

Introduction of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ Oil

Maybe many people have not know wheat germ in detail. Today, I will take you to understand the wheat germ oil from four aspects.

Introduction of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil is derived from the germ of the wheat berry, which is the nutrient-dense core that feeds the plant as it grows. Since oil makes up roughly 10-14% of the wheat germ, which is an agricultural byproduct, so extract processes like pressing and solvent extraction are used. The more refined wheat germ oil is, the fewer usable nutrients it contains for human health. The uses of this oil are in culinary applications, but generally, this specialty oil is used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. The many benefits of this oil come from the rich supply of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids it contains, as well as vitamins A, E, B, and D and other volatile compounds and antioxidants.

Wheat Germ Oil Effects & Benefits

  1. Hair Care

This oil is a rich source of omega-6 fatty acid, also known as linoleic acid, which is known to be nourishing for the hair. When massaged into the scalp (in a diluted form) or mixed into shampoos and conditioners (10:1 ratio is a proper dilution), this oil can help the appearance and strength of your hair, and even prevent premature hair loss and dandruff.

  1. Eliminates Skin Inflammation

Applying wheat germ oil to the inflamed or irritated skin has been a popular practice for generations. Due to the high levels of tocopherols (such as vitamin E) in this oil, it is able to nourish the skin and stimulate blood flow to speed healing, which can also eliminate inflammation and any swelling in the affected areas. This makes the oil an effective remedy for psoriasis, eczema, and various other common skin conditions.

  1. Improves Heart Health

The omega-3 found in wheat germ oil is known to lower cholesterol levels and help promote good circulation. This can not only cause a decrease in blood pressure but also lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Increased circulation also ensures proper growth and healing in various parts of the body. However, it is important to remember that this oil also includes a high level of omega-6 fatty acids, and can contribute to higher cholesterol when consumed in large quantities.

  1. Prevents Aging

The antioxidant effects of wheat germ oil are well known, not only for the skin, but also for the rest of the body. Applying wheat germ oil to the skin can help reduce oxidative stress, minimize the appearance of wrinkles and scars, and increase collagen formation between new cells. Internally, this oil can also seek out and neutralize free radicals, effectively lowering your risk of developing chronic disease.

  1. Prevents Obesity

Using this oil also comes with a metabolic boost, which promotes more passive fat-burning, which is important for people trying to lose weight. Omega-3 fatty acids are also a rich source of energy for the body that isn’t deposited as fat, so it can help cut down your belly and increase your calorie-burning efficiency, when used in moderation.

  1. Boosts Cognitive Health

The combination of vitamin E, A, and other antioxidants in wheat germ oil have proven it to be quite a brain booster. By neutralizing free radical activity in neural pathways and preventing the deposition of beta-amyloid plaque, these antioxidants can boost memory and attention, while also lowering your risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

  1. Controls Diabetes

One of the other key nutrients found in wheat germ oil is magnesium, an essential mineral for our diet, and also a significant force behind blood sugar regulation in the body. Keeping insulin and glucose levels under control is important for people with or at risk of developing diabetes.

  1. Increases Energy Levels

If you often feel fatigued or weak, you may need a more natural energy boost than coffee. The omega-3 fatty acids found in wheat germ oil can rapidly translate into usable energy for the body’s muscles. Furthermore, the increased circulation caused by wheat germ oil can help increase energy levels as well!


JiAn ZhongXiang Natural Plants Co.Ltd


Wheat Germ Oil Uses

Wheat germ oil can be added to various food items in the following way:

l Wheat germ oil may be added to smoothies, yoghurt, ice cream and cereals.

l Wheat germ oil capsules are available in a fixed dose.

l It can be added to pasta or salad as a flavouring agent.


Wheat germ is a by-product derived from wheat milling process. Wheat germ is used in the cosmetic, food and medical industry. Egypt is one of the largest producers of wheat germ. Wheat germ oil has a slightly nutty, pleasantly grainy, sweet flavour with several potential uses. The many benefits of wheat germ oil include soothing the skin, preventing signs of aging, stimulating cognition, eliminating acne, protecting heart health, strengthening the hair, increasing energy, managing diabetes, and helping with weight loss goals, among others. There are some concerns when using this, such as the risk of gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, skin irritation, and certain complications with pre-existing medical conditions.

Precautions: If someone in your family has had wheat allergy, you must take extra precautions before consuming it.


Post time: Feb-24-2024