

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil derived from the oval-shaped leaves of eucalyptus trees, originally native to Australia. Manufacturers extract oil from eucalyptus leaves by drying, crushing, and distilling them. More than a dozen species of eucalyptus trees are used to create essential oils, each of which offers its own unique blend of natural compounds and therapeutic benefits, per the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.

While eucalyptus oils evergreen scent and much of its medicinal effects are primarily thanks to a compound called eucalyptol (a.k.a. cineole), eucalyptus oil is packed with numerous natural compounds that work in synergy to produce a variety of health-promoting effects.




Benefits of eucalyptus oil and what it can be used for?

1. Relieve cold symptoms.

When youre sick, stuffed up, and cant stop coughing, eucalyptus oil may help provide some relief. This is because eucalyptol seems to work as a natural decongestant and cough suppressant by helping your body break down mucus and phlegm and opening up your airways, says Dr. Lam. For a soothing home remedy, simply add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam, she says.

2. Reduce pain.

Eucalyptus oil may help ease your pain, too, thanks to eucalyptols anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, adults who were recovering from total knee replacement reported significantly less pain after inhaling eucalyptus oil for 30 minutes for three days in a row compared to those who didnt, according to a 2013 study in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

To naturally treat aches and pains, Dr. Lam suggests breathing in eucalyptus oil by putting one to three drops in a diffuser. However, more research is needed to clarify just how effective eucalyptus oil might be for painso dont expect it to replace your go-to pain meds.


3. Freshen your breath.

Eucalyptus oils natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties can be helpful in reducing the bacteria in your mouth that may contribute to cavities, gingivitis, bad breath, and other oral health issues,says Alice Lee, D.D.S., co-founder of Empire Pediatric Dentistry in New York City. As such, youll often find it in products like toothpastes, mouthwashes, and even gum.

Be careful with do-it-yourself remedies, though: A single drop of eucalyptus oil can go a long way,says Lee. If youre dealing with specific dental issues (like sore gums), contact your dentist to ID the cause and figure out the best line of treatment.


4. Clear up cold sores.

When a cold sore will not go away, any home remedy seems worth a try, and eucalyptus oil might actually help. Research shows multiple compounds in eucalyptus oil can help fight the herpes simplex virus, the source of that super raw spot on your lip, thanks to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, explains Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City.


Post time: Sep-22-2023