




    Cedar Wood hydrosol is an anti-bacterial hydrosol, with multiple protective benefits. It has a sweet, spicy, woody and raw aroma. This aroma is popular for repelling away mosquitoes and insects. Organic Cedarwood hydrosol is obtained as a by-product during the extraction of Cedar Wood Essential Oil which is obtained by Steam Distillation of Cedrus Deodara or Cedar Wood Bark. It was used by Ancient Greeks and Romans as an Incense to refresh settings and protection against insects. Cedar Wood is also popular for treating skin allergies and for its healing nature.

     Cedar Wood Hydrosol has all the benefits, without the strong intensity, that Essential oils have. It is a naturally anti-septic liquid, which means it can protect skin & body against bacterial attacks. It can be used for increasing healing process and to prevent infections from happening in open wounds and cuts. Cedar Wood Hydrosol is also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature; it is perfect for treating and preventing skin allergies, infections and rashes. This multi-purpose hydrosol also has antispasmodic benefits, which means it can be used to treat body ache and muscle cramps as well. And lastly the sweet aroma of this hydrosol can drive away unwanted insects and mosquitoes from your home.

      Cedar Wood Hydrosol is commonly used in mist forms, you can add it to relieve skin rashes, hydrate skin, prevent infections nourish scalp, and others. It can be used as Facial toner, Room Freshener, Body Spray, Hair spray, Linen spray, Makeup setting spray etc. Cedar Wood hydrosol can also be used in the making of Creams, Lotions, Shampoos, Conditioners, SoapsBody wash etc








Moisturizing: Organic Cedar Wood Hydrosol is highly moisturizing liquid; it reaches deep into your skin and locks moisture inside the pores. It keeps your skin hydrated and prevent roughness, cracked skin and dryness. 

Sooths Skin: The anti-inflammatory quality of Cedar Wood floral water is very useful for irritated and dry skin. It provides moisture to skin and along with that it sooths down itching, redness and inflammation on skin.

Treats Skin Allergies: Cedar wood floral water is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal hydrosol. It is protective in nature and also fights against infection causing bacteria, fungi, etc. It can be beneficial in treating fungal reactions like athlete’s foot, toe infections and others.

Faster Healing: Cedar wood Hydrosol can remove dead skin and help with skin rejuvenation. Its popular for the carminative and restoring properties which helps in speeding up the healing process of open wounds and cuts. It also protects infections and septic in open wounds.

Reduces Anxiety: Its sweet-spicy and woody aroma which is calming to senses and reduces symptoms of mild anxiety. Cedar Wood Hydrosol has a sedative effect on mind, that helps in releasing tension and stress.

Pain Relief: As mentioned, Cedarwood Hydrosol is anti-inflammatory in nature, it can lower sensitivity and inflammation in joints and throughout body. It reduces pain and discomfort, in general and also the ones associated with fever and diseases. It is also anti-spasmodic in nature; it can bring relief to muscle ache and cramps.

Calms mind: Cedarwood hydrosol has a very calming aroma that enters your senses and helps in relaxing nervous system. It can be sprayed on forehead or scalp to keep mind fresh all day and relieve mental pressure. 

Fragrance: The fresh scent of Cedar wood Hydrosol is sweet and spicy, with pleasant hit of woody note. It is useful in so many ways and can be incorporated in daily routine easily.

Insect Repellent: Its sweet and strong aroma is known to repel mosquitoes and other insects.





Skin Care Products: It is used in making skin care products because of its healing and moisturizing benefits. Its deep restorative benefits are used in making cleansers, toners, facial sprays, etc. You can also use it solely, just mix it with distilled water and spray it on your face at night to give your skin a nice pat of comfort.

Infection Treatment: Cedar Wood Hydrosol is used in making infection treatment and cares. It prevents skin against bacterial attacks and treat skin allergies as well. You can also use it at home to treat body rashes, use it in showers and aromatic baths to give skin an extra layer of protection. You can also make a mix, to spray during the day to keep skin moist or whenever your skin feels irritated. It will sooth down inflammation and itching on the affected area.

Hair care products: Cedar Wood Hydrosol is added to hair care products like shampoos, hair masks, hair sprays, hair mists, hair perfumes, etc. It hydrates scalp and locks moisture inside scalp pores. It also prevents scalp allergies and inflammation in scalp. It will make your hair soft and keep them nourished. You can create your own hair spray with Cedar woo Hydrosol, mix it with Distilled Water and spray it on your scalp after washing your hair.

Massage and Steams: Cedar wood Hydrosol can be used in Body massages, Steam Bath and Saunas. It will enter the body through open pores and relax muscles. Its anti-inflammatory nature will bring relief to body ache, muscle cramps and discomfort caused by inflammation.

Diffusers: Common use of Cedar Wood Hydrosol is adding to diffusers, to purify surroundings. Add Distilled water and Cedar Wood hydrosol in appropriate ratio, and disinfect your home or car. The soft aroma of this hydrosol has so many benefits. It can releases built up pressure and stress, relax mind and also refresh the surrounding. It has a calming effect on both mind and body and would be beneficial to use at night time to have a sound sleep. Its sweet aroma will also repel away bugs and mosquitoes.

Natural Perfume: You can create your own natural perfume mist with Cedarwood Hydrosol. Mix appropriate ratio of distilled water and cedar wood hydrosol and keep it in a spray bottle. Use it throughout the day to stay fresh and fragrant.  

Cosmetic Products and Soap Making: Cedar Wood Hydrosol is rich in Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which is why it is used in making personal use products like face mists, primers, creams, lotions, refresher, etc. It’s warm and spicy aroma is also popularly used in making bathing products like shower gels, body washes, scrubs. It is added to products specially made for allergic skin and to reduce infections.

Insect repellent: Cedar wood hydrosol makes a natural disinfectant and insecticide because of its sweet aroma. It is added to disinfectants, cleaner and insect repelling sprays, to drive away bugs and mosquitoes. You can also use it in laundry and on your curtains to disinfect and give them a nice aroma.




Amanda 名片














Post time: Aug-22-2023