asparagaceae family. In the past, it was mainly exported from Mexico but now it has been found almost worldwide. Tuberose oil is mainly the extraction of tuberose flowers by the use of solvent extraction methods. It is used as aromatherapy, perfume manufacturer, and also herbal medicine.

Benefits of tuberose oil

Internal Warming 

Tuberose oils stimulate blood circulation utilizing its body warming capabilities that warm the respiratory system. With the respiratory system in full gear, you can enjoy a range of health benefits. The oils apart prevent excessive mucus, and phlegm forming helps remove toxins in the body and improves oxygenation in the blood.

Maintain Respiratory Health

Tuberose oil helps people with respiratory problems, including asthma. By bolstering the respiratory system, there is less chance of getting allergies. When you rub creams with tuberose oil, it can relax the respiratory tract and reduce spasms. Its active and therapeutic qualities provide relief for those experiencing excessive mucous and coughing. By bolstering the respiratory system, there is less chance of getting allergies.

Skin Moisturizing

Moisturizing creams are great but add some tuberose oils, and you have a fantastic treatment for your skin. The natural elements in tuberose lock moisture in the skin.

Heal Cracked Heels

Tuberose oil isn’t just another moisturizer. It has fast action properties and can attack those painful cracked heels and provide quick relief. Use some tuberose moisturizing creams to gets the job done.

Lowers Nausea

Having a bath with Tuberose scent is so relaxing. It can also help to reduce nausea. Tuberose oil can relieve nausea and vomiting. Let the fragrance fill your room and enjoy it.

Eliminates Bad Odor

This essential oil, which is world famous for its use in perfumes, certainly doesn’t need any explanation about its function as a deodorant. The rich, intense, and long-lasting floral fragrance is an ideal choice for a deodorant, which is why it is so popular in countries with hot and humid climates, as they have to frequently deal with sweat and the resultant body odor.

Relieves Stress & Anxiety

The pleasant fragrance and various chemical components of this oil have relaxing effects on the brain, nerves, and the muscles. It calms people and gives relief from stress, tension, anxiety, depression, anger, nervous afflictions, convulsions, cramps, spasmodic coughs, and diarrhea.

Sedates Inflammation

This essential oil is good for sedating inflammations, particularly those pertaining to the nervous system and the respiratory system. However, to have this sedating effect, it should be used in relatively high dilution.

Increases Blood Circulation

Tuberose oil stimulates and increases blood circulation throughout the body, thereby inducing a warming effect. This effect counters the feeling of cold in winters, keeps the respiratory system warm, prevents the deposition of phlegm and catarrh, increases activity, and also helps to cure sexual disorders.

Kitty from Zhicui Xiangfeng (guangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd.

By the way, our company has a base dedicated to planting tuberose, tuberose oils are refined in our own factory and supplied directly from the factory. Welcome to contact us if you are interested in our product after learning about the benefits of tuberose oil. We will give you a satisfactory price for this product.

Uses of tuberose oil


Massaging with a blend that includes Tuberose can be quite relaxing. It is spasmolytic, which mean that the oil can help calm muscular spasm.

Tuberose also has a mild narcotic effect and is very relaxing, which can be quite beneficial to those suffering stress or insomnia. Because of the chemical residue often present, the oil or absolute should be used in lower quantities in blends.


Essential oils can be very helpful in inducing hypnosis. If you are perfecting your self-hypnosis and meditation, tuberose can be a useful addition.


Because of its deep floral aroma, tuberose oil is often used in both commercial and home perfumery. It is a very feminine middle note.

For Hair

l Take few drops of tuberose essential oil

l Then mix it with one or two tablespoons of carrier oil like coconut oil, jasmine oil, etc.

l Then take a small amount on hand and apple on your scalp

l Just slowly give massage in circulation motion

For Face

l Take few drops of tuberose essential oil

l Then mix it with one or two tablespoons of carrier oil like coconut oil, jasmine oil, etc.

l Then take a small amount on hand and apple on your face

l Just slowly give massage in circulation motion

precautions of tuberose oil

Tuberose oil is not normally used in aromatherapy but in the perfume industry as a component of good quality perfumes and is said to have narcotic properties, although proper safety data is not available.

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Post time: May-08-2023