

Coconut Oil


What is the Coconut Oil ?



      Coconut oil  to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil uses  and benefits go beyond what most people realize, as coconut oil — made from copra or fresh coconut flesh — is a true superfood.

       It’s no wonder the coconut tree is considered the “tree of life” in many tropical locations.

       Coconut oil is made by pressing dried coconut meat, called copra, or fresh coconut meat. To make it, you can use a “dry” or “wet” method.

       The milk and oil from the coconut  are pressed, and then the oil is removed. It has a firm texture at cool or room temperatures because the fats in the oil, which are mostly saturated fats, are made up of smaller molecules.





Coconut Oil Benefits



the health benefits of coconut oil include the following:

1. Aids in Prevention of Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

     Coconut oil is high in natural saturated fats. Saturated fats not only increase the healthy cholesterol (known as HDL cholesterol)  in your body, but also help convert the LDL “bad” cholesterol into good cholesterols.


2. Treats UTI and Kidney Infection and Protects the Liver

     Coconut oil has been known to clear up and improve UTI symptoms and kidney infections. The MCFAs in the oil work as a natural antibiotic by disrupting the lipid coating on bacteria and killing them.


3. Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis

     In an animal study in India, the high levels of antioxidants present in vigin coconut oil  proved to reduce inflammation and improve arthritis symptoms more effectively than leading medications.

In another recent study, Coconut oil that was harvested  with only medium heat was found to suppress inflammatory cells. It worked as both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory.


4. Supports Memory and Brain Function

     Across all the patients there was a marked improvement in their recall ability after taking this fatty acid. The MCFAs are absorbed easily in the body and can be accessed in the brain without the use of insulin. Thus, they are able to fuel brain cells more efficiently.


5. Improves Energy and Endurance

     Coconut oil is easy to digest. It also produces a longer sustained energy and increases your metabolism.







What can coconut oil be used for?

1. Cooking and Baking

      Coconut oil can be used for cooking and baking, and it can be added to smoothies. It’s my oil of choice, since unrefined, natural, organic coconut oil adds a nice coconut flavor but does not contain the harmful toxins other hydrogenated cooking oils often do.

       Plus, adding it to your food or smoothies helps boost energy quickly, and it’s easier to digest than other types of oils. Some ways to use it in your food include:

  • Sautéing veggies and meats
  • Adding a creaminess to your coffee
  • Adding nutrients to your smoothie
  • Replacing unhealthy fats in baked goods

2. Skin and Hair Health

     How do you apply coconut oil to your body? You can simply apply it topically directly to your skin or as a carrier oil for essential oils or blends.

Rubbing it into your skin right after you shower is especially beneficial. It works as a great moisturizer, and it has antimicrobial properties that boost skin and hair health.

Some ways to use it for your skin and hair include:

  • Using as a natural skin moisturizer
  • Fighting premature aging
  • Creating a natural wound salve
  • Making an antifungal cream
  • Making a natural hair conditioner
  • Treating dandruff
  • Detangling hair

3. Mouth and Teeth Health

      It can be used for oil pulling, which is an Ayurvedic practice that works to detoxify the mouth, remove plaque and bacteria, and freshen breath. Swish one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 10–2o minutes, and then dump the oil into the trash.




Amanda 名片


Post time: Aug-11-2023