

Benefits and uses of Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil

If you’ve been looking for a magic potion for your skin, you should consider Vitamin E oil. An essential nutrient found naturally in some foods including nuts, seeds and green vegetables, it has been a popular ingredient in skincare product for years.

Introduction of Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil oil is a moisturizer that you put on your skin. It works by increasing the amount of Vitamin E oil in your skin. Vitamin E oil helps many parts of your body including your cells.

Benefits of Vitamin E oil

Removes Dirt

Vitamin E oil oil is a heavy emollient. It removes dirt from your pores to give you a refreshed and smooth appearance. A few drops of Vitamin E oil oil should do the trick. Vitamin E oil capsules can be a great addition to your skincare regimen for cleaning up your skin pores.

Also, the combination of vitamin a and Vitamin E oil helps in removing the acne-causing bacteria.

Prevent Sun Burn

A few studies have shown that using Vitamin E oil can protect you from sunburn. Applying Vitamin E oil oil on a sunburned area will soothe the skin and reduce the redness. One study talks about the reduction of sun damage after the application of topical Vitamin E oil.

Dry skin conditions

Due to its moisturizing properties, Vitamin E oil has been used in many moisturizers. It helps reduce the itching and flakiness found in conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. However, the benefits are believed to be temporary, and Vitamin E oil-based moisturizers need to keep applied frequently. Vitamin E oil improves the efficacy of moisturizers. Patients who want to avoid prescription creams for their mild psoriasis might consider using Vitamin E oil.


Some reports suggest oral Vitamin E oil helps heal wounds. However, robust evidence about its benefits on wound healing is lacking.


For a long time, Vitamin E oil oil has been applied on scars to minimize the appearance of scars. However, there is mixed research on the benefits of Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil may moisturize the dried wound area and prevent the formation of scar. However, if a person is allergic to Vitamin E oil, their scar may worsen.

Fine lines and wrinkles

Moisturizing makes the skin appear smoother and minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin E oil can have anti-aging effects on the skin. Because Vitamin E oil is an antioxidant, it may delay the signs of aging on the skin but sufficient evidence to claim the same is inconclusive.

Melasma (pigmentation of pregnancy)

When taken orally, Vitamin E oil has been shown to cause depigmentation in patients with melasma. Only Vitamin E oil may not be very effective in melasma management. It may need to be supplemented with other substances.

Yellow nail syndrome

Yellow nail syndrome is characterized by the yellowing and peeling of nails. Vitamin E oil supplements are used to treat this nail disorder.


Ataxia associated with Vitamin E oil deficiency is an inherited condition that affects balance and muscle control. It mainly affects the balance and coordination of body movements. Vitamin E oil supplements are used in the treatment of ataxia.

Uses of Vitamin E oil

Apply Vitamin E oil oil to a scar. 

If you are trying to reduce the size or the look of a scar, use a Q-tip or a cotton ball to apply the oil directly onto the scar. Consult your physician or dermatologist to determine how often you should treat.

Apply Vitamin E oil oil to your scalp and hair. 

Vitamin E oil can refresh dry, brittle hair. It is also great for dry scalps. Vitamin E oil oil promotes circulation, which is key to a healthy scalp. Pour out some of the oil and dip your fingers in it. Work it into your scalp. Focus on the roots of your hair, where the Vitamin E oil oil can soak into the hair and the scalp. You can also apply it to the length of your hair to moisturize dry hair.

If you’re using pure Vitamin E oil , mix one or two drops of it for every 10 drops of a carrier oil, like jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. Apply the mixture or the Vitamin E oil serum of your choice to your skin using your fingers.

Side effects and precautions of Vitamin E oil

When taken at appropriate doses, oral use of vitamin E is generally considered safe. Rarely, oral use of vitamin E can cause:

l Nausea

l Diarrhea

l Intestinal cramps

l Fatigue

l Weakness

l Headache

l Blurred vision

l Rash

l Gonadal dysfunction

l Increased concentration of creatine in the urine (creatinuria)


Post time: Mar-06-2024