

Introduction of Shea Butter Oil

Shea Butter Oil

Maybe many people have not know shea butter oil in detail. Today, I will take you to understand the shea butter oil from four aspects.

Introduction of Shea Butter Oil

Shea oil is one of the byproducts of shea butter production, which is a popular nut butter derived from the nuts of the shea tree. While it contains many of the same nutrients and active compounds, the butter tends to have higher levels of stearic acid, which gives it some of the thickness and texture. Aside from stearic acid, the oil has many of the same fatty acids as shea butter. The oil also contains various vitamins and antioxidants that can have significant effects on the body. In terms of color, the oil has a slightly yellow color, similar to shea butter, but it doesn’t have the same protective effects, due to its consistency. Therefore, if you want to apply more of a shield for your skin, shea butter may be a better option.未标题-1 Shea+Butter+Benefits+ general_shea-butter_nokware_skincare

Shea Butter Oil Effects & Benefits

  1. Moisturizer

Many of the volatile acids in this oil are able to be absorbed by the skin quite easily, helping to trap moisture and keep your skin healthy and your cells functioning properly.

  1. Inflammation

If you are suffering from pain in your joints or the symptoms of an inflammatory skin condition, you can apply a few drops of this oil, and the anti-inflammatory activity of oleic, palmitic, and stearic acid will help to reduce pain.

  1. Hair Care

If you apply this oil to frizzy or unruly hair, you can keep your hair straight, making it much easier to style your hair and boost luster.

  1. Antioxidants

The antioxidants in this oil are excellent for any form of oxidative stress or inflammation, meaning that it can help prevent free radical activity in the body, including slowing the onset of wrinkles on the face and reducing the risk of developing chronic disease.

  1. Acne

With good levels of vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants, this oil can help to clear up acne symptoms. Shea oil, being a non-comedogenic, can also help eliminate the blockage in the pores by improving the balance of moisture and oil on your skin.

  1. Congestion

Small amounts of this oil rubbed near the nose or temples can help to reduce congestion in the face. This is both due to the topical absorption and the aromatic compounds acting as an expectorant.

  1. Cracked Heels

If you spend a lot of time on your feet, you may have dry, cracked heels, but the moisturizing and healing properties of this oil can solve that annoying condition.


JiAn ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.Ltd


Shea Butter Oil Uses

There are a number of excellent uses for shea oil, including as a massage oil, facial oil, body oil, and hair oil.

l Massage:

As a massage oil, only 5-10 drops are needed and can be rubbed into the back, sore muscles or temples for fast relief of soreness in the muscles. This is due to the rapid absorption, vitamins, and antioxidants present in the oil.

l Face:

You can apply this oil to patches of inflammation on the face, as well as for bags under the eyes and wrinkles. Applying only a few drops, along with a carrier oil, can be enough for good results when done daily for 1-2 weeks.

l Body:

If you have rough patches of skin or inflammation, rub a few drops into the area once a day for a week to see results.

l Hair:

Mixing some of this oil into your shampoo and conditioner can lead to a healthier scalp, fewer split ends, and less unwanted hair loss.


Shea butter is a unique substance made from raw fats extracted from shea nut that can be used both internally and externally to improve your health. Shea butter is made from a type of fat that is found in the nuts of an African tree – the shea tree.When the fat is extracted from the nut, it can be processed in various ways to make it more versatile and useful, both in food preparation and cosmetic products. As a triglyceride, this butter is primarily composed of oleic and stearic acids, both of which have a wide range of effects on human health.

Precautions: Some people do experience topical inflammation when using this oil, particularly if they are using excessive quantities. When using it for the first time, apply a small amount to a limited area and watch for any negative side effects. 许中香名片英文

Post time: Nov-04-2023