

Chili seed oil

Chili seed oil

When you think of chilies, images of hot, spicy food may come up but don’t let that intimidate you from trying this underrated essential oil. This invigorating, dark red oil with a spicy aroma has therapeutic and healing properties that have been celebrated for centuries. Chili essential oil is made from the steam distillation process of hot pepper seeds resulting in a dark red and spicy essential oil, rich in capsaicin. Capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers that gives them their distinct heat, is loaded with amazing therapeutic properties. Thus, chili seed essential oil (not to be confused with edible chili oil) is able to stimulate blood circulation, relieve pain, and aid hair growth when applied topically.

Chili Essential Oil Benefits

Small but mighty. Chili peppers have great benefits for growing hair and maintaining better health when they’re made into essential oil. Chili oil can be used for treating day-to-day issues as well as nourishing the body with powerful health benefits.


Relieves Muscle Aches An effective pain-relieving agent, capsaicin in chili oil is a powerful analgesic for people who suffer from muscle aches and stiff joints due to rheumatism and arthritis.


Eases Stomach Discomfort Aside from relieving muscle aches, chili oil can also ease stomach discomfort by encouraging better blood flow to the area, numbing it from pain, and encouraging digestion.


Boosts Hair Growth Because of capsaicin, chili oil can encourage hair growth by encouraging better blood circulation to the scalp while tightening and thereby strengthening hair follicles.

Boosts Immune System Chilli essential oil can also help give the immune system a leg up because it stimulates the production of white blood cells.


Helps Improve Blood Flow The most common effect of capsaicin is that it improves blood flow throughout the body, which betters overall health, making you strong from the inside. It is a potent antioxidant that promotes blood circulation.


A Remedy For chronic Diseases The high antioxidant level of chili oil and its ability to boost immune system of the body makes it capable in tackling free radicals and subsequently oxidative stress. These factors keep chronic diseases at bay.
Oil for Stomach Related Issues Chili oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe the inflamed tissues in the stomach. Foods with spices are considered not good for the stomach; au contraire, capsaicin in the chili oil aids the digestive process and balances the presence of bacteria in the body.

Cold and Cough Oil The oil of chili being an expectorant and a decongestant is useful for common conditions including colds, coughs and flu. It relieves sinus congestion and opens up the respiratory tract for easier breathing. It is used in aromatherapy to curb constant sneezing. Benefits of chili oil are not limited to external use; it is also used internally. However, use chili oil internally only after consulting a doctor.


Oil for Eye Health The uses and benefits of chili seed oil offer something for the eyes as well. It has a small amount of Vitamin A and when used regularly it maintains the vision and prevents dry eyes. It may prevent eye conditions including macular degeneration. It may cause skin irritation, hence dilute it properly before use.

Blood Pressure Essential Oil The compound capsaicin in the oil can increase blood flow in the body and also improve the level of good or HDL cholesterol. These actions lower blood pressure of the body and protect its cardiovascular health in the long term.

Better Cognitive Performance Capsaicin content in the oil has shown to improve the cognitive performance. It is believed that the antioxidant nature of this compound prevents the spread of beta-amyloid plaque which may cause Alzheimer’s disease. It also prevents any long term neurodegenerative diseases.


If you want to know more about chili seed essential oil, please feel free to contact me.We are Ji’an ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd.

Post time: Sep-27-2023