

Clove oil

Clove oil

Clove oil uses range from dulling pain and improving blood circulation to reducing inflammation and acne. One of the best-known clove oil uses is helping combat dental problems, such as toothaches. Even mainstream toothpaste makers, such as Colgate, agree that this can oil has some impressive abilities when it comes to supporting the help of your teeth, gums and mouth. It’s been shown to act as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reducer, in addition to having broad-spectrum antimicrobial/cleaning effects that extend to the skin and beyond.

Health Benefits
The health benefits of clove oil are vast and include supporting the health of your liver, skin and mouth. Here are some of most common medicinal clove oil uses that are supported by research studies.

1.Supports Skin Health
Scientific research demonstrates that clove oil has the ability to effectively kill off both the planktonic cells and biofilms of a dangerous bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). What does this have to do with skin health and, more specifically, acne? S. aureus is one of several strains of bacteria that has been scientifically linked with the pathogenesis of acne. As a natural remedy to eliminate acne, take three drops clove oil mixed with two teaspoons raw honey. Wash your face with this formula, then rinse and pat dry.

2. Fights Candida
Another powerful effect of clove essential oil is fighting candida, which is an overgrowth of yeast. Also, in addition to eliminating candida, clove essential oil seems to be helpful for killing intestinal parasites. To do a candida or parasite cleanse, you can take clove oil internally for two weeks, however it’s best to do this under supervision of a physician or nutritionist (ideally while also consuming large amounts of probiotic-rich foods and/or taking a probiotic supplements).


3.High Antioxidant Content
Second only to raw sumac bran, ground clove has the astounding ORAC value of 290,283 units. This means that, per gram, clove contains 30 times more antioxidants than blueberries, which have a value of 9,621. In a nutshell, antioxidants are molecules that reverse the damage caused by free radicals, including cell death and cancer. Research shows that antioxidants slow aging, degeneration, and protect the body against bad bacteria and viruses.

4.Digestive Aid and Ulcer Helper
Clove oil uses also extend to treatment of common complaints related to the digestive system, including indigestion, motion sickness, bloating and flatulence (accumulation of gas in the digestive tract). Research also demonstrates that clove may be able to help when it comes to ulcer formation in the digestive system. One study found that it significantly enhanced gastric mucus production, which protects the lining of the digestive tract and prevents erosion that contributes to gastritis and ulcer formation.
5.Powerful Antibacterial
Clove has been shown to naturally combat harmful bacteria that can cause respiratory illnesses and other conditions. To evaluate its effectiveness as an antibacterial agent, researchers in one study set out to determine which bacteria are most sensitive to clove’s potency. According to their study, clove has the greatest antimicrobial ability over E. coli and also exerted considerable control over Staph aureus, which causes acne, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which causes pneumonia.


6.Immune System Booster
There’s a good reason why clove oil is included in the Four Thieves Oil Blend. With its potent antibacterial and antiviral abilities, studies suggest it can help boost the immune system to fight off, or even prevent, the common cold and flu. Eugenol has been shown to have inhibitory effects on oxidative stress and inflammatory responses, thereby helping defend against chronic diseases. Recent evidence even indicates that clove has potential anticancer properties due to its major active component eugenol.

7.May Help Lower Blood Pressure and Boost Heart Health
If you’re struggling with high blood pressure, or hypertension, clove may be able to help. Studies conducted mostly on animals have revealed that eugenol seems able to dilate major arteries in the body while also reducing systemic blood pressure. One study concludes, “Eugenol may be therapeutically useful as an antihypertensive agent.”

8.Anti-inflammatory and Liver-Protective
Although it has been suspected for centuries to treat inflammatory conditions, the Journal of Immunotoxicology recently published the first study proving that the eugenol in oil of cloves is indeed a powerful anti-inflammatory. This study demonstrates that low doses of eugenol can protect the liver against disease. It was also observed that eugenol reverses inflammation and cellular oxidation (which speeds the aging process). In addition, researchers noted that taking large doses internally could harm the digestive lining, and using it externally can irritate sensitive skin. Thus, as with all essential oils, it’s important not to overdo it. Clove oil (and all essential oils) are extremely concentrated, so remember that a little truly goes a long way.

If you want to know more about clove essential oil, please feel free to contact me.We are Ji’an ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.,Ltd.

Post time: Oct-07-2023