

Cistus Essential Oil

Cistus Essential Oil

Cistus Essential Oil is made from the leaves or flowering tops of a shrub called Cistus ladaniferus that is also referred to as Labdanum or Rock Rose. It is mainly cultivated in the United Kingdom and is known for its ability to heal wounds. You will find Cistus essential oil made from its branches, twigs, and leaves as well but the best quality oil is obtained from the flowers of this shrub.

We are offering high-quality and Pure Cistus Oil that is derived from the flowers of Cistus. The amazing fragrance of our natural Cistus Essential oil enables you to use it for aromatherapy purposes. It is widely used in perfumery for its rich fragrance. It is a great antiseptic essential oil, sedative, anti-microbial, vulnerary and astringent.

It is also widely used in perfumery and is also known to be effective against menstrual pain and joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-aging properties of Organic Cistus Essential Oil are of great use to manufacturers of cosmetic and skincare products as anti-aging creams and lotions are in great demand nowadays. You can also use it as a massage oil due to its various therapeutic benefits. Cistus Essential Oil is useful for aromatherapy as it increases our focus and concentration. Therefore, it can be used while meditating as well.

Cistus Essential Oil Uses

Rejuvenating Bath

The soothing fragrance and deep cleansing abilities of Cistus Essential Oil helps you to relax and enjoy a luxurious bath. This healing and rejuvenating bath will not only soothe your mind and body but will also heal skin dryness and irritation.

Insect Repellent

Post time: Aug-07-2024