

Benefits of spikenard oil

1. Fights Bacteria and Fungus

Spikenard stops bacterial growth on the skin and inside the body. On the skin, it’s applied to wounds in order to help kill bacteria and help provide wound care. Inside the body, spikenard treats bacterial infections in the kidneys, urinary bladder and urethra. It’s also known to treat treat toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, tetanus, cholera and food poisoning.


Spikenard is also antifungal, so it promotes skin health and helps heal ailments caused by fungal infections. This powerful plant is able to ease itching, treat patches on the skin and treat dermatitis.


2. Relieves Inflammation

Spikenard essential oil is extremely beneficial to your health because of its ability to fight inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is at the root of most diseases and it’s dangerous for your nervous, digestive and respiratory systems.


 3. Relaxes the Mind and Body

Spikenard is a relaxing and soothing oil for the skin and mind; it’s used as a sedative and calming agent. It’s also a natural coolant, so it rids the mind of anger and aggression. It sedates feelings of depression and restlessness and can serve as a natural way to relieve stress.


4. Stimulates the Immune System

Spikenard is an immune system booster — it calms the body and allows it to function properly. It’s a natural hypotensive, so it naturally lowers blood pressure.


Elevated blood pressure is when the pressure on the arteries and blood vessels becomes too high and the arterial wall becomes distorted, causing extra stress on the heart. Long term-high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes.


Using spikenard is a natural remedy for high blood pressure because it dilates the arteries, acts as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress and decreases emotional stress. Oils from the plant also relieve inflammation, which is the culprit for a host of diseases and illnesses.







Post time: Oct-28-2023