

Helichrysum Essential Oil

What Is Helichrysum Essential Oil?


       Helichrysum is a member of the Asteraceae plant family and is native to the mediterranean  region, where it’s been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years, especially in countries like Italy, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

      Modern science now confirms what traditional populations have known for centuries: Helichrysum essential oil contains special properties that make it an antioxidant, an antibacterial, an antifungal and an anti-inflammatory. As such, it can be used in dozens of different ways to boost health and ward off disease. Some of its most popular uses are for treating wounds, infections, digestive problems, supporting the nervous system and heart health, and healing respiratory conditions.





 Helichrysum Essential Oil Benefits


      In traditional Mediterranean medicine practices that have been using helichrysum oil for centuries, its flowers and leaves are the most useful parts of the plant. They are prepared in different ways to treat conditions, including: 

  • Allergies 
  • Acne
  • Colds
  • Cough
  • Skin inflammation
  • Wound healing
  • Constipation 
  • Indigestion and acid reflux 
  • Liver diseases
  • Gallbladder disorders
  • Inflammation of the muscles and joints
  • Infections
  • Candia 
  • Insomnia
  • Stomachaches
  • Bloating





1. Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Skin Helper

      To use helichrysum essential oil for soothing and healing the skin, combine with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil and rub the mixture onto onto the area of concern for hives, redness, scars, blemishes, rashes and shaving irritation. If you have a rash or poison ivy, applying helichrysum mixed with lavender oil can help cool and soothe any itching.

 2. Acne Treatment

        Another specific way to use helichrysum oil on your skin is as a natural acne remedy. According to medical studies, helichrysum has strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties that make it a great natural acne treatment. It also works without drying the skin or causing redness and other unwanted side effects (like the ones by harsh chemical acne treatments or medications)

3. Anti-Candida 

       According to in vitro studies, the special compounds in helichrysum oil — called acetophenones, phloroglucinols and terpenoids — appear to demonstrate antifungal actions against harmful Candida albicans growth.  Candida is a common type of yeast infection caused by Candida albicans. The infection can occur in the mouth, intestinal tract or vagina, and it may also affect skin and other mucous membranes. If you have candida symptoms,  you definitely don’t want to ignore them.

4. Anti-Inflammatory that Helps Boost Heart Health

       The hypotensive action of helichrysum improves the condition of blood vessels by lowering inflammation,  increasing smooth muscle function and lowering high blood pressure, according to a 2008 study done by the School of Medical Sciences at the University of Durban. During the in vivo/in vitro animal study, the observed cardiovascular effects of using helichrysum oil support the basis for its possible use in the management of high blood pressure  and the protection of heart health — just like it’s been traditionally used for many years in European folkloric medicine. 

5. Natural Digestive and Diuretic

       Helichrysum helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juices that are needed to break down food and prevent indigestion. For thousands of years in Turkish folk medicine, the oil has been used as a diuretic, helping reduce bloating by drawing excess water out of the body, and for relieving stomachaches.

The flowers of Helichrysum italicum are also a traditional remedy for the treatment of various intestinal complaints and are used as an herbal tea for curing digestive, stomach-related, damaged  gut and intestinal diseases.




Post time: May-27-2023