

Benefits Of Ravensara Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Ravensara Essential Oil

The common health benefits of Ravensara essential oil are mentioned below.

May Reduce Pain

The analgesic property of Ravensara oil may make it an effective remedy for many types of pain, including toothaches, headaches, muscular and joint pain, and earaches.

May Reduce Allergic Reactions

According to a report published in the Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal by a team of researchers from Korea, ravensera oil itself is non-sensitizing, non-irritating and it reduces the allergic reactions of the body as well. Gradually, it may build resistance against allergenic substances so the body does not show hyper reactions against them. 

May Prevent Bacterial Infections

The most notorious bacteria and microbes cannot even stand to be near this essential oil. They fear it more than anything and there are sufficient reasons for that. This oil is fatal to bacteria and microbes and can wipe out entire colonies very efficiently. It may inhibit their growth, cures old infections, and stops new infections from forming. Therefore, it can be used against diseases resulting from bacterial and viral infections such as food poisoning, cholera, and typhoid.

May Reduce Depression

This oil is very good for countering depression and giving a boost to positive thoughts and feelings of hope. It may uplift your mood, relax the mind, and invoke energy and sensations of hope and joy. If this essential oil is systematically administered to patients suffering from chronic depression, it can help them gradually come out of that difficult situation.

May Inhibit Fungal Infections

Similar to its effect on bacteria and microbes, this oil is very harsh on fungi as well. It may inhibit their growth and even kills their spores. Therefore, it can be used against fungal infections in the ears, nose, head, skin, and nails.

 May Fight Viral Infections

This efficient bacteria fighter is a virus fighter too. It may stop viral growth by rupturing the cyst (the protective coating on the virus) and then killing the virus inside. It is very good for fighting diseases caused by viruses such as the common cold, influenza, measles, mumps, and pox.






Post time: Jan-05-2024