

Green Tea Essential Oil

Green Tea Essential Oil

Maybe many people have not know green tea essential oil in detail. Today, I will take you to understand the green tea essential oil from four aspects.

Introduction of Green Tea Essential Oil

The many well-researched health benefits of green tea make it a great beverage to include in your diet for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, tooth decay, and many others. Green tea comes from the same plant from where normal tea is obtained. Scientifically known as Camellia Sinensis, it is the same tea with a different process. Furthermore, green tea leaves are freshly harvested and quickly steamed to prevent fermentation, resulting in a dry stable product. During that steaming process, the leaves’ color is undisturbed allowing the tea to maintain its green color.

Green Tea Essential Oil Effects & Benefits

1. Help Protect Heart Health

Consumption of flavan-3-ols and anthocyanidin antioxidants, the types found in green tea, is beneficial for metabolic and cardiovascular health.  It also has more ACE-inhibiting properties than many other plant foods that are commonly consumed, which helps increase the amount of blood your heart pumps and lowers blood pressure. Not only do bioflavonoids have anti-inflammatory capabilities, but they’re also antithrombogenic, antidiabetic, anticancer and neuroprotective compounds.

2. May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s or Memory Loss

The antioxidants flavonoids may also protect the brain from oxidative stress. However, because humans ingest other antioxidants in the form of vitamins and plant polyphenols, it’s likely that a much lower quantity could be effective in protecting memory.

3. Help Protect Brain Cells From Free Radical Damage

Epicatechin seemed to promote blood vessel growth in the brain. Epicatechin may protect brain cells through mechanisms unrelated to its antioxidant ability, as epicatechin is one of the few flavonoids that can cross the blood-brain barrier.

4. May Help Prevent Diabetes or Insulin Resistance

Certain studies indicate that intake of flavan-3-ols and/or anthocyanidins found in green tea may improve glycemic control and help normalize blood sugar levels. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, green tea is believed to be beneficial for those who are at-risk or diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Green tea’s catechins, especially EGCG, appear to have anti-obesity and antidiabetic effects.

5. Promote Bone Health

The catechins also increased bone mineralization and weakened the activity of cells that reabsorb bone rather than form it.

6. Prevents Eye Disease and Protects Vision

Consuming more catechins may help protect the eyes from oxidative damage and vision loss.

7. May Reduce Your Appetite

According to some research findings, consuming antioxidants found in green tea, especially catechins and the compound called EGCG, may promote metabolic health and modestly prevent weight gain.


JiAn ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.Ltd


Green Tea Essential Oil Uses

1. Olfactory aromatherapy:

This is the most classic aromatherapy of essential oils. Essential oils are highly volatile substances that can be spread at room temperature, and we use the breath to inhale essential oil molecules into the body

Method: Diffuser method: There are plug-in, smokeless candles or diffusers without adding water.

2. Hot water steam method:

Drop 1-3 drops of essential oil in near-boiling hot water, and breathe alternately through the mouth and nose to send the essential oil molecules into the lung circulation and reach the whole body, but it is not suitable for asthmatic patients.

Handkerchief method: Put 1-3 drops of essential oil on a handkerchief that you carry with you, it can be used at any time.

3. Massage absorption method:

Most essential oils need to be blended with a carrier oil before they can be applied to the skin. The best time to massage is just after taking a shower, the skin is slightly damp, the pores are dilated, and the blood circulation is good.

Example: mixing 2% massage oil or lotion

Base oil or lotion: 30ML

Essential oils: 12 drops of 1~4 types, drop into the base oil or emulsion, shake evenly.

4. According to the application method:

Put 3-5 drops of essential oil on a towel, which can be used for cold or hot compress; or dilute with base oil and rub directly on the affected area.

5. Bathing method:

Before soaking, drop the essential oil and stir well, or dilute it with base oil first, you can add 1-3 kinds of essential oil, the total number of drops is 5-8 drops, the water temperature should not be overheated, otherwise the essential oil will volatilize quickly, soaking time 15 – 20 minutes will do.

6. Daily usage:

You can drop peppermint essential oil into your shampoo, and it will have a surprising improvement on dandruff or oily scalp. If you have cats or dogs at home, you can also add a few drops of eucalyptus when mopping the floor Or tea tree essential oil, not only can prevent fleas on pets, but also help clean the environment.

7. In-depth application method:

Pure essential oils are not only used for SPA and aromatherapy, but also can be formulated into natural perfumes, balms, handmade soaps, lip balms and many other skin care and aromatherapy products.


Green tea is useful for depression, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), inflammatory bowel disease, and weight loss. It also helps ease stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and may reduce osteoporosis . Some of the antioxidants and healing compounds found in green tea include polyphenols, catechins and various other types of flavonoids — the same anti-aging compounds found in things like red wine, blueberries and dark chocolate. The benefits of green tea are due to the fact this tea contains more healing compounds than many other herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables, truly making it a powerful “superfood.”

Precautions: When you consume green tea in excess, it may give rise to insomnia, restlessness, irritability, loss of appetite, constipation, and acute caffeine addiction.

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Post time: Oct-08-2023