

Benefits and uses of Tulip oil

Tulip oil

Tulip Oil, earthy, sweet, and floral, is traditionally associated with love and prosperity. Today, lets take a look at tulip oil from the following aspects.

Introduction of tulip oil

 Tulip Essential Oil, also known as Tulipa gesneriana oil, is extracted from the tulip plant through steam distillation of its flowers. This essential oil is relatively rare and has a number of unique properties, aromatic descriptions, uses, and benefits that make it an important addition to aromatherapy, perfumery, and other applications. 

Benefits of tulip oil

Great for aromatherapy

Tulip oil is very therapeutic and a great relaxing agent to soothe your mind and senses. It is perfect for alleviating feelings of stress, anxiety and tension to rejuvenate and reinvigorate your senses.

Helps battle insomnia

As such, tulip oil can help facilitate a much better, peaceful and restful sleep as it keeps your relaxed and calm. This hence contributes to your smooth functioning during the day.

Great for skin

Tulip oil is also an excellent moisturizing agent for your skin as its rejuvenating constituents help to soothe dry and irritated skin, thus keeping your skin soft and supple. Its astringent qualities also facilitates tighter and firmer skin, thus inhibiting wrinkles and sagging skin.

Heals wounds, bites and irritations

If you have rashes, insect bites, stings or burns, tulip oil can help to soothe any forms of redness or irritation since it is very soothing. It helps in getting a speedy recovery, without leaving behind a nasty scar in its wake. Mix 6 drops of apricot oil with 2drops of peppermint oil and massage on abdomen.

To freshen up rooms

Tulip oil is also a great addition for your room fresheners, candles and incense sticks because of its highly fragrant and sweet scent. This help to keep your surrounding atmosphere and environment smelling nice. 2drops of black pepper essential oils into steam inhalation. Or, massage onto.

l Relaxant - reduce anxiety, physical and emotional signs of stress.

l Sleep Aid – promote better sleep. -

l Soothing and calming effect on nervous tension, migraines.

Uses of tulip oil

This powerful essential oil can be diluted with carrier oils and used as a topical application or a relaxing massage.  Add few drops of oil to potpourris, vaporizers, candles, or diffusers for combating germs in the air and protecting the environment naturally. It can also be added to your bathtub for an aromatic, healing, stimulating, and energizing bath.

Heals wounds, bites and irritations

Mix 6 drops of apricot oil with 2drops of peppermint oil and massage on abdomen

To freshen up rooms

2drops of black pepper essential oils into steam inhalation. Or, massage onto.

What does tulip oil smell like?

Many tulips smell grassy green. Cis-3-hexenol and cis-3-hexenyl acetate are responsible for this particular green and rather apple-like aroma. A considerable part of tulip flowers has a spicy aromatic smell, produced by a ocimene, eucalyptol, pinene and limonene dominance.


Post time: Sep-23-2023