

Flaxseed Oil


What Is Flaxseed Oil?



       One thing is for sure — flaxseed oil benefits include being one of nature’s richest and best sources of vegetable-based, vital omega-3 fatty acids. And that’s not all. Flaxseed oil benefits extend beyond its high omega-3 content, which is why it should be added to an integrative health protocol.





Top 7 Flaxseed Oil Benefits



What specifically is flaxseed oil good for? Flaxseed oil benefits are extensive, but here are some of the most impressive when it comes to flaxseed oil benefits.



1. Aids in Weight Loss

     Since flaxseed oil lubricates the colon and works as a natural laxative, it’s excellent at keeping things moving in the digestive system. By helping your body to get rid of food and wastes more quickly, it helps your body to detoxify and shed excess weight.


2. Relieves Constipation and Diarrhea

      Constipation is slower than normal movement of food waste through the digestive tract. It’s generally accompanied by a variety of symptoms, such as bloating, gas, back pain or fatigue. One of the main folk or traditional uses for flaxseed oil has been constipation relief. By acting as a lubricant to the colon, flaxseed oil offers easy and natural constipation relief.


3. Removes Cellulite

      Looking for a natural way to fight cellulite ? As we age, collagen production decreases, but consumption of flaxseed oil helps to increase collagen production.

Structural changes in the skin’s tissues, including weakened collagen, makes cellulite more visible because the skin becomes thinner and less able to conceal the irregularities created by the superficial fat and connective tissue just below its surface. By adding flaxseed oil to your diet, you can actually help to fight the appearance of cellulite.


4. Reduces Eczema

       Eczema  is a common skin disorder that causes dry, red, itchy skin that can blister or crack. It’s generally caused by an allergic response to foods, chemicals or other substances, such as perfumes or soaps.

      In addition to avoiding unhealthy skincare products, you can also greatly improve eczema through your diet. Essential fatty acids help improve skin elasticity and texture, making flaxseed oil one of the top choices for improved skin health in general and pesky skin problems like eczema. 


5. Boosts Heart Health

     There’s evidence that eating foods high in alpha-linolenic acid like flaxseed oil might help prevent and treat heart disease. One study suggests that people who eat a diet high in ALA are less likely to have a fatal heart attack, meaning flaxseed oil might lower risk factors for this common killer.


6. Treats Sjogren’s Syndrome

      Sjogren’s syndrome  is a disorder of the immune system identified by its two most common symptoms — dry eyes and a dry mouth. A number of studies to date have suggested numerous potential associations between diet and tear film health.






Flaxseed Oil vs. Hemp Oil



       Like flaxseed oil, hemp oil is a rich and balanced source of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Hemp oil, which is made by pressing hemp seeds, is a particularly excellent source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid that’s taken as a supplement to fight inflammation. GLA has also been shown to help naturally balance hormones, reduce nerve pain from diabetic neuropathy and improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Although hemp oil comes from the same genus and species as cannabis oil , it only contains trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is what gives cannabis its psychoactive effects.







Amanda 名片



Post time: Aug-11-2023