

Clary Sage Oil

The clary sage plant has a lengthy history as a medicinal herb. It’s a perennial in the genus Salvi, and its scientific name is salvia sclarea. It’s considered to be one of the top essential oils for hormones, especially in women.

Many claims have been made as to its benefits when dealing with cramps, heavy menstrual cycles, hot flashes and hormonal imbalances. It’s also known for its ability to increase circulation, support the digestive system, improve eye health and fight leukemia.

Clary sage is one of the most healthful essential oils, with anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-infectious, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also a nerve tonic and sedative with soothing and warming components.


What Is Clary Sage?

Clary sage gets its name from the Latin word “clarus,” which means “clear.” It’s a perennial herb that grows from May to September, and it’s native to the northern Mediterranean, along with some areas in North Africa and Central Asia.

The plant reaches 4–5 feet in height, and it has thick square stems that are covered in hairs. The colorful flowers, ranging from lilac to mauve, bloom in bunches.

The chief components of clary sage essential oil are sclareol, alpha terpineol, geraniol, linalyl acetate, linalool, caryophyllene, neryl acetate and germacrene-D; it has high concentrations of esters at about 72 percent.


Health Benefits

1. Relieves Menstrual Discomfort

Clary sage works to regulate the menstrual cycle by balancing hormone levels naturally and stimulating the opening of an obstructed system. It has the power to treat symptoms of PMS as well, including bloating, cramps, mood swings and food cravings.

This essential oil is also antispasmodic, meaning it treats spasms and related issues such as muscle cramps, headaches and stomachaches. It does this by relaxing the nerve impulses that we can’t control.


An interesting study done at the Oxford Brooks University in the United Kingdom analyzed the influence that aromatherapy has on women in labor. The study took place over a period of eight years and involved 8,058 women.

The evidence from this study suggests that aromatherapy can be effective in reducing maternal anxiety, fear and pain during labor. Of the 10 essential oils that were used during childbirth, clary sage oil and chamomile oil were the most effective in alleviating pain.

Another 2012 study measured the effects of aromatherapy as a painkiller during the menstrual cycle of high school girls. There was an aromatherapy massage group and an acetaminophen (pain killer and fever reducer) group. The aromatherapy massage was performed on subjects in the treatment group, with the abdomen being massaged once using clary sage, marjoram, cinnamon, ginger and geranium oils in a base of almond oil.

The level of menstrual pain was assessed 24 hours later. The results found that the reduction of menstrual pain was significantly higher in the aromatherapy group than in the acetaminophen group.

2. Supports Hormonal Balance

Clary sage affects the hormones of the body because it contains natural phytoestrogens, which are referred to as “dietary estrogens” that are derived from plants and not within the endocrine system. These phytoestrogens give clary sage the ability to cause estrogenic effects. It regulates estrogen levels and ensures the long-term health of the uterus — reducing the chances of uterine and ovarian cancer.

A lot of health issues today, even things like infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome and estrogen-based cancers, are caused from excess estrogen in the body — in part because of our consumption of high-estrogen foods. Because clary sage helps balance out those estrogen levels, it’s an incredibly effective essential oil.

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research found that inhalation of clary sage oil had the ability to reduce cortisol levels by 36 percent and improved thyroid hormone levels. The study was done on 22 post-menopausal women in their 50s, some of whom were diagnosed with depression.

At the end of the trial, the researchers stated that “clary sage oil had a statistically significant effect on lowering cortisol and had an anti-depressant effect improving mood.” It’s also one of the most recommended menopause supplements.


3. Increases Circulation

Clary sage opens the blood vessels and allows for increased blood circulation; it also naturally lowers blood pressure by relaxing the brain and arteries. This boosts the performance of the metabolic system by increasing the amount of oxygen that gets into the muscles and supporting organ function.

A study done at the Department of Basic Nursing Science in the Republic of Korea measured clary sage oil’s ability to lower blood pressure in women with urinary incontinence or involuntary urination. Thirty-four women participated in the study, and they were given either clary sage oil, lavender oil or almond oil (for the control group); then they were measured after inhalation of these odors for 60 minutes.

The results indicated that the clary oil group experienced a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure compared with the control and lavender oil groups, a significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure compared with the lavender oil group, and a significant decrease in respiratory rate compared with the control group.

The data suggest that clary oil inhalation may be useful in inducing relaxation in females with urinary incontinence, especially as they undergo assessments.Card



Post time: Apr-17-2024