

Benzoin Essential Oil

Benzoin Essential Oil

Maybe many people have not know Benzoin essential oil in detail. Today, I will take you to understand the Benzoin essential oil from four aspects.

Introduction of Benzoin Essential Oil

Benzoin trees are native to Southeast Asia around Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam where the gum is tapped for extraction into oil. It has a thick, sticky consistency with a sweet, vanilla-like aroma. As a base note with fixative properties this oil is wonderful for grounding perfume blends. Benzoin has been used for centuries as an incense and perfume. Resinous oils like benzoin have emotionally balancing and calming properties. It has a warm and welcoming aroma when blended into solid perfumes, alcohol-based body sprays, soaps, lip balm and more.

Benzoin Essential Oil Effects & Benefits

  1. May Improve Circulation

Benzoin essential oil can raise spirits and uplift mood. It is used in incense sticks and other such substances which, when burnt, gives out the smoke with the characteristic aroma of benzoin oil. Their effects are transmitted to our brain, thereby stimulating the nervous center. This may also give a warm feeling, stimulates the heartbeat, and improves circulation.

  1. May Relieve Anxiety

Benzoin essential oil, besides possibly being a stimulant and an antidepressant, on one hand, it can also be a relaxant and sedative on the other. It can relieve anxiety, tension, nervousness, and stress by bringing the nervous and neurotic system to normal. That is why, in the case of depression, it may give a feeling of uplifted mood and can help relax people in case of anxiety and stress. It can also have tranquilizing effects.

  1. May Prevent Sepsis

Benzoin essential oil can be a very good antiseptic and disinfectant. Even the extent to which its smoke spreads on burning can make the zone disinfected from germs. When externally applied to wounds, it may prevent sepsis from developing.

  1. May Improve Digestion

Benzoin essential oil has carminative and anti-flatulent properties. It can help in the removal of gases from the stomach and the intestines and can relieve inflammation of the intestines. It may relax the muscular tension in the abdominal area and helps gases pass out. This can help regulate digestion and improves appetite.

  1. May Remove Bad Odor

Being very rich in aroma, benzoin essential oil is extensively used as a deodorant. Its smoke fills the rooms with a nice aroma and drives away odor. Mixed with bathing water and massage oils, or if applied to the body, it can kill body odor as well as the germs that cause it.

  1. May Aid In Improving Skin Care

It may have astringent properties, which can tone up the muscles and the skin. If mixed with water and used as a mouthwash, it can also tighten the gums. This astringent property can be very helpful for face-lifting and for the reduction of wrinkles on the skin.

  1. May Treat Cough

Benzoin essential oil, being warm and disinfectant in nature, may act as a good expectorant. It can help in the removal of coughs from the respiratory system comprising the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, and relieves congestion. This, therefore, eases breathing. Its possibly tranquilizing properties can help relax and induce sleep for patients who cannot sleep due to extreme congestion from coughs and colds.

  1. May Facilitate Urination

Benzoin essential oil has potential diuretic properties, meaning that it can promote and facilitate urination, both in frequency and in quantity, thereby possibly helping the removal of toxic substances from the blood through urination. Urination may also help in lowering blood pressure, losing weight, and improving digestion.

  1. May Soothe Inflammation

Benzoin essential oil can act as an anti-inflammatory and can soothe inflammation in cases of pox, measles, rashes, eruptions, and others. It can also help soothe inflammation of the digestive system caused due to excessive ingestion of spicy food.

  1. May Relieve Arthritis

These are two of the most used properties of benzoin oil. It may give relief from rheumatism and arthritis.


JiAn ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.Ltd


Benzoin Essential Oil Uses

Benzoin is a lovely all round oil which aids digestion and helps to reduce stress. It has traditionally been used to protect wounds from infection.

l Skin

Used to help soothe dry and cracked skin. Use in blends to maintain healthy skin tone. Mildly astringent, helps tone.

l Mind

The uplifting scents are warming which and give a feeling of comfort that may help with anxiety.

l Body

Soothing and natural constituents which help with inflammation. Benzoin naturally contains benzaldehydes which can help with minor wounds and cuts, so suited to skin treatment creams and oils.

l Aroma

The chocolately scent makes it perfect to blend with sweet oils such as Citrus as well as wonderful undertone to floral oils such as Rose.


While benzoin essential oil is popular today for its vanilla scent and other medicinal properties, it has actually been around for ages. Praised for its strong scent of vanilla and balsam, it is believed that ancient papyrus records state that benzoin resin was traded to China and Egypt across the Red Sea. Back then, the resin was typically ground into a powder with other aromatic materials such as pine, juniper, and cypress, which was then turned into incense.

Precautions: when using Benzoin Essential Oil, Benzoin can have a drowsy effect, so if you know you need to concentrate on something it is best to avoid it.


Post time: Sep-15-2023