

How to use Osmanthus Essential Oil

Known by its Latin name, Osmanthus Fragrans, the oil derived from the Osmanthus flower is used not only for its delicious scent but also for several therapeutic purposes.


What is Osmanthus oil?

From the same botanical family as Jasmine, Osmanthus fragrans is an Asian native shrub that produces flowers full of precious volatile aromatic compounds.

This plant with flowers that bloom in the spring, summer, and autumn and originates from eastern countries such as China. Related to the lilac and jasmine flowers, these flowering plants may be grown on farms, but is often preferred when wild crafted.

The colors of the flowers of the Osmanthus plant may range from slivery-white tones to reddish to golden orange and may also be referred to as “sweet olive”.


Benefits of Osmanthus oil

 Osmanthus essential oil  is rich in beta-ionone, part of a group of (ionone) compounds that are often referred to as “rose ketones” because of their presence in a variety of floral oils—especially Rose.

Osmanthus has been shown in clinical research to reduce feelings of stress when inhaled. It has a calming and relaxing effect on emotions. When you are encountering major setbacks, the uplifting aroma of Osmanthus essential oil is just like a star that brightens the world that could lift your mood! 

Just like other floral essential oils, Osmanthus essential oil has good skincare benefits where it is able to slow down signs of aging, making the skin brighter and more fair.



What dose Osmanthus smell like?

Osmanthus is highly fragrant with a scent that is reminiscent of peaches and apricots. In addition to being fruity and sweet, it has a slightly floral, smoky scent. The oil itself has a yellowish to golden brown color and typically has a medium viscosity.

Along with having a fruity aroma that is very distinct among floral oils, its amazing scent means that perfumers very much like to use Osmanthus oil in their fragrance creations.

Blended with various other flowers, spices, or other fragrant oils, Osmanthus may be used in body products such as lotions or oils, candles, home fragrances, or perfumes.

The fragrance of osmanthus is rich, fragrant, elegant, and exhilarating.



Common uses of Osmanthus oil

Add a few drops of Osmanthus oil to a carrier oil and massage into tired and over exerted muscles to help sooth and bring comfort

Diffuse in the air to provide concentration and reduce stress when meditating

Helps to increase low libido or other sex related problems because of its aphrodisiac properties

Apply topically to injured skin to help speed up recovery

Apply to wrists and inhales for a positive aromatic experience

Use in a massage to promote vitality and energy

Apply to the face to promote hydrated skin


Post time: Oct-21-2023