

Citronella esesntial oil

Ji’An ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd was founded in 1978. We are a professional supplier of agricultural products & food, chemicals, textiles, and castings. Our products are widely used in food & beverage industry, chemical industry, pharmacy industry, textile industry, and machinery industry, etc.


I will introduce one of our best sellers of essential oil” Citronella esesntial oil





Exuding a rich, fresh, uplifting scent similar to that of lemon, this fragrant grass has earned the name Citronella from the French word meaning [lemon balm.” Citronella is commonly mistaken for Lemongrass, as they share a similar appearance, growth, and processing method; however, the two plants are considered to be [cousins,” as they simply belong to the same plant family – the Cymbopogon family, which is commonly referred to simply as Lemongrass. The easiest way to tell them apart is to remember that Lemongrass has off-white pseudostems while those of the Citronella plant are reddish in color.

For centuries, Citronella Oil has been a natural medicinal remedy and a food ingredient in China, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. It is traditionally used as a flavoring agent in culinary applications, a soothing agent for pain, infections, rashes, and inflammation, a non-toxic insect-repelling agent, a natural and fragrant household cleaning agent, and an ingredient in perfumery, soaps, detergents, scented candles,

and cosmetic products. Citronella Oil continues to be valued and applied for its cleansing, disinfecting, freshening, and deodorizing properties.

· Ceylon and Java are the two main varieties of Citronella from which the essential oil is derived via steam distillation of their fresh leaves.


· Citronella is commonly mistaken for or referred to as Lemongrass, as they share a similar appearance, growth, and processing method; however, the two plants simply belong to the same plant family.






· Used in aromatherapy applications, Citronella Essential Oil slows or prevents the growth or spread of harmful airborne bacteria, repels flying insects, uplifts negative moods, and relaxes the body and mind. It is reputed to reduce muscles spasms, ease headaches, and boost energy.


· Used cosmetically or topically in general, Citronella Essential Oil can deodorize and refresh foul body odors, eliminate head and body lice, slow the look of aging, enhance skin health, and improve skin`s absorption of moisture. Citronella Oil conditions the hair, protects it from sun damage, boosts volume, and removes tangles.


Used medicinally, Citronella Essential Oil eliminates and prevents the growth of fungus on wounds, boosts the healing of wounds, relieves spasms and gas, stimulates and improves circulation, facilitates the healing of eczema and dermatitis, reduces swelling, tenderness, and pain, promotes the body`s expulsion of toxins, strengthens immunity, reduces symptoms of the flu, colds, and fever, promotes weight loss, and boosts metabolism and digestion.



Citronella Essential Oil is reputed to have many therapeutic properties. The following highlights its many benefits and the kinds of activity it is believed to show:

· COSMETIC: Deodorant, Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti-Inflammatory, Stimulant, Tonic, Diaphoretic, Antioxidant, Vermifuge.


· ODOROUS: Deodorant, Insect Repellent, Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-Inflammatory, Stomachic, Stimulant, Vermifuge, Relaxant, Antioxidant.


· MEDICINAL: Diuretic, Febrifuge, Fungicidal, Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-Inflammatory, Stomachic, Stimulant, Tonic, Vermifuge.




Jian Zhongxiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd


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Post time: Apr-07-2023