

Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

Avocado oil has recently grown in popularity as more people learn of the benefits of incorporating healthy sources of fat into their diets.

Avocado oil may benefit health in several ways. It’s a good source of fatty acids known to support and protect the health of the heart. Avocado oil also provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances, such as carotenoids and vitamin E.

Not only is avocado oil nutritious, but it’s safe for high-heat cooking and can be used in various ways to create delicious and heart-healthy meals.


High in Health-Promoting Fatty Acids

Avocado oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which are fat molecules that can help lower your LDL cholesterol.1 Avocado oil is composed of 71% monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), 13% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and 16% saturated fatty acids (SFA).

Diets rich in monounsaturated fats have been associated with several health benefits, including protecting against conditions like heart disease. A study that included data on over 93,000 people found people who consumed MUFAs from plant sources had a significantly lower risk of dying from heart disease and cancer.

The same study showed replacing SFAs and MUFAs from animal sources with a similar caloric intake of MUFAs from plant sources significantly lowered overall risk of mortality.3

Other research shows when MUFAs from plant foods replace SFAs, trans fats, or refined carbohydrates, heart disease risk is significantly reduced.

Also, one of the main fats in avocado oil, oleic acid, may help support a healthy body weight by regulating appetite and energy expenditure and reducing abdominal fat.


Is a Good Source of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a nutrient that performs critical roles in the body. It functions as a powerful antioxidant,  protecting cells against oxidative damage that may otherwise lead to disease. The nutrient is also involved in immune function, cellular communication, and other metabolic processes.6

Additionally, vitamin E supports heart health by preventing blood clotting and promoting blood flow. It also helps prevent oxidative changes to LDL cholesterol. Oxidative changes to LDL cholesterol play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis, or plaque build-up in the arteries, which is the main cause of heart disease.6

Though vitamin E is essential to health, most people in the United States don’t consume enough vitamin E to support overall health. Study findings suggest around 96% of women and 90% of men in the U.S. have insufficient intake of vitamin E, which could negatively impact health in a number of ways.7

Research shows a two-tablespoon serving of avocado oil provides around seven milligrams (mg) of vitamin E, which equates to 47% of the Daily Value (DV). However, vitamin E levels can vary depending on the processing avocado oil goes through before it reaches grocery store shelves.8

Refined avocado oil, which typically undergoes heat treatment, will have lower levels of vitamin E as heat degrades certain compounds found in oils, including vitamins and protective plant compounds.8

To ensure you’re purchasing an avocado oil product that provides a higher amount of vitamin E, opt for unrefined, cold-pressed oils.

Contains Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Plant Compounds 

Avocado oil contains plant compounds that are known to support health, including polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, and carotenoids.2

These compounds help protect against oxidative damage and regulate inflammation in the body. Studies show diets rich in antioxidants, such as carotenoids and polyphenols, could help protect against several health conditions, including heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.910

Though human research is limited, results from cell studies and animal research suggest avocado oil has significant cellular-protective effects and may help decrease oxidative stress and inflammation.1112

However, like with vitamin E, the refining process can significantly reduce the antioxidant content of avocado oil. If you’d like to reap the benefits of the protective substances found in avocado oil, it’s best to purchase unrefined, cold-pressed avocado oil.


Post time: Aug-17-2024