

Grapefruit Oil

Essential oils have proven to be a powerful remedy for detoxing and improving overall function of various organs. Grapefruit oil, for example, brings amazing benefits to the body as it works as an excellent health tonic that cures most infections in the body and boosts overall health.


What Is Grapefruit Oil?

Grapefruit is a hybrid plant that is a cross between shaddock and sweet orange. The fruit of the plant is round in shape and yellow-orange in color.

The chief components of grapefruit oil include sabinene, myrcene, linalool, alpha-pinene, limonene, terpineol, citronellal, decyl acetate and neryl acetate.

Grapefruit essential oil is extracted from the peel of the fruit using the compression technique. With a fruity flavor and invigorating aroma, just like the fruit, the essential oil also has amazing therapeutic benefits.



Uses of Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit oil blends with other essential oils such as lavender, palmarosa, frankincense, bergamot and geranium.

Grapefruit oil is used in the following ways:

  • In aromatherapy
  • In antiseptic creams
  • For spiritual purposes
  • In skin acne treatments
  • In air fresheners
  • As a flavoring agent
  • In hair cleansers
  • To treat hangovers


Post time: Jul-21-2023