

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Black Pepper Oil is extracted from the black peppercorns through a steam distillation process. It has been used extensively in Ayurveda and other traditional forms of medicine due to its powerful medicinal and therapeutic properties.

pure Black Pepper Essential Oil that can be easily identified due to its strong, musky, and spicy fragrance. It has positive effects on your digestive system and also boosts mental alertness. Our natural Black Pepper Essential Oil is popular in Candle Making, Soap Bars & Aromatherapy practices.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it is used in many skincare and hair treatments as well. Its rheumatic properties make it an ideal component of pain-relieving lotions and creams. It contains powerful antioxidants that can support your skin and overall health in many ways. All these properties make our Organic Black Pepper Essential Oil a truly versatile essential oil.

Berries known as peppercorns have a variety of uses. In the past, they were valued for their aromatic spice and sought after as a high priced trading commodity. Black Pepper Oil obtained from the berries. Up to 1 half ton of peppercorns must be processed to produce one quart of black pepper oil. Black Pepper Essential Oil is commonly used for warming the body and promoting circulation. It also alleviates muscle pain and tension. When used as a bath or a massage, it provides relief from chronic rheumatic ailments.


Black Pepper Essential Oil Uses

Anti Wrinkles Products

Strong antioxidants that are present in Black Pepper Oil help to reduce the wrinkles from your face. Black Pepper Essential Oil also restores the damage caused due to free radicals. You can add it to skinr creams and lotions or use it for making anti-aging products.

Heals Congestion

Our Organic Black Pepper Oil is effective against nasal congestion due to its antispasmodic and expectorant properties. It clears the mucus present in your nasal passages and provides quick relief. It also proves to be useful against sinuses.

Relieves Cramps & Spasms

Antispasmodic effects of our Pure Black Pepper Essential Oil allow you to use it against muscle cramps, convulsions, spasms, etc. Therefore, athletes and children can use essential oil to remain fit and healthy during their sporting events.

Aroma Diffuser Oil

Powerful antibacterial properties of Organic Black Pepper Essential Oil can be used to sanitize your surroundings. It kills the parasites, germs, and viruses that are present in the air and keeps the environment clean and healthy for your family.

Anti Dandruff Hair Products

Presence of Vitamin C in Black Pepper Oil gives it the ability to cleanse the scalp quickly. People who are suffering from scalp irritation or dandruff should mix it with olive oil or any other suitable carrier oil and apply it to their scalp. It also strengthens your hair naturally

Scented Candles & Soap Bars

Fresh sharp scent with a spicy touch gives it an alluring fragrance, pour a few drops of Black Pepper Oil in your DIY Perfumes, Soap Bars, Scented Candles, Colognes, and Body sprays for enhancing the fragrance

if you are interested in this oil you can contact with me, below is my contact information


Post time: Jun-02-2023