

Cypress Essential Oil│Uses, Benefits

Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress essential oil is derived from the Italian Cypress tree, or Cupressus sempervirens. A member of the evergreen family, the tree is native to Northern Africa, Western Asia, and Southeastern Europe.

Essential oils have been used for centuries, with the earliest mention of cypress oil documented in 2600 B.C. Mesopotamia, as a natural cough suppressant and anti-inflammatory.

Cypress essential oil is slightly yellow in color, and is extracted from the leaves of the tree using steam or hydrodistillation. With its bold, woody scent, cypress essential oil is a popular ingredient for deodorants, shampoos, and soaps. With natural antimicrobial and astringent qualities, it has also been reported to have several therapeutic benefits such as a respiratory aid and muscle pain reliever.8 Overall Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress Essential Oil Uses

Cypress oil has been used for thousands of years, and continues to be a popular ingredient in many modern products. Read below to learn how to incorporate the woody, floral scent of cypress essential oil into your routine.

Homemade Cypress Essential Oil Soap and Shampoo

Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, cypress essential oil can be used as a natural alternative to shampoos and soaps.2 To make your own shampoo or hand soap at home, add ¼ cup of coconut milk, 2 Tbsp. of sweet almond oil, ½ cup castile liquid soap, and 10-15 drops of cypress essential oil into a mixing bowl. Blend the ingredients together, and pour into a sealable bottle or jar. For a more complex scent, add a few drops of tea tree, or lavender essential oil

Cypress Essential Oil Aromatherapy

The woodsy aroma of cypress essential oil has been reported to help relieve coughs and congestion caused by the common cold.4,5 Pour 4 oz. of water into a diffuser and add 5-10 drops of cypress essential oil.

Alternatively, you can apply 1-6 drops of undiluted cypress essential oil to a clean cloth and inhale as needed, up to 3-times per day.5

Relaxing Cypress Essential Oil Bath

Begin filling your tub with bathwater, and once there is a layer of water covering the bottom of your tub, add 6 drops of cypress essential oil into the water just below the faucet. As the tub continues to fill, the oil will disperse into the water. Climb in, relax, and breathe in the refreshing scent.

Soothing Cypress Essential Oil Compress

For headaches, swelling or aching joints, fill a bowl with cold water. Add 6 drops of cypress essential oil. Take a clean, cotton facecloth and soak the material in the mixture. Apply to sore areas for up to 4 hours. For sore muscles, use hot water instead of cold. Do not apply the mixture to open sores or abrasions.

Natural Cypress Essential Oil Household Cleaner

Put the antibacterial and antifungal properties of cypress essential oil to work as a natural household cleaner. For washing kitchen counters and other hard surfaces, mix 1 cup water, 2 Tbsp. of castile liquid soap, and 20 drops of cypress essential oil into a spray bottle. Shake well, and spray on surfaces before wiping clean.

Be sure to keep the bottle in a cool dark place, and out of the reach of children.

Homemade Cypress Essential Oil Deodorant

Due to its astringent and antimicrobial properties, cypress essential oil also works well as a natural deodorant. To make your own, mix 1/3 cup of warmed coconut oil, 1 ½ Tbsp. of baking soda, 1/3 cup of cornstarch and 4 – 5 drops of cypress essential oil in to a mixing bowl. Stir well, and pour the finished product into a recycled deodorant casing, or a sealable jar to cool and harden. Store in the refrigerator to retain the shape, and use up to 3 times daily.

Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil

In ancient times, cypress essential oil was used to fight cold symptoms; today, research has concluded there is scientific data to support this traditional herbal remedy. Here are the latest scientifically researched benefits of cypress essential oil.

The Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil are:

Antibacterial Benefits
Anti-fungal Properties
Herbicidal Properties
Respiratory Aid Benefits
Antibacterial Activity Benefits of Cypress Essential Oil
A study published in the journal Ancient Science of Life noted that cypress essential oil has significant antibacterial properties.2 During the study, oil was extracted from the leaves of the cypress tree using hydro distillation, and then screened against several fungi and bacteria, including E. Coli. Researchers found that even at low concentrations of 200 mcg/ml, the oil worked to halt growth of bacteria on test surfaces.

Post time: Dec-12-2022