

Clove Oil Uses and Health Benefits

Clove oil uses range from dulling pain and improving blood circulation to reducing inflammation and acne.

One of the best-known clove oil uses is helping combat dental problems, such as toothaches. Even mainstream toothpaste makers, such as Colgate, agree that this can oil has some impressive abilities when it comes to supporting the help of your teeth, gums and mouth.

It’s been shown to act as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reducer, in addition to having broad-spectrum antimicrobial/cleaning effects that extend to the skin and beyond.


Clove Oil for Toothache

Indigenous to Indonesia and Madagascar, clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) can be found in nature as the unopened pink flower buds of the tropical evergreen tree.

Picked by hand in late summer and again in winter, the buds are dried until they turn brown. The buds are then left whole, ground into a spice or are steam-distilled to produce concentrated clove essential oil.

Cloves are generally composed of 14 percent to 20 percent essential oil. The main chemical component of the oil is eugenol, which is also responsible for its strong fragrance.

In addition to its common medicinal uses (especially for oral health), eugenol is also commonly included in mouthwashes and perfumes, and it’s also employed in the creation of vanilla extract.


Why is clove used to decrease pain and swelling that comes with a toothache?

Eugenol is the ingredient within clove oil that provides pain relief. It’s the major constituent in the aromatic oil extracted from clove, accounting for between 70 percent and 90 percent of its volatile oil.

How can clove oil kill tooth nerve pain? It works by numbing the nerves in your mouth temporarily, lasting for about two to three hours, although it won’t necessarily solve an underlying issue, such as a cavity.

There’s reason to believe that the Chinese have been applying clove as a homeopathic remedy to ease toothache discomfort for over 2,000 years. While clove used to be ground and applied to the mouth, today clove essential oil is readily available and even more powerful due to its high concentration of eugenol and other compounds.

Clove is widely accepted as a reliable solution for dry socket and relieving the pain and discomfort associated with various dental disorders. The Journal of Dentistry, for instance, published a study demonstrating that clove essential oil had the same numbing effect as benzocaine, a topical agent commonly used before needle insertion.

Additionally, research suggests that clove oil has even more benefits for dental health.

Researches in charge of one study evaluated clove’s ability to slow tooth decalcification, or dental erosion, compared to eugenol, eugenyl-acetate, fluoride and a control group. Not only did clove oil lead the pack by significantly decreasing decalcification, but it was observed that it actually helped remineralize and strengthen teeth.

It may also help inhibit cavity-causing organisms, acting a preventative dental aid.


Post time: Mar-29-2024